Transport vehicles: classification and types, description, characteristic

To date, the construction uses the following types of transport vehicles: land, air, sea. Most often it is used ground equipment. Approximately 90% of all traffic is carried out using such vehicles. Among the ground equipment, automobile, tractor and railway transport are actively used.

Description of ground equipment

Currently, approximately 80% of all cargo is transported by road transport vehicles. The cost of maintaining this equipment most often ranges from 12 to 15% of all costs that are planned to be spent on construction.

Automotive technology is divided into several types. The first of these is the tractor. It is used most often if off-road is around the construction site. It is actively used during forest removal, as well as in the development of new construction sites and their arrangement.

As for the use of railway transport vehicles, they are used only if it is necessary to deliver goods to a fairly large distance, more than 200 km.

A small niche is occupied by water delivery vehicles. These include small river vessels, as well as sea ships. A feature of this technique is that it is capable of transporting up to 1000 tons at a time, but the restrictions on the use of sea transport are obvious.

The last option for cargo delivery is air. Most often, transport vehicles of this type are used only if construction is in remote areas.

Transport machine with crane

Types of automotive equipment

Among the trucks, several types can be distinguished: general purpose, special and specialized. If the car has a trailer or a semi-trailer, then in this case the equipment forms a road train. Among this technique, several types can be distinguished that differ in their cross-country ability. They can be of road type, off-road or career, as well as high and high traffic.

Trailer tractor

Vehicles, their composition

Vehicles, cars and individual rolling stocks are characterized by the following composition of elements:

  • ACS for moving equipment.
  • Elements of a transport medium.
  • There are systems that ensure the functioning of the vehicle.
  • Power transport installations.

As for the equipment of transport vehicles, it is worth paying attention to some media. They are a supporting structure that is used to accommodate all other vehicle systems. Such carriers consist of several power profile elements or their set. With regard to the functioning of the vehicle, the composition includes such elements as:

  • operation of transport vehicles with equipment to accommodate not only goods but also passengers;
  • household devices;
  • technological equipment, for example, hoisting-and-transport mechanisms;
  • mooring devices for marine equipment.

The last thing to add is a description of the power plants. Their main goal is to ensure the movement of the vehicle. In addition, the devices may also be responsible for the supply of heat and electricity for the vehicle. The composition includes movers and engines.

Transport car in stock

Vehicle characteristics

As for the characteristics of road transport vehicles or means, it is a value that can quantitatively characterize the quality of performance of the vehicle for its intended use. Technical parameters are influenced by values ​​such as speed of movement, as well as the carrying capacity of the vehicle.

As for speed, in calculations it is most often denoted as V, and is measured in such quantities as: km / h, m / s, knot. Each speed is suitable for its type of transport, respectively. Currently, there are several types of speed. The first type is technical speed, and the second type is ground speed. Another variation is cruising speed.

Heavy vehicle

Vehicle Complexes

Complexes of transport vehicles or, as they are called, transport and technological complexes (TTK) are a set of certain devices that are intended for the implementation of loading and unloading operations, as well as for the implementation of any transport and storage operations. To date, there is also a clear characteristic of the TTC.

The first class of such a complex is loading and unloading. The main types of plants include hydraulic pumps, loaders, bucket loaders, etc. The most important technical feature for this class is performance. The next class is lifting complexes. The main representatives of this technique are jacks, forklifts, electric forklifts, etc. For such equipment, of course, the main characteristic is load capacity.

Transporting class cars. It can be conveyors, live rolls and other similar vehicles. Here, as in the first case, it is very important to maintain high performance. The last class of installations is transport and storage. This includes systems such as automated storage facilities. The most important technical characteristic is the rate of cargo storage.

Conveyor belt

Terminal creation

Today, there is a rather low attention to the infrastructure of transport and technological vehicles. Operation of plants in such conditions has led to the fact that the mechanization of all work is significantly behind the required values ​​and is only 35-40%.

It is for this reason that today it is very important to create transport and technological terminals in places such as port and forecourt zones. Such terminals can provide high mechanization of such work as loading and unloading, and transport and storage.

Tractor for work at a construction site

Vehicle Selection

As for the choice of transport and construction vehicles or any other means, there are certain criteria by which selection is carried out. For example, if the weight of one cargo is 1 foot, which is approximately 0.454 kg, and its cost is more than $ 10, then most often an air type of transport is chosen for transportation. Exceptions are only explosive and flammable substances. If the cargo is presented in the form of a gaseous or liquid substance, then the most appropriate choice is delivery by pipeline.

There is a category of goods, which refers to commodity noise. If it is necessary to deliver them to a distance of less than 200 km, then it is most rational to use road transport for delivery. To deliver goods that belong to the category of perishable, it is necessary to use transport vehicles with the highest speed. There is a certain list according to which it is quite simple to make a choice of a vehicle.

  • an important role is played by the type of cargo and its volume;
  • weight as well as size are quite important;
  • frequency of deliveries and distance with the route of movement is an important criterion;
  • a very important role is played by the time for which the goods must be delivered.

However, despite all this, the economic component remains the most important factor.

Transport tractor

Calculation of the economic component

When it is necessary to carry out the calculations that will be required for the delivery of goods in different ways, several criteria must be taken into account.

It is important to take into account the cost of transportation of goods, since goods are usually delivered quite a lot, it is necessary to take into account the costs of unloading or loading. Sometimes there is such a factor as the cost of delivery on the main mode of transport, if any. It must also be taken into account that a certain type of product can be spoiled on the road, and therefore its value must be taken into account. Another factor is the cost of packaging, insurance and storage.

Transporting machines

If the vehicles of the described types are well known to everyone, then there are several other types of devices that also belong to this category, but are less noticeable. These types of machines are equipment that is used for continuous delivery of cargo in a horizontal, vertical or inclined direction. Most often, a variety of bulk materials is delivered . As for the operating principle of these machines, especially those used in the construction industry, it is worth highlighting conveyors, as well as pneumatic conveying systems.

With the help of conveyors, it is possible to ensure delivery in a horizontal or slightly inclined position to the desired point without any problems. Most often, delivery is carried out over long distances, and bulk and piece goods act as cargo. As for the principle of action, only conveyors can be distinguished from continuous machines. However, intermittent devices may also be used. These include electric carts or carburetor type. Carts can be used without any engine at all.

Special equipment

Among transport vehicles there are special-purpose vehicles. This category includes machines that are used for the delivery of liquid substances, or pseudo-liquid substances. To such a technique can be attributed cement truck. In this case, the car is equipped with a driver's cab, a semi-trailer in the form of a tank.

Used quite often on construction sites and machines such as concrete mixer trucks. Most often, they deliver liquid bitumen with a temperature of 200 Β° C, although they can also be successfully used to deliver cold cargo. The transportation distance is usually from 70 to 90 km.

Tractors are widely used among transport vehicles, since this tracked vehicle has a sufficiently large carrying capacity, but at the same time, their speed of movement is quite low.


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