About: blank how to remove easily? Removing about: blank: step-by-step instructions

A fairly common and annoying about: blank virus is haunting many PC users. To find out that your computer is infected is quite simple - just enter the Internet browser and see that the start page is now there - an “empty form”. The virus brings a lot of inconvenience with its presence.

What is dangerous about: blank?

You might think that the virus cannot do anything supernatural - it costs itself in the browser and costs it. It would seem that just the start page is now simply a "blank form", but in reality everything is somewhat different.

New tab about blank

About: blank is also the so-called browser hijacker. It can cause great harm to the computer because it affects the security system. Therefore, the Windows recovery system may fail. In addition, about: blank is also a trojan. Is it worth mentioning what such viruses do with a computer and data? It’s easy to catch them, and it’s very, very difficult to rid yourself of attacks and consequences.

The action of the infection occurs trite - about: blank copies its files to the hard drive of the infected computer, and then registers the startup of this virus in the registry. You can distinguish it by the file executed in autorun with the name svhost.exe. With all this, as already mentioned, during the launch of the browser, a new about: blank tab appears. Since the virus is registered in autorun, changing the address of the start page will not help. This is why it is important to know how to get rid of about: blank.

Removal methods

Where is the “blank form" prescribed? Amazes about: blank Yandex, Google, Amigo, and other browsers. You can delete it in several ways. How effective they will be depends only on how well you understand computers and programs.

To begin, consider the most common way - removal using specialized utilities. They are very likely to be able to remove about: blank, as well as clean the system of other "sticky" programs.

about blank how it looks

Now we will look at several useful utilities that are quite easy to use.


This is the development of the American company EnigmaSoftware. It can solve the problem and get rid of the about: blank virus. How to remove a pest in automatic mode, you will learn if you use this utility. It works on all Windows systems. The kit includes antivirus protection. In addition, SpyHunter4 protects files and settings from malicious codes, fixes various browser problems, removes malicious registry entries and all files created about: blank. The program is easy to use. You just need to start it, then press the “Scan” button and wait for the scan to finish. After that, information about the found malicious files and the operations carried out with them will be released.

Security stronghold

This is a convenient utility, using which you will no longer nervously ask friends: "About: blank appeared, how to remove?" You should use it when you are not quite sure whether to delete certain infected files. Standard software is not able to detect all trojans and other harmful files that have infected your computer. Security Stronghold will solve this problem. Like SpyHunter4, the program searches and deletes all registry files and regular files created about: blank, but gives you the right to choose what to touch and what not to touch. This is a fairly quick and easy utility. By analogy with many programs, you just need to start a scan, and then choose which files and what to do. After that, the computer will be cleaned of annoying trojans.

about blank

Manual removal

If the computer attacked about: blank, how to remove it manually? This is a completely adequate question for those who do not trust a variety of programs. Of course, if you have somehow caught the virus while downloading software, then it is logical that you do not want to step on the same rake again and in the end ruin the life of your computer. How to get rid of about: blank yourself and manually without using software? This is fairly simple, but there are several options. Now we will consider the most common, albeit longer way.

Method 1: processes and settings

This method of removing about: blank is quite convenient and simple, but requires vigilance. This is due to the fact that you have to complete so many system processes. Any mistake can lead to data loss and ineffective treatment.

1. End the processes and close the agent-ac.dll, svhost.exe, phafxfa.exe, xea2108l.9zt, cbme.dll, wdm.dll, achpjba.dll, message files .

Note: You can find dll files in the folder: C / Windows / system32.

how to get rid of about blank

2. Reset the browser in which about: blank appeared ("Yandex", "Google Chrome", "Mozilla" or any other). For different browsers, a different algorithm for removing the virus. Do not try to reinstall them - this still will not solve the problem.

Internet explorer

Go to the command search (in Windows XP the path is "Start" / "Open", in Windows 7 and the rest - "Start" / "Search") and find inetcpl.cpl. After that, select the "Advanced" tab, find the line "Reset browser settings" and double-click on it. Next, delete the personal history settings and wait for the process to complete.

Google chrome

Go to: C: \ Users \ "username" \ AppData \ Local \ Google \ Chrome \ Application \ UserData (browser installation folder). Find the Default file there and rename it to DefaultBackup. Launch Google Chrome - settings will be reset.

Mozilla firefox

In the "Help" menu section, select "Information to solve problems", and then - "Reset Firefox". Wait for the process to finish and click "Finish."

about blank how to remove

Method 2: System Restore

Sometimes cleaning the browser does not help. Then you need to restore the system. This can also help when about: blank occurs. Now we will see how to roll back the system.

1. Open the Start menu.

2. Find "Utilities" there.

3. Select System Restore. It is important that the computer creates recovery points during operation that will help to roll back the system to the moment when the PC was working properly. When choosing a date, you need to pick one that was before about: blank infection. Click “Next” and follow the instructions.

4. Wait for completion. The computer will restart. After recovery, the virus should not appear.


Now you know what about: blank is. How to remove it, we also told. The main thing is to worry about some points in advance:

- periodically create Windows recovery points;

- save all important files and data;

- check your computer for viruses from time to time;

- Store data in the cloud under passwords;

- Do not download suspicious software onto your computer.

how to remove about blank

Following the easy step-by-step instructions and using our tips, you can ensure a long and high-quality life for your computer, your files will remain safe and sound, and the new about: blank tab will stop looming before your eyes.

If none of the methods described help (which happens in extremely advanced cases), you must resort to at least: reinstalling the system. You can do this yourself or take the computer to specialists. Remember that the security of your PC and the safety of files on your hard drive are only in your hands. Solve problems in a timely manner so as not to see a deplorable result.

Good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34584/

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