How to cook a wild hare correctly

Seasoned hunters will forever remember the taste and aroma of fresh meat. Then it’s difficult to retrain them, because the purchased product is completely different. And no matter how many animal defenders hold demonstrations in a futile attempt to protect forest game, fresh rabbit and hare seduce gourmets.

Forest guest

It should be noted right away that a rare person can force himself to kill a bunny. A cute animal with long furry ears is more suitable for the role of a pet, rather than a festive dish. And in the store, the hare carcass does not look quite attractive. Someone even compares a freshened hare to a cat because of its long legs. But the taste fully compensates for the external imperfections of meat.

how to cook a wild hare
That is not translated in the world lovers of forest hunting, who use different weapons to demonstrate their skills. The carcass of a hare is completely beneficial for a person: meat is eaten, and fur is dressed in order to subsequently make clothes out of it. Rabbit fur coats and hare quilted jackets are distinguished by grace, lightness and tenderness. By the way, wild hares have a thicker and stronger fur, so the fur coats on their fur will be warmer and will last longer.

Simple and delicious

The recipe for making a whole hare is very accessible for development and can become the hallmark of a young housewife. Under a spicy sauce, the meat will seem especially tender and dietary.

How to cook a wild hare? Harvest the carcass, rinse it and clean it from the inside. The whole carcass must be pickled, and the flavor of the dish and its nutritional value depend on the marinade. For softness and delicacy of meat, you can prepare a kefir based marinade, but the spice will be given by a marinade made from oil, vinegar, grated ginger and a mixture of different types of pepper.

how to cook a wild hare
Stuff the carcass with chopped garlic, onions and carrots, then fasten the incision. At medium temperature, put in the oven for 30-40 minutes. But without a great sauce, how to cook a wild hare? Recipes with one voice are advised to season tender meat to compensate for the lack of fat. Want to keep a low calorie content? Then make a sauce of low-fat yogurt, mustard, herbs and spices. These ingredients will make homemade mayonnaise, which is even more pleasant to taste than the store counterpart.

For dieters

Although the recipe for a whole carcass involves moderate calories, weight watchers always strive to make their food even healthier. So how to cook a wild hare in order to allow yourself a good conscience with good conscience? Of course, put out the meat! First of all, it is necessary to prepare the carcass, boil it until half cooked and cool, then cut into portioned pieces. Onions should be cut into small cubes and put in a roasting pan, seasoning with salt, pepper and caraway seeds. Add meat, a few tablespoons of water and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes.

how to cook wild hare recipes

While the stew is in progress, you can make the sauce. To do this, put the mushrooms, garlic, spices, soy sauce and sour cream in a blender, and then mix everything until smooth. The finished mixture can be slightly warmed in a saucepan and add flour before removing from heat. Here is the finished variation of bechamel sauce. By the way, if butter is added to the finished sauce, the taste will be softer and more interesting. The recipe for stewed hare resolves some variations with ingredients and spices. The dish is being prepared very quickly and can be helped by the hostess, whom the guests unexpectedly rushed to.


The speed of cooking in the modern world is the main characteristic for a family meal. When everyone comes home from work at the same time and craves to eat something tasty, meat is an ideal option. And if you put the game on the table, then you are guaranteed a delicious dinner and admired reviews from households. Before preparing a wild hare, the carcass must be soaked, as the hare is harsh and has a specific smell.

how to cook a wild hare
You can soak in plain water or with the addition of vinegar. Now you need to think about what to cook from a hare? The men's company will no doubt appreciate fried meat, and women will prefer stew.

For a family dinner, you can make quick soup with hare. How to cook a wild hare for an evening meal? It is necessary to peel the meat, fry it for several minutes with onions and garlic. Finely chopped potatoes, carrots and greens are added to the warmed water. The meat is put last. The soup will be ready when the potatoes soften. Crackers are sometimes served with soup. It will take no more than 20 minutes.

stewed rabbit recipe

Friendly Party Snack

There is nothing nicer than evening gatherings with loved ones. On such an evening you can allow yourself to enjoy communication and eat goodies. So far, you have familiarized yourself with only a small fraction of the collection called "recipes from the hare and the rabbit." 104 recipes for simple and original dishes - this is exactly what is presented in many cookbooks and websites. As part of the article, we will not be able to cover all the options. We give only the most interesting.

