Why drink rose hips: useful properties. How to brew and how to take a rosehip broth

Rosehip broth is considered one of the most popular and effective alternative medicine. It is used to prevent and treat a wide variety of diseases. The effectiveness of rose hips is explained by the presence in it of a large number of various vitamins, various minerals and other useful elements. Decoctions and tinctures from its fruits are very easy to cook at home.

But before proceeding with the planned treatment, you need to understand how to brew and how to drink rose hips. The beneficial properties of this plant will be fully disclosed only if properly used. In addition, this medicine also has certain contraindications, which should not be forgotten.


Various decoctions of rose hips were used in antiquity. In alternative medicine, not only its fruits are often used, but also other parts of the plant - flowers, leaves and even roots. Why drink rose hips? It is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of various pathologies. But most often doctors recommend a rosehip decoction to strengthen immunity, prevent colds, as well as with chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

The composition of the wild rose and the amount of useful substances in it are affected not only by the variety, but also by the place where the shrub grows. But be that as it may, any kind of it contains many vitamins and minerals. Here are a few basic ones:

  • sucrose, fructose, glucose, xylose;
  • vitamins P, K, PP, C, E, B2, B1;
  • beta and alpha carotenes;
  • calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium;
  • pectins;
  • flavonoids;
  • malic, palmitic, linoleic, stearic, citric organic acids;
  • tanning elements;
  • aluminum, sodium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, nickel, selenium, manganese.

Extracts, teas, tinctures, syrups, oils, decoctions can be made from rose hip. In other words, you can use it in any convenient form.

Beneficial features

Drinking rose hips is recommended for a variety of diseases and conditions. The scope of its application is extremely wide. And all because the dogrose has a huge amount of useful properties.

  • A herbal remedy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus. This action is associated with the strengthening of the myocardium and stabilization of pressure. If you take a decoction of rose hips regularly, blood vessels become stronger and the risk of developing atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.
  • Due to the large amount of vitamin C in the composition of fruits, drinks from them are recommended to be used to strengthen the immune system and increase the protective properties of the body. Not only traditional medicine, but also traditional doctors often advise drinking broths and tinctures of wild rose in the cold season. Such drinks help the body more effectively deal with the causative agents of acute respiratory viral infections and recover more quickly after an illness.
  • Due to the presence of antioxidants in a herbal remedy, it helps to eliminate harmful toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Rosehip is recommended during vitamin deficiency.
    Useful properties of rose hips
  • Drinks from the fruits of the bush have a hematopoietic effect, so they can be indicated for anemia and other problems with hematopoiesis.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, due to which it alleviates the condition under stress, insomnia, fatigue and other conditions.
  • Thanks to the organic acids in the composition, rosehip drinks have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.
  • Herbal tinctures and decoctions are extremely useful for pancreatitis, as they have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and sedative effects.
  • Due to the choleretic effect, it strengthens the liver and improves its work.
  • Decoctions and infusions of rose hips can be recommended for those who seek to lose weight. And all because the product has a low calorie content and helps to improve metabolism.

Indications for use

Why drink rose hips? In fact, its scope is very wide. From this plant, you can prepare an extract, powder, syrup, infusion and broth.

Why drink rose hips? There are many indications for its use, here are the main ones:

  • anemia;
  • abnormal uterine bleeding;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • digestion problems;
  • decreased gastric secretion;
  • pathology of the female reproductive system;
  • blood formation problems;
  • malaria;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • slow fusion of bones;
  • weakened immunity;
  • acute and chronic forms of liver and intestinal defects.
    Indications for use of rose hips

Rosehip during pregnancy

Expecting a child, a woman tries to refrain from using various medications. It is in such cases that traditional medicine often comes to the rescue.

Why drink rose hips during pregnancy? It helps women with viral diseases and their prevention. In addition, a herbal remedy helps to strengthen immunity, which during pregnancy is greatly weakened.

In addition, drinks from rose hips have many other beneficial properties that are very important during pregnancy. For example, a herbal medicine speeds up metabolism and improves fat absorption. In addition, it activates the production of enzymes, hormones and other important elements.

