What is body flexibility, how to develop, a complex of gymnastic exercises

Everyone knows that in a healthy body is a healthy mind. However, not everyone follows this principle. Flexibility is one of the most important parameters of a healthy state of an organism. What is flexibility? It represents nothing more than the ability of the body to move with the greatest amplitude. Let's look at what flexibility is, why we need it, and how we can train it.

what is flexibility

Shaping flexibility

The flexibility of the body can and certainly needs to be trained. However, it does not necessarily directly depend on the amount of work done. The flexibility of a person depends mainly on the efficiency of the joints, which in turn give the movements an amplitude. Its development may be affected by such factors:

  • Anatomical features of the joints.
  • The state of the central nervous system.
  • The elasticity of muscles and ligaments.
  • Harmonious distribution of functions between muscles synergists and antagonists.
  • Environment. For example, the higher the temperature, the better the flexibility. Therefore, before training, athletes warm up.
  • Age and gender. With age, flexibility is usually lost. Women have more flexibility than men.
  • Body build and body training.
  • The ratio between collagen and elastin tissues.
  • The level of manifestation of reflexes (pain and sprain).

Each joint has its own flexibility. It depends on the type of joint, the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons surrounding it, as well as the ability of muscles to tension and relax.

set of gymnastic exercises

The Purpose of Flexibility

What is flexibility? What is its purpose? It is the flexibility that largely affects the overall tone of the body and physical form. Therefore, flexibility exercises are included in all fitness training programs. In the course of such exercises, muscles are mainly worked out, not joints and ligaments. Well-stretched muscles cope better with the load and are less likely to be injured.

The benefits of flexibility

What is flexibility? What is its use for the body? The positive effect of flexibility on the overall tone can be structured with the following points:

  • When the body is in static for a long time (that is, it is subjected to minimal, rare loads), the muscles "freeze" in one position, while tensing. By developing flexibility, you can relax the muscles and normalize the flow of blood in them.
  • Flexibility increases body stamina and resistance to viruses. With good flexibility, you can achieve high results in physical development, which has a steady effect on health.
  • Improving flexibility, a person improves coordination of movements, as a result of which the likelihood of injuries is reduced.
  • Flexibility training accelerates the body's recovery processes.
  • Working on flexibility, we accelerate blood circulation, which helps to relieve emotional stress and provides psychological peace.

how to develop flexibility

Flexibility development

How to develop flexibility? This can be done with the help of diligent but leisurely training. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not to provide the body with the load for which it is not yet ready. There are tons of exercises that develop flexibility. They all obey certain rules. We will begin with their consideration.

Main rules

How to develop flexibility? For this, regular exercise is not enough. You need to do them right, and only then will the result be. To do this, pay attention to these tips:

  1. Before proceeding with the exercises, you need to give the body 5-10 minutes of aerobic exercise. Running (even on the spot), jumping rope, various swings with arms and legs, step aerobics are suitable.
  2. You need to work on flexibility systematically and regularly. 2-3 lessons per week are quite enough. A small stretch marks can be done as a charge at least every day.
  3. When stretching, it is worthwhile to increase the amplitude in small steps, slowly. Striving for quick results usually leads to injuries.
  4. Stretching is necessary only when the whole body is fully concentrated, and the muscles are rested.
  5. Stretch the muscle to a feeling of slight pain. This position should be maintained for up to 30 seconds, and then you can relax the muscle. At the same time, you need to return to the starting position smoothly.
  6. It is worthwhile to carefully monitor your feelings and not to confuse real pain with mild discomfort and pain.
  7. After one exercise, it is worth moving smoothly to another, without making large delays.
  8. Any load on muscle stretching will not work for more than one and a half months, so that the training does not lose its meaning, it is necessary to periodically complicate the exercises.

body flexibility

Flexibility Exercises

The time has come to begin directly to consider exercises that will help develop body flexibility. So, below is a concise complex of gymnastic exercises, which is designed for the initial level of stretching.

  1. Starting position - standing facing the wall. Having joined hands in the lock, you need to spring them against the wall. Then the same thing needs to be repeated, hands open.
  2. First you need to become straight, connecting the heels and slightly bending the knees. Hands are located on the hips. From this position you need to smoothly make a set of springy squats.
  3. Having knelt down and leaning on your hands, you need to align your back and raise one knee up to the maximum height. Then do the same with the other leg, and so on in a circle.
  4. Stand straight, legs connected. We bend forward, trying to reach the floor. At the maximum point, you need to fix for 15-30 seconds.
  5. Sowing in Turkish, we stretch as far as possible.
  6. Sitting on the floor with straight legs, stretch your arms along the body and fix the body in this position. Now, in turn, raise your legs from the floor to the maximum height.
  7. Standing directly on one leg, you need to reach the heel of the second leg to the lower back. Having fixed the body in this position with the help of a chair, you need to stretch your arms up and then down, trying to reach the fingers of the first leg. Then the same, only changing legs.
  8. Crouching on one leg, you need to straighten the second back. With a springy movement you need to stretch your straight leg. Then it is worth repeating the same thing, changing legs.
  9. Standing, legs apart shoulder width apart, bend your knees, stand on your toes and try to reach your heels with your fingers.

human flexibility

This simple set of gymnastic exercises will help you quickly tone the body and significantly improve your health. Good training and do not forget about caution!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3455/

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