Lock on a bicycle, or How to protect your bike from theft

This may seem very strange, but bike theft is one of the most common crimes related to private property. Moreover, prosperous European countries, in which the criminal situation is relatively calm, are no exception in this regard. Therefore, it can be argued that a bike lock is an essential thing for any biker, regardless of the region in which he lives. And what can we say about the post-Soviet countries, where everything that lies badly literally disappears in a matter of hours. In 2009, a survey was conducted on one of the sites, from which it became known that 44% of bikers had a bicycle stolen, while in 12% of them this happened several times.

combination lock for bicycle

What is an anti-theft lock for a bicycle

If you have a bike, but this small but important device is still missing, it's time to familiarize yourself with its various types. This will allow you to choose a bicycle lock that is most suitable for your model and in the future to stop worrying about the safety of the bike in those cases when you have to leave it on the street. Note that the most important parameters of this device are the thickness of the chain or cable, the material and the type of lock itself. Depending on the type of locking mechanism, two main groups of this device can be distinguished: a combination lock for a bicycle and a device with a key. They are approximately equal in reliability, and the final choice depends on what is better for a biker: to keep the key with you or remember the code. As for the main types of this device, the following models can be distinguished.

1. D- or U-shaped lock

This type is definitely the most reliable option. It is almost impossible to eat or cut it, and it is very difficult to open it with a master key. However, it has one minus - the small size of the girth, and if there is no column of a small diameter fence nearby, then there may be a problem in finding an object to which the vehicle can be fastened.

anti-theft bicycle lock

2. Device with a circuit

In this case, the reliability directly depends on the properties of the material from which the links are made. Using devices with an iron chain is not recommended, as they are easy to crack with a special tool. Well, if you buy such a device, then only with links from a very durable alloy. Of course, it will cost more, but you will be sure of its reliability, not to mention the fact that a good chain will not scratch the paint on the frame due to its coating.

3. The lock on the bicycle with a cable

Very similar to the previous version, but at the same time it has a number of differences. Firstly, such a device has less weight, and secondly, it is more compact, especially if the cable is made in the form of a stretching spiral. The disadvantage of such a lock is that it can be removed using reinforcing scissors, and therefore it is advisable to use other means of protection against theft besides it.

4. Bicycle padlock

It is made of steel plates and is used only for fixing the frame. Unfortunately, it is weakly opposed to a special tool, and besides, it is fixed only in one plane.

5. Wheel locking device

On the one hand, one is very convenient to use, and on the other, it is completely useless as the only means of protection. It is impossible to fasten the bike with it to a fence or other object. The only thing that can be done is to prevent the hijacker from leaving. This, of course, does not stop the attacker from taking the bike on his back.

bike lock

What kind of bike lock to choose?

Since each of the options has its drawbacks, the best way would be to purchase two devices at once. Using the first, you can fasten the bike to the support, and the second is suitable for grasping the wheels and the frame. In addition, it does not hurt to take a picture of your bike in advance and write down the frame number, in which case you can provide order guards. And the last trick is to put a piece of paper with your data inside the steering wheel. It will be a decisive argument in the event a bike is discovered and will help prove that it is you who own it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34602/

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