How to restore a closed tab. Some simple methods

Surely each of us had to deal with such a problem as a closed tab, or even a session. This causes a lot of problems and inconveniences, especially when you don’t remember what information you looked at. Let's talk about how to restore a closed tab.

We will also recall how you can restore the last browser session, because this is also one of the main problems that users of personal computers encounter.

how to restore a closed tab


Why does this happen? In most cases, the answer is simple. Most often, a person encounters such a problem when he accidentally closes tabs. How to restore them in this situation? Indeed, quite often this happens quite by accident - they put the mouse in the wrong place, thought about it. Less commonly, a program failure may be the cause. However, these are isolated cases that depend on the health of the computer.

In any case, when such a problem arises, you look at the screen in confusion, thinking what to do next? Either to search all over again, or in a hurry to find out how to fix this error. We offer you the third option - to fix everything in a couple of seconds.

how to restore tab

Restore the last tab

And yet you have crashed, and you are thinking how to restore the last closed tab. There is one fairly simple and effective way. Everything is done with the help of the so-called hot keys. For any browser, this is the keyboard shortcut Ctlr + Shift + T. This combination opens the last closed page.

As you can see, everything is very, very simple. This operation takes only a couple of seconds, and the combination itself is quite easy to remember. However, there are situations when this method does not work. Mostly when the page was closed much earlier.

Open the previously closed tab.

how to restore Yandex tab
Now consider the case when we are looking for the last closed tab. It is worth noting that it can be closed in this session as well as in the previous one. How to restore the tab in this case? There are two options.

The first is suitable if you opened only a few pages in this session. In this case, a closed tab should also be in this session. Here we just start pressing Ctlr + Shift + T until the information you need appears on the screen. This method is only suitable if you had only 3-4 closed pages. If more - then this process threatens to become uncomfortable, bulky and loses its value.

We figured out how to restore a tab if it is closed in this session. But what if it was opened much earlier or at the beginning of this session? In this case, we recommend that you use your browser history and find it there. Usually, information is easy to find in the browser menu or by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H.

Features of restored tabs

accidentally closed tabs how to recover

So, we have figured out how to restore a closed tab. Now let's talk about what features these tabs have. Here we note only one important thing. Restoring the tab, you can go to the pages that were previously opened here. The browser saves the conversion history and makes it accessible to users.

Immediately, we note that the browser start pages can be restored as described above, or by opening a new window. Therefore, if you are faced with the problem of how to restore the Yandex tab, which many people have as their home, we advise you to simply open a new browser window. This will save a lot of time. Alternatively, you can use the methods described above, but it will take much more time and effort.

We restore the session

We have examined how to restore a tab regardless of whether it was just closed in this or the last session. Now let's talk about another problem that any of us may encounter.

how to restore the last closed tab

Quite often it happens that a session crashes - crashes in the browser itself, the computer, plug-ins, poor-quality sites, shutting down the computer for a number of reasons, and so on. It also happens that we want to close just one page, and by mistake we close the browser window with all the contents. Let's talk now not just about how to restore one page, but about how to return the entire session with previously opened tabs.

First of all, we note that if the browser shuts down abnormally, in most cases, when you open the program, you are prompted to restore the last session. This is the easiest solution to your problem.

The second option is to go to the browser menu, select the "History" item and find the "Restore the last session" sub-item there.

In order to avoid accidentally closing the session due to your fault, we advise you to immediately go to the browser settings and in the β€œTabs” section put an icon opposite the β€œWarn about closing multiple tabs” line. Thus, if you accidentally click on the button to close the window, you will first be asked if you really want to turn off several pages at once.


Many users of personal computers quite often encounter the problem of how to restore a closed tab, or even a whole session. Often this happens due to errors, inattention, as well as malfunctions in the browser or computer.

Despite the fact that the problem seems rather complicated, it is solved in a couple of seconds. All you need to know is a certain combination of keys called hot keys, as well as being able to call the browser menu and browsing history. All methods for restoring closed tabs were described by us in this article. We hope this material was useful to you.


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