For an exquisite party, a wild hare in creamy mushroom sauce with white wine is suitable. You can take rabbit meat roll with mushrooms, garlic and herbs for a picnic. But the fastest way is to make a stew of hare with a bow. For the men's company, this is the simplest and most juicy dish. Before preparing a wild hare, soak the carcass in water with the addition of vinegar, boil gently and divide into portions. In a separate frying pan you need to make an onion "pillow" with salt and pepper. In order for the meat to produce juice, you must add it along with vegetables and a spoonful of wine. Stew must be cooked for at least 15 minutes.

For children

Feeding a child is always more difficult than an adult. After all, it’s not enough for him just a delicious dish, but I want more entertainment and fun. How to cook a wild hare for your baby so that the food is tasty and nutritious, and the portion is eaten clean? You have to cook beautifully and with imagination, and for this you often have to look into the cookbooks. After soaking, the hare's meat becomes tender, but it tastes dietary and low-fat. Children often refuse to eat vegetables, so it would be nice to add them to the dish. Maybe make chops on a vegetable pillow? They cook quickly, and look small and incredibly mouth-watering. One serving is just for the child.

Best side dish

It’s not always possible to eat only meat. For a full metabolism and obtaining all the necessary vitamins and macronutrients, you need to use cereals, vegetables and fruits. It is better to diversify the side dishes. For example, one day toast with chopped meat; then make cutlets with mashed potatoes, and by the weekend please the family with vegetable salad, meat stew and rabbit cheese. Rabbit and hare meat goes well with rice and buckwheat, as well as pasta. You should not prepare fatty sauce for hare, as the meat is very tender and you can ruin its taste.

what to cook from a hare

An important stage of choice

When the game goes through hunting, there is no way to choose meticulously, but in the store you can see the color of the meat, smell it and even find the fundamental differences between a hare and a rabbit. Rabbit meat has a pale pink color, but rabbit is red-burgundy. The meat can be harsh, so it will have to be soaked in water with a drop of vinegar. When cutting meat, you need to remove the film from it, and cut the ridge for soup. The natural smell of game is very peculiar and thick. If vinegar does not remove it when soaked, then you can wash the meat in lemon juice. By the way, if you replace lemon with lime, then the marinade will be fragrant, and the meat will be more delicious. In the process of frying or baking, you can lay meat with plates of butter to make it juicy. If you cook a hare, then without additional fat, the dish will turn out to be rather dry. And if you add strips of sweet pepper, the hunting trophy will be spicy-sweet. By the way, it would be nice to dry pieces of meat with a paper towel. The dish reaches the desired level of readiness when the meat becomes soft and is separated from the bones. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with herbs.

recipe for making a whole hare

How to handle fresh game?

Before you cook a wild hare, you need to determine its value in the role of a trophy. Was it hunted? Will you need a skin? Or maybe you want to make a scarecrow? Besides, it would be nice to decide if you like meat with blood? If the hunter is experienced, then he will protect the skin and will not greatly spoil the carcass. Blood can be released very simply by hanging the hare upside down by making an incision in the neck so that blood flows to the ground. You can also collect blood in dishes to cook for hunting dogs. You can also use blood to make blood sausage.

Handle the hare on weight, and start flaying from the hind legs. By the way, before processing, you need to perform an unpleasant, but mandatory procedure - to empty the intestines of the animal, for which several times to spend on the stomach. If several birds with one stone are hunted, then they cannot be folded in because the fur deteriorates. It is best to transport them on hooks.

Many people especially value the insides of game. To do this, carefully remove the liver, heart and lungs from the whole carcass. The inside must be thoroughly rinsed with blood. The gall bladder must be removed, otherwise bile can fill the insides. By the way, you can make delicious roast or blood sausage with rice from rabbit offal. It is unreasonable to neglect the hare skin - it can be saved by means of salt grinding or laying in brine. Then the skin is pulled onto the struts, processed - and you can make a fur coat!


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