Restoring damaged hair will go smoothly with the best cosmetics

In addition to simple gentle rules for caring for damaged hair, there are methods for their restoration. They allow you to permanently or at least temporarily get rid of serious problems that spoil the appearance of the hair. And since a woman’s hairstyle is an important component of a well-groomed and beautiful appearance, the restoration of damaged hair becomes the main issue on the agenda.

You may need to change your hairstyle for some time to somehow hide the unhealthy look of your hair. Among the variety of options, you can choose a fashionable haircut to find a more magnificent hairstyle. While you care about the health of the hair, they will grow back and will be more healthy, long, shiny, lush. A word like you would like to possess.

Restoring damaged hair should begin with a choice of masks, daily care products, and with a change in styling products. It is worth choosing a good vitamin complex for strengthening. And if nothing helps, consult a trichologist.

Recovery Masks

Restoring masks today are produced by most well-known companies specializing in hair care products. The instructions for use include: apply masks should be no more than once a week. Masks should be selected, which include important natural components for restoration: oils, vitamins, enzymes and proteins. For example, an Avon mask containing shea butter; or a Garnier mask for strengthening dyed hair with grape oil and others.

Modern therapeutic cosmetics, including those for hair care, are distinguished by the presence of unusual ingredients: hyaluronic acid (for deep hydration of the scalp), plant stem cells (for example, lilac cells activate hair growth), placenta extract, superpolymers. For example, the Intensive Recovery mask from Pantene, a well-known company on the market, contains vitamins and polymers to solve the problem of split ends and brittle strands.

Styling tools now protect

The lines of styling products have changed. Mousses, sprays and varnishes appeared in their ranks, protecting from the thermal effects of a hair dryer, tongs for straightening strands, as well as nourishing hair fibers with vitamin complexes (Nivea, Timotei). Thus, the use of styling does not interfere, but rather helps in the restoration of damaged hair. If you like to do various styling, now you can not limit yourself, even if your hair is loose and damaged.

Restoring hair structure

This is most needed dyed hair. Today the market offers such a variety of cosmetics that some of them do not require rinsing or time to soak in the hair. Instant recovery is provided by conditioner sprays (for example, Color from Wella protects the structure of dyed hair all day), tonics (for example, Gliss Kur's Growth Energy for thinning hair, contains nutrition proteins and the active substance for growth - carnitine tartrate, does not require flushing). Give preference to products with proteins that strengthen the structure (for example, rice protein).

Hair Treatment and Restoration

The need for serious treatment comes when the hair falls out in an amount of more than 100 per day. The most expensive remedy on the market today is considered Dercos by Vichi. But first, you can try cheaper products, such as shampoo and balm with a placenta against hair loss and for hair growth from Evinal. Suitable for all types of hair and really help.

Unlike most shampoos and balms available in stores, a series of new Loreal products really helps to prevent hair loss: firming shampoo, balm, mask and spray care. Loreal products contain the essential amino acid “arginine” - an active component that smoothes the surface of the fiber, strengthens its structure, gives shine. All the others help from “hair loss” due to brittleness and do not solve the main problem.

Among the anti-prolapse drugs acting specifically on the bulbs, Alerana can also be called. A series of products from this company allows you to stimulate growth and even increase the density of hair, give them a healthy look (shine and splendor). And these are unusual tools that we are accustomed to: a spray with minoxidil to improve microcirculation in the skin and stimulate the growth of hair follicles, shampoo, balm, mask, tonic and even vitamin-mineral complex (tablets) - contain growth stimulators of a natural basis.

And last, remember, you will achieve the greatest effectiveness in the restoration of damaged hair by applying the same series of products. Protect your hair from unnecessary influences (rough combing, high temperatures, drying, curling) until they gain enough strength.


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