Thoughtform is ... The concept, definition, main provisions, types of thoughtforms, examples and materialization of meaning

Many of those who know how to translate their thoughts into reality have long known their nature. Such people understand that thought is not just a phrase that accidentally flashed through the mind and disappeared forever. In fact, each of the ideas is able to be embodied in the material world. That is why sages and philosophers of all times recommended to monitor the state of their own thoughts - because sooner or later they can be realized.

thoughtform creation process

Thinking process

One of the most important concepts for modern esotericists is a thought form. Whenever a person silently discusses something, his idea in the form of a cloud begins to radiate from his head. Of course, you cannot see this with the naked eye. All this happens on the subtle, energetic plane.

the importance of positive images in the mind

Creation of a thought form

At the same time, a thinking person has a certain energy message. The thought form is such a living construction that exists in the astral plane due to human thinking, but which has not yet been embodied in the material world. Her man himself gives rise to his own thoughts, nourishes his energy. The only way these images differ so far from objects or living beings of the material world is the absence of a physical body. In the rest, the thought form is no different from earthly things. She has an astral body, it is filled with a mental essence, which is commonly called information among people.

The latter, it should be noted, is an integral property of thought. Information is both the essence and the form of thought. Depending on what kind of data a person puts into information, the living design created by him will contain the ideas of good or evil.

Energy flows of ordinary people

Thought forms are constructions that a person constantly generates, with the exception of periods of sleep. In an average person, the mental body is extremely poorly developed. This does not allow him to think deeply, in detail, to analyze information coming from outside, to independently generate strong thought forms. Such a person is more capable of perceiving other people's ideas.

That is how most people think. Their contents, as a rule, are everyday little things, discussions about everyday problems, superficial feelings and desires.

What makes strong people different

There are also people who emit a more powerful energy flow. When dealing with them, your head may even hurt. The impact of their thoughts is felt very strongly. It seems that such a person seeks to hammer his ideas into the heads of others - their mental pressure is so strong. However, he does not need to wave his arms or in any way try to prove his worth. He has a very strong life energy.

materialization of thoughts

So, a person generates astral constructions, which are called thought forms. They have their own body, which consists of astral matter and has an independent internal essence. It is woven from mental energy, which possesses the information that a person invested in it. The design created by the thinker can live for a very long time. Some esotericists believe that it can exist for centuries and even millennia - until the moment when the energy is completely dissipated.

From this it can be understood that thought forms are very powerful creations that have a serious impact on the world. The impact of an aggressive person can be very scary. The more intelligent he is, the stronger his thinking, the more terrifying mental constructions he creates.

mysterious dream

Types and examples of ideological constructions

How many people exist, so many forms of thoughts can be found. After all, each person has his own view of the world, his own life story. Therefore, the nature of mental constructions largely depends on the individuality of a person. In total, there are two main types of thought forms - positive and negative. Everyday thoughts that visit a person usually do not create sustainable thought forms. If someone is looking for keys around the apartment, thinking about them, or thinking about the details of a working draft in a neutral way, his ideas do not create persistent mental structures in the subtle plane.

The following can be cited as positive examples of thought forms:

  1. "I'm alright".
  2. β€œI am happy to live in this country. I am satisfied with the conditions in which I was born and raised. ”
  3. "I love my family".
  4. β€œEverything will be all right with my children. They will grow up worthy people. "
  5. "Neighbor Ivan from the third floor is a good, friendly person."
dreams come true

Negative thoughtforms

Negative thought forms can be:

  1. "Nobody loves me."
  2. "I do not like anybody. I hate everyone around. "
  3. β€œIt will never work to give this enormous debt to Vasily Petrovich.”
  4. "Why do I have to work with fools?"

Human thought forms are most often fueled by the same ideas every day. As a rule, an aggressive person suffers from his aggression every day. Good, by contrast, feeds thoughtforms daily with positive ideas. This leads to the fact that every day the mental construction is becoming stronger - until, finally, is embodied in the physical world.

Is it possible to stop the embodiment of negative ideas?

If a person has a high intellect, if he is spiritually developed, there is a way for him to control the created thought forms. To do this, it is necessary to switch thinking from negative ideas to positive ones in time. Those who want to change the nature of their thoughtforms must learn to track the emergence of negative ideas and consciously switch their focus to positive things.

This is the only way to change your mindset. The personality must develop a conscious approach in itself and know what it really does when it fills its consciousness with aggressive, envious or depressing ideas. Switching from negative considerations to the right thought forms is always difficult. But there is simply no other way to transform oneself and the world in which a person lives.

positive thinking

Why do I need to change my mindset?

If an individual sees one negative around him, and all situations in life seem threatening to him, he is primarily hurting himself. The appearance of the thought form and its materialization in the physical world do not occur simultaneously. But if negative ideas fill the mind of a person every day, sooner or later disaster cannot be avoided. Thoughts on debts will lead to even greater financial collapse. After all, a person will focus not on what opportunities he has to make money, but on negative aspects.

Fear for one’s health also does not lead to anything good. After all, illness only worsens from stress. And irritability and anger lead to the fact that everyone turns away from the aggressor. And then he will have to blame his loneliness only for himself.

How to materialize the idea?

Using the law of the embodiment of the desired, a person can make any of his wishes come true (as well as any fear). There are many algorithms for materializing thought forms. The sequence of actions of most of them is as follows:

  1. Determine what exactly is required. It is extremely clear and concrete to formulate a desire. This is one of the most important points at which people often make mistakes. For example, a girl dreams of having a cheerful and sociable young man in her life. She invests in this thought form, which, of course, after a while becomes reality. But in fact it turns out that the fun of a young man brightens up not only her life. The hyper-communicability of the new lover is complemented by the desire to spend time in the company of friends - and it is far from always taking the chosen one with you. Therefore, here you need to be especially careful, and formulate the idea very specifically.
  2. Regularly fuel a new thought form. For this, it is necessary to return to the desired idea as often as possible, imagining that it has already become a reality. At least you need to do this twice a day - in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. The duration of this stage is individual for each person. It depends on the spiritual strength of the individual, and on the scale of desire, and on what thoughts prevail in the mind during the rest of the wakefulness. For example, if a person who wants to find work twice a day feeds this desire, and in the remaining hours is filled with anxiety about unemployment, this will negatively affect his thought form. Materialization of thought in this case may not occur, or it will be realized much later than we would like.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to thank the higher forces for their help and assistance. The energy of gratitude will allow us to further strengthen the created thought form and accelerate its embodiment in the earthly world.
  4. Some esotericists believe that along with mental promises, the idea should be nourished with emotions. In particular, this advice is often given by the famous mystic and author of many books, Vadim Zeland. The thought form, he believes, needs the positive experiences of the person who created it. For example, someone who wants to get rich should already now evoke in himself such feelings that he would experience if he were a financially secure person. This will further bring its prosperity closer.
ways to realize the desired

The creation of thought forms and the materialization of thoughts is an interesting and fascinating process. It requires working on oneself and investing certain spiritual efforts. But its result may be the fulfillment of the most cherished desires and the transformation of the reality that surrounds a person.


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