How much to drink rose hips per day? The daily rate should not exceed a liter of drink. Otherwise, the load on the kidneys will be too large. How to drink rosehip broth for pregnant women? The dosage recommended by adults is not appropriate in this case. Women bearing a child can drink no more than 50 ml of decoction during the day. Moreover, the dosage is preferably divided into several doses.

How does a rosehip decoction affect the female body during lactation? This drink is often recommended by doctors with insufficient production of breast milk. In this case, the drink is supposed to drink half an hour before the planned feeding.

After childbirth, rosehip-based products help stop bleeding, stabilize kidney activity and increase the flow of excess fluid.

Dogrose for children

Until six months, doctors do not advise giving babies herbal remedies. Rosehip is considered a strong allergen, so it can be drunk for a child older than 7-8 months. In this case, treatment should be started with a minimum dosage. If the baby does not have an allergic reaction, the volume of the medicine can be increased. This applies to broths based on rose hips.

Medicinal tinctures can be used to prevent and treat children from one year old. The syrup is more concentrated, so it can be shown to babies older than three years. From this age, children can take 100 ml of rosehip decoction during the day. For students, this norm doubles. Herbal medicine should be taken in weekly intervals.

How to collect and dry

Flowering of the bush begins in late spring and lasts almost the entire summer. Each variety has its own characteristics, but be that as it may, the flower lives a maximum of two days. Despite the fact that every night the rosehip buds are closed to protect pollen from morning dew.

Harvest fruits should only be convinced of their ripeness. Rose hue should be saturated orange or red. Most often, the fruits ripen in late August - early September.

It’s not worth it to procrastinate with billets, because even because of one frost the berries will lose a significant part of their beneficial substances.

Fruits damaged by insects should not be used. Sepals leave intact. Immediately after collection, on the third day maximum, the berries must be processed. It is undesirable to wash them.

How to collect and dry rose hips

There are several ways to dry rose hips:

  • using an electric dryer;
  • on the stove;
  • in the oven with an open door;
  • in a warm, dry room.

But no matter what drying method you choose, the berries should be laid out in one layer. In the oven, the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees. Fruits can be used further when they become hard and break.

Rosehip can also be dried on the street, if weather permits. Only at the same time, do not forget to pick berries for the night so that they do not get wet.

How to brew and drink rose hips

You can prepare the medicine from both dried and fresh fruits of the bush. But in any case, the process should take into account some rules and features.

  • Berries do not need to be boiled - they must be poured with boiling water.
  • You can artificially lengthen the cooking process by steaming, for example, in a thermos or under a lid.
  • Each time it is advisable to brew a new portion of rose hips.
  • If you want to sweeten the drink, add a little sugar or honey to it, but do it after brewing.
  • Other herbal ingredients can be added to rosehip tea.
  • You can drink the drink both hot and cold. You can even add water to it. Do not worry, this will not affect the healing properties.
  • Try to make as much tea as you are going to drink. But leaving the product for later is not recommended.
  • If a film appears on the surface of the drink, do not remove it - it contains essential oils and resins valuable to the body.

Fresh Fruit Tea

How to brew and drink rose hips? It is very important to make tea so that it remains the maximum amount of nutrients. After all, only such a tool will be truly effective.

First prepare the fruits. Take a large berry zhmenya, if necessary, wash them, and then pass through a meat grinder.

Place the resulting mashed potatoes in a saucepan, pour two cups of boiling water and cover. It is advisable to wrap the pan with a towel or blanket so that for half an hour the temperature inside remains high.

How to make rosehip tea

After 30 minutes, strain the drink to remove spiny particles. To the resulting tea add 2 more glasses of boiling water and cover. In this state, he should languish for another half hour.

Such tea can be drunk in any form: hot and cold, sweet and sour, with other components and without them.

How to make tea from fresh rose hips

Dried berry tea

When brewing such a drink, adhere to the proportions: for 2.5 glasses of liquid, take 10 fruits.

Keep in mind that quality berries have a rich brown, but not black color, they do not have mold and all kinds of stains. Before cooking, the fruits should be sorted and washed.

