Beautiful pumped up female legs

Sports figures are becoming more popular. Not only men now flaunt a relief body . Photos of pumped female legs constantly flash in Instagram feed and other social networks.

embossed body

Embossed body

Beauty standards are constantly changing. In ancient Egypt, a graceful woman with a slim figure was considered beautiful. In Greece, where physical culture played a huge role in the life of citizens, preference was given to beauties with a trained body. And in the Renaissance, magnificent forms triumphed.

In the 90s of the twentieth century, girls sought to be like fashion models. Skinny fat figures came into vogue, which literally means โ€œfat skinnyโ€. The owners of such bodies had a small weight, but flabby muscles. In clothes, such a figure looked good, but in the summer on the beach it looked unattractive.

In the late 90s, a healthy lifestyle gradually began to be popularized. Painful thinness, as well as being overweight, becomes incompatible with the image of a sports girl. A strong, sculpted body and inflated female legs with a minimum percentage of subcutaneous fat are in fashion.

Muscle mass in women is less than in men. Its main part is concentrated in the lower half of the body. Thanks to this, it is there that progress is achieved there rather. With the right approach, getting elastic buttocks and beautiful pumped up female legs for the fair sex will not be difficult. It is more difficult to keep the result.

Inflated female legs look beautiful only with a low percentage of body fat. In this case, the muscles will be clearly visible under the skin. If the percentage of fat in a woman exceeds 25-30, even trained legs will look huge. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor nutrition and exercise properly.

Sports girls

Balanced diet

Athletes often say that in building a beautiful body, 70% of success depends on nutrition. And only 30% of the workouts. Therefore, even daily, intensive studies will not bring you closer to the dream body if a person eats jam buns and drinks them with sweet soda.

Hard diets are also not a solution. Sooner or later, you will have to return to a normal diet, and the weight is likely to recover. But the body will visually look worse.

A woman must honestly answer herself the question: does she want to have a beautiful and sculpted body, or are she more attracted to chocolate cakes. If the choice is made in favor of the figure, you will have to adhere to the following nutrition rules:

  1. There should be three main meals and two snacks throughout the day.
  2. Serving size should not exceed 250-300 grams.
  3. Last meal 4 hours before bedtime.
  4. For weight loss, starchy vegetables and fruits (potatoes, corn, beets, bananas) are excluded.
  5. All products made from white flour, as well as semolina, are prohibited.
  6. White sugar and all products with it are excluded.
  7. Alcohol can be consumed no more than two glasses a week. Dry wine only.
  8. Eat at least two servings of protein throughout the day. Preference should be given to eggs, seafood, red and white meat, fish. Vegetarians replace animal protein with chickpeas, beans, lentils, quinoa and soy.
  9. Everything fried, smoked and salty is excluded.
  10. Under the strict prohibition of fast food. Eat only natural food.
  11. Choose the right fats: olive oil and olives, avocados, sesame seeds, flax, poppy seeds.
    legs and body

Comprehensive workouts

It is impossible to get pumped female legs without strength training. A lot of weight is optional. But with it, muscles grow much faster.

Long workouts increase stamina, but are not suitable for weight gain. Therefore, it makes no sense to sit in the hall for a long time. An hour of intensive training will be enough.

Strength training is recommended three times a week. You can do this at home, after taking care of the purchase of dumbbells and barbells. In addition, twice a week it is recommended to carry out separate cardio training. For example, run on a track in the hall or on the street. This will help to quickly reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat, and the inflated female legs will look even more attractive.

Any woman can get a beautiful body. To do this, you do not need to purchase an expensive subscription to the hall. Quite enough regular home exercises, adherence to diet, great desire and willpower.


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