Whey Protein: Strength Concentrate

During training, the muscles work intensively, as a result of which microtraumas appear in the tissues. That is why strength training is recommended no more than once every two days. Muscles need time to recover. Protein helps them a lot in this.

Protein - building material

whey protein concentrate

The most suitable time for replenishing the body with protein occurs 20 minutes after training. During this period, a โ€œprotein-carbohydrate windowโ€ opens. Strength training depletes the pool of essential amino acids, and there is a need to replenish them. The body completely absorbs all the nutrients. Protein is sent to restore muscle.

For athletes, the need for protein is calculated by the following proportion: 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight. So, for example, if an athlete weighs 65 kilograms, then he needs to absorb 130 grams of protein per day. In one egg of pure protein, only 3 grams. That is, more than 40 eggs are needed per day. At first glance, an impossible task in the world of sports is solved by whey protein concentrate.

What it is?

Muscle tissue metabolizes whey protein quickly and efficiently . Its concentrate is obtained by processing whey, which is a by-product of the production of cottage cheese and cheese. Previously, this greenish liquid was simply poured. Today, armed with high technology, a healthy nutritional supplement for athletes is obtained from whey. Protein contains essential amino acids - leucine, valine and isoleucine. With their help, protein synthesis is accelerated, and intensive muscle growth begins.

Whey protein production and its types

whey protein concentrate

Protein molecules are the largest compared to fats and carbohydrates. Therefore , cheese production waste is passed through a sieve in which whey protein is retained. The concentrate in the form of a white powder is obtained after processing with high temperatures. The protein content in this product does not exceed 70-80%.

In addition to the concentrate, there are two more types of whey protein. The isolate is obtained by a technically more complex method - ion exchange. In this case, the protein is contained in the initial product in an amount of 95%. The hydrolyzate is obtained during the hydrolysis reaction. It is easier and faster absorbed by the body, but also the most expensive protein of all three types. The most affordable financially is, of course, whey protein concentrate. Its price is the lowest of all types of protein available on the market. It varies from 320 to 3000 rubles per pack.


For those who want to maintain their health, a whey protein concentrate is ideal. Reviews about him are extremely positive for doctors. Whey protein has a positive effect not only on muscle growth, but also on the whole body. Protein is a building material for skin cells, nails and hair, and also ensures the normal functioning of the hormonal system. The benefits of whey protein for those seeking to lose weight are also undeniable. After all, muscle growth provokes increased fat burning.

whey protein concentrate reviews

Since antibodies of the immune system are protein compounds, whey protein is useful for strong immunity. The concentrate was studied by scientists. In the course of studies, it was found that whey protein is a product for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Those who do not consume animal products are at risk of protein deficiency in the body. Whey concentrate as a dietary supplement is an ideal source of protein for vegetarians.

Contraindications and side effects

Definitely whey protein is contraindicated in those who are allergic to milk protein. Only after consulting with a doctor is it worth adding large doses of protein to those at risk of kidney disease.

If you take the concentrate in the doses indicated in the instructions, then the likelihood of side effects will be practically reduced to zero. In case of an overdose, abdominal discomfort, cramps, nausea, fatigue, headache are possible.

How and when to use whey protein?

In order to avoid problems with the digestive system, do not consume more than 30 grams of concentrate per day. More precise doses of protein are indicated on the packaging. They may vary depending on the percentage of protein in the concentrate.

whey protein concentrate Moscow

The best time to pamper your body with the protein it needs is after a workout. But muscles can also be supported before and during it. The body needs amino acids immediately after waking up to make up for their absence during the hours of night sleep. If there is no time for a snack during the day, then whey protein is ideal. The concentrate should only be diluted with water or milk, and the cocktail is ready.


With the help of whey protein, you can diversify and enrich the menu. Here are some recipes available and useful for everyone. All components are consistent with the fitness diet and at the same time are great for satisfying the desire to eat something sweet.

Healthy breakfast

Mix half a cup of milk and a quarter cup of yogurt. Add mashed banana, a spoonful of honey and a scoop of protein.

Berry cocktail

Mix half a glass of berry mixture (fresh or frozen) with a quarter glass of yogurt. Add half a glass of juice and a spoonful of protein.

whey protein concentrate Price

Chocolate cocktail

Mix two tablespoons of peanut butter with a banana. Add half a glass of milk and a spoonful of protein. If desired, can be diluted with water.

The key to muscle growth and good health is whey protein concentrate. Moscow and other cities of Russia offer a wide range of this product. Which of the proposed options to buy, you choose.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34583/

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