T-99 "Priority" or T-14 "Armata"

Discussions about the creation of fourth-generation tanks have been going on for quite some time. A certain obsolescence of third-generation equipment became noticeable already in the 1990s in connection with the improvement of anti-tank warfare and the transition to hybrid wars. Accordingly, not only the requirements of the best survivability and firepower apply to fourth-generation tanks, as in the era of the Cold War. In modern local wars, maneuverability of equipment and the availability of modern surveillance systems are very important. This is due to the fact that the main enemy is usually not tanks, but mobile infantry formations with light anti-tank weapons. Crew survival requirements are also increasing. To a certain extent, these problems are solved by modernization, but far from completely.

First impression


Tank T-99 "Priority" did not arise from scratch, but became the heir to several promising developments. Soviet T-72 and T-80 tanks were perfectly adapted to repulse a massive tank attack of a hypothetical enemy, surpassing their Western counterparts in terms of price-quality ratio. However, local conflicts quickly revealed their serious shortcomings.

First of all, this is the poor survival of the crew after breaking through the armor, since the ammunition is not isolated by an armored partition. And the second problem was the lag in equipping modern electronics.

Based on the T-72 chassis and the T-80 turret, the new T-90 tank was only a temporary solution. To replace it, the promising Black Eagle tank was developed in Omsk, and the T-95 project in Chelyabinsk. Both developments were eventually phased out. But much of them found its application in the T-99 "Priority" or T-14 "Armata" tank. Currently, the second version of the name is more common. But until the equipment passes all the tests and is accepted for service in the final version, the name can still be changed.

View from the stern

General information

The named tank is still secret, but certain information about it is gradually accumulating.

The latest Russian T-99 tank is currently the only fourth generation fully embodied in metal tank. Its layout is radically different from all Soviet combat vehicles.

The tower is completely uninhabited, which greatly improved the safety of the crew. The team is in an isolated armored capsule. Crew members, who, according to some, are two, and according to others - three, are sitting shoulder to shoulder in front of the tank. The main succession of the T-99 "Priority" relative to previous tanks is the rear-mounted engine, a relatively small mass and a standard 125 mm gun caliber.

View from above

Knot layout and armor

The 1200-horsepower engine and transmission are as isolated as possible from each other. In a separate armored compartment there is also an automatic loader with ammunition. All this is designed to protect equipment as much as possible in case of penetration of armor from fire and detonation of ammunition.

The T-99 Priority armor, like any modern tank, is made according to the composite principle. It alternates layers of steel, composites and air layers, which allows you to maximize the stability of the reservation with a small thickness. With the same thickness, the armor resistance of composite armor can be two or more times higher than that of classical homogeneous.

In the reservation of the tank, a new steel grade 44C-sv-Sh was used, characterized by high hardness combined with high viscosity. It is assumed that this is medium carbon steel with the addition of silicon. Vanadium and molybdenum additives are also likely. On top of the composite armor, a built-in multilayer dynamic protection of the Malachite type is strengthened, covered with a five-millimeter armor plate to protect against operation when bullets hit. In addition, the T-99 Priority is equipped with the latest Afganit active defense system.

Tower close up


The tank is equipped with a fully automated 125mm 2A82-1C cannon, which is a further development of the T-72 family of cannons, and two machine guns, course and anti-aircraft. It should be noted that the question was repeatedly raised to equip the tank with a 152 mm cannon, and the design of the tank allows this

But the caliber of 152 mm will significantly make the tank heavier, reduce ammunition and rate of fire. And its main advantages are only in the battle of the tank against the tank. In modern hybrid wars, mobility and rate of fire are much more important. The benefit of a 125 mm gun is enough to destroy Western tanks at a distance of up to 1.5 kilometers.

Possible disadvantages

The design of the T-99 Priority is still being finalized. But there are some controversial points. First of all, this is an excessive emphasis on electronics, the survivability of which in combat conditions is not yet clear. In the event of a failure even of a small node, the crew sitting in an armored capsule will not be able to do anything. In addition, it perfectly protects the crew, but makes it difficult to evacuate it if the tank is nevertheless hit.

Obviously, the newest Russian tank T-99 Priority or T-14 Armata was a breakthrough. However, at this stage, it is very important to conduct comprehensive tests to eliminate all childhood diseases of a formidable car, since after the start of mass production it will be quite difficult to change an expensive design.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34541/

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