Blond hair: before and after photos, reviews. Blond hair with Vellaton paint

Many dark-haired girls dream of becoming blondes. More recently, beautifully brighten dark hair was almost impossible. Now it is very easy to do this with a procedure such as blonding.

What is hair blonding?

This is a bleaching procedure. For this, a special technology is used that acts on the hair pigment.

Blond hair from dark to light can have different effects. Experts recommend this procedure on curls that are light from nature. Blonding dark hair often gives ugly shades. So, when bleaching a brunette, you can get a yellow or orange hair color. And it does not look natural at all.

This result has an explanation. The fact is that the dark pigment is very difficult to completely remove. Therefore, the procedure of blonding is suitable mainly for fair-haired women. Reviews about hair blonding confirm this fact. Many girls tried this procedure and evaluated its effect on personal experience.

hair blonding before and after photos reviews

When you can not do blonding?

Firstly, bleaching is not recommended on very dark hair. Even after repeated blonding, it will not be possible to obtain a pure white color.

Secondly, bleaching is considered a very harmful procedure. According to experts, only healthy and strong hair can be blinded. If the womanโ€™s hair is in poor condition or there are problems with the scalp, the procedure should be abandoned. The best confirmation of how hair blonding affects - before and after photos. Reviews of girls who have made discoloration often relate to the harmful composition of the funds.

Also, professionals do not recommend blonding on already dyed hair. In this case, you can get a completely unexpected result. In order not to risk your hair, it is better to wait until they grow back. And then do discoloration.

hair dye wellaton blonding reviews

The composition of paints for blonding

Lightening hair by blonding is due to exposure to the hair pigment. To change it, only hydrogen peroxide and blondoranes are used, the percentage of which depends on the required tone of hair.

For women with blond hair, once is enough to change color. After using a blonding agent, their hair becomes 1-2 tones lighter. But for those who have dark hair, they will need to repeat the bleaching several times in order to achieve the desired result.

Blonding Technologies

The first question that arises for a woman who wants to try hair blondization is: "How to do it?" This procedure is performed using special technology.

In beauty salons, bleaching is done by several methods:

  • platformism;
  • Scandinavian point;
  • "Strainer";
  • "zigzag".

The most popular is Scandinavian point technology. This method of blonding has become widespread because of a result that looks most natural.

The Scandinavian point is performed as follows: first, the hair on the top is dyed in a light cold tone, and then a dark color is applied to the ends.

To get a platinum shade of hair, it is better to use platyphys technology.

The zigzag technique is very unusual. The master twists the hair into curlers of various sizes and applies light and dark shades to the hair. The result should be a coloring with light tints.

The "strainer" technique is considered the most sparing for hair. It is performed in the same way as highlighting. But it has a more natural look. After blonding in this way, light strands appear that have the effect of hair burnt out in the sun. As a rule, to perform this technique, craftsmen use tools that have only a superficial effect. They do not damage the hair structure.

The best way to demonstrate the technology by which the hair is blonded, photos before and after. Feedback is the first thing you should pay attention to before deciding to make a bleach.

blond hair how to do

Dark Root Blonding

Now itโ€™s very fashionable to do blonding, leaving slightly darkened roots. This effect is ideal for women with dark hair, who quickly become noticeable overgrown natural color. But in this case, you should always make sure that the hairstyle does not look messy. Beautiful and accurate blonding with the effect of darkened roots should be done only by experienced craftsmen.

Recommended Shades of Blonding

Brunettes experts recommend dyeing hair in shades of ripe wheat and light walnut. Women with red hair are most suited to honey-golden and light brown colors. It is better for light brown-haired and fair-haired women to use means for blondes in light beige, pearlescent, milk cream and golden hues. Natural blondes have more choice and can use any shades for bleaching.

hair blonding reviews

How does blonding happen?

Blonding in the cabin takes about an hour and a half. First, a specialist applies an oxidizing agent to dry unwashed hair, leaving the roots and a few centimeters of hair intact. After 25-30 minutes, the master covers the remaining parts with the product and leaves the hair again for a while. Then the oxidizing agent is removed, and the hair is dyed in a certain shade.

Homemade Blonding

Many women want to save money and decide to bleach themselves. To brighten hair at home, you can use just light paint or a bleach. In the first version, the hair will lighten, but it is unlikely that they will have the color that the model has on the package. If you use a bleach, there is a high probability of spoiling the hair structure. After blonding in this way, you need to wait at least a month until they recover. Only after this time you can dye your hair in a light color. But again, no one guarantees that the result will be the perfect shade. Therefore, experts recommend immediately contacting professionals so that later you do not have to pay twice for therapy and treatment procedures for hair.

To compare the results of home and salon bleaching, you should read reviews about blond hair. Before and after photos illustrate changes in their appearance. Basically, this procedure has consequences that are not always pleasing to women.

reviews of hair blonding pics

Features for the care of blond hair

Any blond technique does great harm even to the strongest hair. Therefore, their recovery will require special care. Basically, the master tells what means should be used after blonding. As a rule, care for bleached hair includes various restoring and nourishing masks. What exactly you need to buy - it is better to consult with a specialist who has done blonding. He will be better able to assess the level of hair damage and help to choose the most suitable means.

Well, if the blonding was carried out independently, in this case, you can use different nutritious home masks.

It is also important to consider that hair is constantly growing and regrown roots will quickly become noticeable. Therefore, maintaining a light color requires regular visits to the salon. In general, blonding requires a lot of money and time. These nuances should be taken into account before the transformation.

The best argument that affects the desire to do blond hair - before and after photos. Reviews of women who decided on bleaching differ. Therefore, you should carefully weigh all the pros and cons before you go to the salon.

blonding hair from wellaton

Hair Blondation from Wellaton

The modern market for hair cosmetics is saturated with brightening colors of different brands. Not the last place is occupied by the German means for blonding "Wellaton". This paint is very popular and has a lot of positive reviews. Firstly, the Vellaton bleaching agent is suitable for different types of hair. Secondly, it effectively brightens them the first time. The composition of the paint includes useful substances that allow you to discolor your hair with minimal damage. In addition, the kit comes with B5 provitamin serum.

Beautiful shine of the hair and uniform color - this effect is obtained by the Vellaton hair dye (blonding). User reviews also relate to color fastness after using it. In addition, the paint paints gray hair well. Therefore, this tool is suitable for women of different ages.

An important feature of Vellaton Blonding Agent is its ability to lighten hair by 4โ€“5 tones. Many women confirm this fact. According to reviews, the paint perfectly bleaches even dark hair. But it must be borne in mind that the natural color of the hair of every woman is different. Therefore, the effect of blonding with the same remedy may differ.

General Blonding Reviews

Before deciding to change the image, it is recommended to study reviews about hair blonding. The photos presented below illustrate how the hair should look after professional blonde. It is immediately noticeable that women have beautiful hair and are not very damaged by the procedure.

dark to light blond hair

In order to have the same result, it is better not to do blonding yourself, but to trust a highly qualified specialist. For this reason, discoloration reviews differ. Most women recommend carefully considering all the pros and cons of blonding. But often you can find negative reviews. So, some dark-haired girls as a result of the procedure did not become blondes, but red. No master can guarantee pure white hair color. Sometimes this result requires more than one stain.

reviews about blond hair photo before and after

The best informative base for assessing hair blonding - before and after photos.

Reviews also relate to the harmful effects of decolorizing substances. So, some women regret that they decided to change the natural color. Due to constant blonding, their hair was severely damaged. The most positive reviews are from women with blond hair by nature.


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