How to brew and drink dried rosehips? In the process, you will need a small stewpan or teapot for brewing. Pour boiled water over the prepared dishes, then pour the rose hip here.

Then pour boiling water into the container and cover it with a lid. If you use a kettle, then close its spout, and wrap the dishes on top with a towel.

How to make dry rosehip

Remember that long exposure to such tea is only good. So it’s best to cook it in the evening. In the morning, you can drink the drug by adding a little honey or sugar.

Optionally, you can also supplement the medicine with a small amount of tea. For this, any variety is suitable: black, green and even hibiscus. In addition, some dried fruits can be added to the tea for taste, for example, raisins or dried apricots. Rosehip is excellent with such components.

Thermos drink

In this device, brewing rose hips is very convenient. But for this you need to know some features.

  • No need to fill the thermos to the lid itself. Vedas drink needs air to get a pleasant, fresh taste.
  • For cooking, it is best to use crushed rose hips.
  • Inside the thermos drink should be at least 7 hours. So it’s much more convenient to cook it in the evenings.
  • Before each use, the device should be thoroughly washed and rinsed inside with boiling water - this is the main condition for preparing a quality drink in a thermos.
    How to brew wild rose in a thermos

How to drink rose hips brewed in this way? It is recommended to take such a tincture of 100 ml per day for adults and half as much for children. The dosage can be divided into several doses. Drinking rose hips is best before meals.

How to make an infusion? First, place the berries and herbs of your choice, such as lemon balm or mint, in a scalded thermos. Then, if desired, you can add sugar or honey.

In the season of respiratory diseases, doctors advise adding a little ginger to such a tincture - you need to take a teaspoon of chopped root for a half liter of liquid. Then fill the thermos with boiling water and close it carefully.

Whatever the berries, be sure to strain the finished tincture. After all, not all particles of rosehip are edible.

In such an infusion, you can add any ingredients of your choice, for example, honey, lemon or currants.

Terms of use

How to drink a rosehip broth? You can take tea with sugar, honey, fruits and other berries. Duration and dosage are determined depending on the purpose.

  • For the prevention of colds and the general strengthening of the immune system, it is supposed to take half a glass of tea 3-4 times a day. How much can you drink rose hips in this case? Usually, it is recommended to take a decoction for two weeks. Most often, this is enough to strengthen the body and saturate with useful substances.
  • If you want to lose weight, take 100 ml of this tea half an hour before each meal. How much can you drink rose hips? If you do not have any contraindications, you can safely take a herbal decoction daily for a month. Then you will need to take a break and repeat the course.
  • If you use a decoction as a choleretic, take it on an empty stomach in a glass. It is advisable to drink tea warm. Meal should be only after half an hour.
  • How many days to drink a rosehip broth with pancreatitis and other problems with the digestive tract? In this case, the optimal dosage and duration of the course of treatment is usually prescribed by the doctor. Patients with a chronic form of the disease are most often recommended to take half a cup of decoction after each meal for 5-7 days.
  • For better absorption of iron and calcium, rosehip is best to drink before bedtime. Moreover, it is recommended to take the entire dose at once - 200 ml of decoction. In this case, the dog rose can be drunk every day for two weeks.
    How to take a rosehip broth

According to numerous studies, products based on this plant are able to prevent the development of cancer, improve the digestive tract, and help to absorb iron in anemia. They are not contraindicated in pregnant women and do not cause heartburn.

Adults can take no more than 200 ml of tea during the day, and children - half as much. How much can I drink a rosehip broth? Usually, the course of treatment lasts from 2 to 8 weeks. Then you need to take a break.


In addition to the therapeutic effect, in some cases, wild rose can harm the body. After all, there are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account when treating this plant. So, rosehip is not recommended in such conditions:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • chronic constipation;
  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • a period of exacerbation of pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • hypertension and hypotension.

You can not regularly exceed the permissible dosage of herbal medicine in any form. And do not forget about how much you can drink a rosehip broth. Whatever the diagnosis, you can not drink the drug for more than 8 weeks without interruption. After all, too long-term use of the drug can lead to disruptions in the liver and kidneys.

Only under these conditions can the development of side effects be prevented and the maximum benefit from the berries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34603/

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