How to remove odor from a thermos - methods, features and recommendations

The importance of a thermos in everyday life is difficult to overestimate. It is especially necessary for people who work away from home or like to spend all their free time in nature. A good thermos allows you to enjoy your favorite drink or food at the right temperature. However, like other dishes, it requires constant cleaning. How to remove smell from a thermos? Features of the procedure, effective methods and prevention - the subject of this article.

Why is there a smell?

Before you learn how to remove the smell from a thermos, you need to find out the cause of its appearance. Its cause is the products that are stored in it. Despite the fact that the inner surface is made of materials on which there should be no sediment (glass, stainless steel), over time this still happens.

A perfect new thermos can also smell. At the factory, the inner surface of the flask is treated with a special composition that preserves its properties for a long time.

How to remove smell from a thermos

Sometimes the smell can be caused by normal mold. It is formed as follows:

  • there was a drink in a thermos;
  • then they took him with them to nature;
  • After a walk, the container was not washed, but left closed.

After a few months in the middle of the thermos, you can detect mold with a specific smell.

How to prepare for use a new thermos?

In this situation, no special means should be used, it is necessary to carry out the simplest procedure.

How to remove smell from a new thermos? To do this, rinse it with plain water. This is usually provided by the manufacturer. If for some reason you can’t get rid of the smell, you can use a weak solution of citric acid. It perfectly cleans the inner grease of the thermos. After the procedure, it is thoroughly rinsed so as not to get a drink with acidity.

Ways to eliminate the unpleasant odor of their thermos

If the thermos does not need urgent use, then inside you can put a bag of tea. It quickly eliminates the smell of lubricant. In the same way solve the problem of mustard grain. The only negative is that the thermos will retain their specific smell. But if it is supposed to store food and not drinks in a container, then no problem arises.

Tea or coffee plaque

With the constant use of a thermos, a dark coating forms inside it. This is caused by poor-quality washing of the container after use.

The plaque is removed using a brush, which is used for intensive washing of the flask. For the effectiveness of the procedure, a dishwashing detergent is used. After removing the plaque, the container is thoroughly rinsed and dried.

How to remove the smell from a stainless steel thermos

How to wash the thermos inside and remove the smell? To do this, you can use a tea bag or several grains of mustard.

How to get rid of a steady smell?

If during the operation of the thermos the tea was constantly poured into it, and then decided to take coffee with it, then as a result you can feel an unpleasant combination of smell. It is necessary to correctly and effectively perform the procedure of getting rid of unpleasant aroma.

If you do not know how to remove odor from a thermos, use the following recommendations:

  1. You can pour warm water into the container. Add soda to it at the rate of 4 tbsp. spoons per liter of liquid. Shake lightly and leave for several hours. After that, rinse with cold water - and the thermos will be completely ready for use.
  2. Vinegar has similar properties. You need to take only 4 teaspoons of vinegar. After processing the flask with vinegar, you need to rinse it at least 2 times.
  3. Sometimes they use a rather original way. Rice is poured into a thermos and left overnight. It perfectly absorbs not only the smell, but also eliminates excess moisture. The result is an updated capacity.
  4. To remove the smell from a metal thermos, they use the same rice, but in a slightly different way. Grain is poured into a container and filled with hot water. Close the lid and shake vigorously. In this situation, the rice grains act as a brush and thoroughly clean the inner surface.
How to wash the thermos inside and remove the smell

How to remove the smell from a stainless steel thermos? Useful will be the use of Coca-Cola and other similar drinks. The liquid left overnight in a thermos eliminates not only odor, but also plaque.

How to eliminate the smell of mold?

To get rid of the unpleasant odor in a thermos is the most difficult. His education is associated with the vital activity of microorganisms. How to remove bad breath from a thermos? Use the following guidelines:

  • Pour a little soda into the thermos. Then add a little vinegar or citric acid. Pour hot water and leave for half an hour. The liquid is drained, the container is washed from mold residues.
  • Hot water is poured into the thermos and so much salt is added that a concentrated solution is obtained. Shake until completely dissolved and leave overnight. In the morning it is poured and rinsed several times. You can use a tea bag or mustard seeds to enhance the effect.
  • Good odor and mildew cleaners. In order not to damage the inner surface of the thermos, it is not recommended to use powders.
How to remove bad breath from a thermos

If none of the methods gave a positive result, you can use the following in addition.

If the cork smells bad

It is difficult to eliminate such an aroma due to the fact that the cork has a valve that is difficult to wash. For this:

  • you need to take a pan, add water and a small amount of soda to it;
  • place the stopper from the thermos in the resulting solution;
  • put the pan over medium heat and bring to a boil;
  • as a result, the unpleasant odor and mold will completely disappear.
How to remove smell from a new thermos

Sometimes the cork is soaked in a solution of water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. True, this process takes some time, it all depends on the degree of pollution and the intensity of the smell.

How to store a thermos?

To avoid unpleasant odors that can accumulate in a thermos, you should use these tips:

  1. The container must be carefully processed before storage. After each use of the thermos, its inner part is freed from the remains of drinks or food. Then washed with soapy water. If this is problematic in this way, then use a brush.
  2. The product must be washed outside.
  3. After processing, the thermos is dried well so that there is no moisture left in it. Otherwise, mold may form in it.
  4. If the thermos is used periodically, then closing it tightly with a lid is not recommended.
  5. It is best to store it in a closet without access to light. The cabinet must be periodically ventilated.

Before the next use, rinse the thermos with water.

You can get rid of a thermos from an unpleasant odor using various methods. They will effectively help maintain a pleasant aroma of coffee, tea and other drinks.


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