Submarine Kazan: photos and specifications

In the spring of 2017, March 31, the first Russian multi-purpose submarine Kazan was launched. A bottle of champagne on its side was broken by the commander - captain 1st rank Alexander Beketov. Russia has reached the level of the pre-Soviet number of running days at sea for the submarine fleet. And the new submarine Kazan will not remain idle.

submarine kazan

Kazan is the sister of Severodvinsk

This boat is the "younger sister" of the nuclear submarine Severodvinsk from the Ash project. The latter went through as many as 17 years of design and construction before launching in 2010. But the submarine "Kazan" 855 was born in just eight years. And the age difference is significant - such sonar and low noise did not even dream of an older sister. The Kazan nuclear submarine is a hybrid of the Project 971 Cheetah underwater hunter and the Kursk Project 949A submarine with cruise missiles, which is truly multi-purpose and very dangerous.

Kazan is a story

Since 1977, in the Soviet Union, three design bureaus have worked on the creation of fourth-generation submarines with the following company colors: red Rubin (St. Petersburg), green Malachite (St. Petersburg) and blue Lazurite ( Gorky city). The first specialized in anti-ship armament boats, the second developed multipurpose boats, and the third worked on an anti-submarine system. But the submarines cost the state more and more expensive, so it was decided to combine the efforts of all the bureaus in the Malachite project Ash. The base submarine of the K-560 project is Severodvinsk. And the Kazan submarine K-561 is the first in the upgraded project 855 Yasen-M. Five more boats are planned - Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Arkhangelsk, Perm and Ulyanovsk.

nuclear submarine kazan

"Ash" 855

The project inherited many features of the predecessors of these submarines: the drop-shaped form of the hull and the unique wheelhouse enclosure inherent in all boats of the Malachite Design Bureau. But the internal filling of the ship violated the traditions of Soviet shipbuilding and became an exception to the rule. Today, this project remains the most secret in the entire military-industrial complex. Information about the installed equipment is scarce, but the main tactical characteristics are known.

Characteristics of the submarine Kazan

Type of ship



"Ash" 855

Surface speed

16 knots

Underwater speed

31 knots

Autonomous swimming

100 days


64 people

Power point

Water-water reactor OK-650V

Immersion depth


520 meters


600 meters

Submarine Dimensions


139.2 meters


13 meters

Average draft

9.4 meters



8.6 tons


13.8 tons


Torpedo mine

Ten 533-mm torpedo tubes, USET-80 torpedoes


8/4 Onyx and Caliber launchers

Design solutions

Unlike submarines of the third generation, boats of the fourth have not a double hull, but a half hull structure. The light hull covers only part of the Kazan submarine - the bow and the superstructure of the missile silos. The case and screw with seven sickle-shaped blades are made of their low-magnetic steel. In the bow there is a spherical antenna of the Amphora sonar station of the new generation of the Irtysh complex. Because of this placement, torpedo tubes were removed from the bow.

submarine kazan characteristics

Power point

The submarine Kazan is equipped with a water-atomic reactor with an integrated layout and primary pipelines located in the reactor vessel. This design significantly reduces the likelihood of accidents and emergency situations. The information management system constantly monitors the level of radiation. In addition, it significantly reduces the noise level, even at a speed of 25 knots. The service life is comparable with the service life of the submarine, and is 30 years. In order to reduce noise, all nodes and units of the submarine are equipped with systems for its suppression. And at low speeds, the boat has the ability to go on electric motors, which also makes it inconspicuous on enemy radars.

submarine kazan 855

Housing compartments

The hull of the submarine is divided into nine compartments.

  • The first is the central post and access to the pop-up rescue chamber, where the entire crew can fit.
  • The second is torpedo.
  • The third is technological, where the equipment for general ship systems is located.
  • The fourth is residential.
  • The fifth is rocket.
  • Sixth - here is the reactor and surge tank, which holds the boat at a depth during firing.
  • The seventh and eighth are technological, the main balance tanks are located here.
  • Ninth - cruciform tail.
    submarine kazan 855

"City killers" - rivalry between the USA and the USSR

Since the middle of the last century, submarine shipbuilding has become the main thing between the two superpowers. It is nuclear submarines that are the most dangerous part of the nuclear triad of any army. Finding an underwater submarine with ballistic missiles on board today is not so simple. The Kazan submarine K-561 (according to the NATO classification of Graney) is put on a par with the American SeaWolf and Virginia, although our boat is considered more multi-functional. In terms of noise, it is not inferior to American rivals, and in terms of armament, it surpasses them and is more similar to Ohio submarines ("Ohio" class SSBN / SSGN).

submarine kazan 855

The second "Kazan"

The K-561 submarine is not the first with the same name. The submarine K-403 was also called "Kazan". This second-generation nuclear boat, which is part of the Northern Fleet of the Navy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and then of the Russian Federation, has served faithfully from 1971 to 2005 and has completed many test and combat raids. Today, the K-403 cabin is installed as a memorial in the Victory Park of the city of Kazan. I would also like to wish K-561, the first modernized Kazan of the fourth generation of Russian nuclear submarines, to have the same long, almost trouble-free life and seven feet under the keel!

new submarine kazan

Secret but famous

Despite the secrecy of the project, the atomic submarine Kazan has already become popular in popular culture. She destroyed two frigates, but was sunk in the novel "Supreme Commander" Mark Greni. But in the historical saga of John Scatter “Kirov” her life is longer - for three volumes she participates in battles in the Caribbean, drowns the aircraft carrier “George Washington” and chases the rebel captain of the cruiser “Kirov”.


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