Kiwi Personal Account: Services and Opportunities

Online payment systems mean convenience and comfort of settlements, saving time and resources. The main task of the user is the choice of such a financial holding company that will provide a minimum period for any operation, understandable and simple tools for their implementation, a small commission. All these requirements are met by the QIWI payment system. Its main advantages are the speed of financial transactions and the uncomplicated interface of the official website. In order to take full advantage of the holding service, you need to register a personal account. Kiwi provides this opportunity to everyone without restrictions.

Kiwi personal account


To carry out this procedure, the user needs to use the "Create a wallet" icon. After clicking on it, enter your mobile phone number and character set into captcha. Virtually everything. After that, the client will already have a Qiwi wallet, personal account. Entrance is also carried out using a mobile phone, more precisely, its number. He is the login of the payment system client.

Some features

It is no secret that no site provides full functionality to unregistered users. QIWI is no exception. So what are the possibilities provided to the user-owner of the Kiwi-jack? Personal account, first of all, makes it possible to tie up a card of almost any bank to the system. Needless to say, payments, transfers, transfers with a credit card are convenient, intuitive?

Kiwi Jack Personal Account

Entering your personal account, the user can replenish his electronic wallet, as well as withdraw funds from it at any time convenient for him. There are several ways to carry out such financial transactions. Omitting the opportunity to resort to a bank card, we can distinguish several of the most convenient ones:

  • replenishment from the accounts of mobile operators MTS, Megafon, Beeline, etc .;
  • use of Euroset network services;
  • cash transfer via terminals.

About the latter method is worth telling in more detail. So, the Kiwi personal account gives its owner the right to use a unique service.

Maps and mobile apps

The first page of your personal account provides the opportunity to use some convenient services. One of them is mobile applications. They can be used by owners of gadgets on Android, as well as fans of the iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone. The system itself does not upload mobile applications on its website, but from its pages you can click on the direct link to download programs.

Kiwi wallet personal account

Having entered the Qiwi personal account using a telephone and a mobile application, a user can easily determine the location of payment system terminals. To do this, the client just needs to make a few clicks on the pages of the site. In the menu "Refill" there is a link to the service "On the map of the city." It is there that maps of any, even the smallest, settlement of the Russian Federation are located.

Placements of terminals on the diagrams are indicated by special icons. Each of them is additionally equipped with an exact address. On the street or in the subway, in the supermarket or at the train station - almost everywhere, a QIWI payment system client can easily find a terminal.


Kiwi's personal account, like any other serious account, has several alternatives that allow customers to expand the functionality of the system. By going to the "Settings" menu, the user can connect three types of electronic wallet.

  1. "Anonymous." The owner of the wallet with this name does not have the right to transfer funds, purchase all types of holding cards. The system also imposes a limit on the amount of financial transactions. The ability to make payments is limited to 15,000 rubles.
  2. "Partially identified." To purchase such a wallet, the payment system offers to enter some personal data to the client . In addition to the surname, name, patronymic, the form must indicate the date of birth, series and passport number. After registration, the electronic wallet will become a tool that will increase the limit on payments up to 60,000 rubles, remove restrictions on money transfers, and allow you to issue a virtual Visa card.
  3. “Fully Identified.” Registration of this type of electronic wallet is possible only in the retail networks of the system partners (the list is available on the QIWI website) upon presentation of a passport. A fully identified account gives its copyright holder not only the opportunity to use all the functionality, but also protects against fraud.

Kiwi wallet personal account entrance

Kiwi wallet, personal account: security

Even with the Anonymous account, the client can not worry about the safety of their funds. A five-step security system is a fairly reliable protection of electronic money.


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