Eychar is a personnel officer? What is the responsibility of the eychar?

Eychar - who is this? Nowadays, few people can remember when exactly this word entered the vocabulary of businessmen, headhunters and other players of the domestic labor market, and yet ten to fifteen years ago no one even knew what it really means.

eychar this

Building a base of HR directors is currently proceeding slowly, since not all top managers realize the need for such an employee.


What can the HR Director dream about professionally? “Ceiling” for him is the head of the corporate training center. Although sometimes it happens that eychar becomes a serious strategic partner of the company and is part of its board. An alternative option for climbing the career ladder is the personnel director, who becomes “crowded” in the company, and he occupies the position of managerial consultant. However, this position implies constant traveling, and therefore does not attract everyone.

eychar league

One of the conditions of the so-called vertical development is the widest possible functionality. Otherwise, you will have to occupy the niche of the “eternal recruiter” or “eternal coach”.

Horizontal promotion is also quite acceptable for many eychars. So, they surprisingly just cope with cross-industrial transitions and easily adapt to new areas. At the same time, the key to success lies not in the specific successfully chosen industry, but in the personal qualities of the employee.


Eychar - who is this? Speaking about the functions of the HR Director, we note that this is a specialist who independently draws up all the necessary documentation, conducts interviews with candidates for a vacant position and calculates the salary of employees.

Eychar is a person who provides uninterrupted and high-quality work in the following areas:

  • Recruiting and hiring employees. At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that the HR manager is the face of the company, and it largely depends on how favorably the candidate will react to the received job offer.
    HR manager is
    • HR record keeping. When an employee is issued, an appropriate order is issued, an entry is made in the work book, insurance is issued and a personal file is opened. For already working specialists, Eichar prepares orders on changes in wages and movements, dismissal or reduction, prepares sick leave, and monitors statistics on the movement of personnel. Naturally, for the proper conduct of business, it is necessary to thoroughly know the Labor Code.
    • Employee motivation and salary. To implement these tasks, it is necessary to analyze the labor market in terms of material rewards, effective bonus schemes and social packages provided.
    • Training and staff development. Eychar is a professional who knows exactly what qualities employees should have, what else needs to be developed and in which direction. Based on this, work is carried out with staff.
    • Organizational development. So far, only the most advanced companies pay attention to this area. Eichar should take an active position in questions about which organizational structure is most suitable for the company, in which direction its development will take place, which departments and departments will help optimize labor activity.
    • Corporate culture. This is a fashionable direction in which the eychar is responsible for organizing events related to bringing the values ​​of the company to each employee (team building, travel meetings, photo contests, etc.).
    • Contact with unions. This is a fairly new feature, not all eychars can cope with it yet. However, at present, some trade unions have significantly strengthened their positions; therefore, work with them is no longer possible to discount.

    eychar portal

    Position in the company

    The HR Director is often at the epicenter of a kind of confrontation. So, on one side of the barricades there are always managers, owners and shareholders, and on the other - ordinary employees. The former want to get more and more profit, and the latter want to increase their own income and improve their qualifications. Depending on the position of the leadership, the eychar may play one or another role. Let us consider in more detail the situations that have already become traditional.

    Eychar as a fashion trend

    At some point, the director decides that working without a human resources specialist is simply indecent. This is not the best option for appearing in a company when the HR department is a whim of a leader, and not a natural need of an organization. As a result, the HR manager becomes someone like “bring-bring”. This path is a dead end.

    Eychar as a necessity

    In this case, this specialist appears in the company at the very beginning of its foundation, since the leaders and shareholders are aware that such a person will contribute to the development of the business.

    Eychar as inevitability

    eychar director

    In such a situation, the company has already grown so much that ordinary personnel officers simply can not cope with the duties assigned to them. The management is forced to invite the eychar, and the rate, as a rule, is placed on an experienced highly paid specialist. It appears at a time when there are a lot of conflicts and problems in the company. There is a plus here: in this situation, the eychar has a real chance to make a career take-off, since the scope of tasks is very wide.

    No less informative is the typology of HR managers depending on the functions they perform. Imagine four standard options.

    HR concept

    In modern commercial organizations, in addition to the personnel inspector, the functions of eychar are assigned to line managers. Over time, it turns out that they simply do not have time to cope with this work. This happens when a company grows to at least one hundred employees. And then comes the realization that the eychar will help balance the situation.

    Accompanying concept

    In this case, HR supports the business. He does not develop a strategy, but only maintains the good condition of current staff. Such a development of events is observed, as a rule, in the representative office of a foreign company.

    Strategic concept

    HR department

    In such a situation, HR managers proudly call themselves business partners or strategists, but in reality they would only like to play such a role. It is unlikely that there will be at least one CEO who would "give" a similar function to eycharu.

    In general, in a similar situation, the personnel manager requires specifics in actions, focus on results, awareness of the value of each employee. This class of eycharov is the fewest and most demanded.

    Star concept

    Few people realize this trend in its pure form, although some of its elements can be found in large Western companies. The meaning of the concept is that the eychars should deal only with the most promising and talented employees and not squander the junior staff.

    Does an ideal exist?

    What is the best eychar? Superjob.ru portal presented the results of a public opinion poll to a court of experts. So, 20% of respondents said that for them the most important quality of a personnel manager is goodwill. Communication skills are important for 15% of Russians. As many people are confident that the HR manager should be a good psychologist.

    As for the top officials of the companies, they focused on intelligence (15%). On the second line - knowledge of psychology and goodwill (13%). This is followed by competence (11%) and the ability to discern a suitable candidate among many applicants (10%).

    The very same league presented the following results: sociability (32%), goodwill (28%), stress tolerance and intuition (17% each) are most valued by HR managers.

    eychar brand

    Based on the data obtained, it was concluded that a high-quality eychar is a specialist who knows how to resolve conflicts and who understands the psychology of people.

    At present, managers are ready to pay good salaries to good eychars. So, in a large Russian company for three thousand people, the personnel director can receive up to fifteen thousand dollars. A medium-sized company of one thousand employees is ready to pay eight to ten thousand to Eichar. The size of the bet for such a specialist starts at eight hundred dollars.


    The HR manager is not just a personnel officer, he is responsible for the selection of employees, determination of the company's strategy, and paperwork. Eichar is responsible for all this. The brand, reputation of the company and its revenues are largely dependent on the HR manager. This is a very important figure. Thus, eychar is a specialist who can significantly increase the effectiveness of a business, therefore, hiring him should be taken with full responsibility.

    Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3458/

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