Restaurant "Family Hearth" - overview, features, menus and reviews

Restaurant "Family Hearth" occupies two floors in a separate building. This is an oriental establishment, but it serves Caucasian, Russian and European cuisine. The warm atmosphere and friendly service will give guests a wonderful evening.

Where is

Restaurant "Family Hearth" is located in the Kirovsky district close to the metro stations "Leninsky Prospekt" and "Prospekt Voroshilova" in St. Petersburg. The institution is located on Novatorov Boulevard, 32 \ 2. You can navigate the SEC "French Boulevard". Restaurant "Family Hearth" is located directly behind it.

where is the family hearth restaurant

The institution is open daily from 11.00 to 01.00. On holidays and weekends the restaurant does not change the schedule. Tables can be reserved by phone or online.


The hall of the restaurant "Family Hearth" in the design combines several styles at once. It combines elements of classic, country and eco. A large number of natural wood in the interior creates an atmosphere of a cozy old estate.

The furniture here is presented in the same style. Wooden columns installed throughout the hall are associated with props that were used in medieval buildings. A bright element of the room is a bar. It is made in a modern style, upholstered in white soft material. Near it are installed modern leather bar stools of the same shade.

Family hearth restaurant

The hall has several large wooden tables. Thanks to the non-trivial design of furniture, guests feel the home atmosphere that reigned in the days of our ancestors, when large families gathered at one table.

The restaurant "Family Hearth" is equipped with a special area where musical equipment is installed. There is enough space in the hall to have fun and dance.

Cold snacks and salads

The menu of the restaurant "Family Hearth" has a good assortment of light dishes. Here are especially popular:

  • Hanseatic eggplant rolls with gouda cheese and walnuts;
  • hot smoked sturgeon ;
  • pancakes with red caviar;
  • horseradish chicken roll;
  • basturma and others

The establishment also serves a variety of salads. They are made from fresh vegetables, meat and seafood:

  • "Vitamin";
  • vinaigrette with honey mushrooms;
  • Choban
  • "Greek";
  • "Caesar" with salmon or shrimp;
  • "White Nights" with beef tongue;
  • "Forest Story" with different types of meat and mushrooms, etc.
restaurant menu Family hearth

All ingredients are purchased from trusted suppliers or on small farms. Therefore, guests of the establishment can be absolutely calm for the quality of the products.

Hot snack

The restaurant "Family Hearth" in St. Petersburg has a good selection of Caucasian cuisine. It is especially widely represented in the category of hot snacks. It serves khachapuri in Adjarian and Imereti style. This fragrant and delicious pastry with different types of cheese will appeal to both children and adults. In the restaurant "Family Hearth" the prices for this type of snacks are quite reasonable. One large portion will cost guests 360 rubles. Such dishes can be eaten both hot and cold.

Another type of cakes will surely appeal to fans of satisfying food. Kutaby with lamb and adjika will be a great start to a meal during dinner. They will be able to play the appetite and stimulate the taste buds for further meals.

Women will definitely like chicken fricassee. Soft poultry fillet in combination with delicate creamy sauce and mushrooms will not leave indifferent any guest. Vegetable lovers will definitely appreciate the eggplant baked with cheese. They have a very delicate taste and are quite nutritious. Hot pancakes with condensed milk and jam will conquer small visitors to the institution. And one portion of all costs 100 rubles.

Grilled dishes and sauces

A special place in the restaurant's menu is occupied by positions that are cooked on an open fire. Here, experienced chefs on the grill bake various types of meat, fish and vegetables:

  • potato kebab;
  • rainbow trout on a spit;
  • kebab of chicken wings;
  • chicken kebab;
  • pork barbecue;
  • sturgeon saj;
  • lamb dishes.

Guests who eat a good diet or fast can order any kind of herbs with spices, baked on the grill.

Family hearth restaurant Leninsky Prospekt menu

A large selection of different sauces will make the taste of dishes even richer:

  • barbecue;
  • cheesy;
  • tkemali;
  • garlic
  • soybean;
  • Satsebeli;
  • creamy.

Also, the institution serves fresh sour cream, which is made directly in the restaurant.

First meal

There are few positions in this category on the restaurantโ€™s menu, but they are prepared according to traditional recipes and natural products, so the dishes are in good demand among customers:

  • kingly ear;
  • chicken soup with homemade noodles;
  • borsch with meat and sour cream;
  • hodgepodge;
  • soup kharcho;
  • mutton soyutma;
  • pity;
  • Kufta;
  • dyushbara.

The last three items are prepared from lamb and lots of greens. Soups are very rich and have a spicy taste. Fans of Caucasian cuisine must order these first courses.

Hot meals

This category in the restaurant menu has the largest number of positions. It presents a variety of types of fish, meat and seafood prepared in different ways. In combination with vegetables and sauces, these dishes have a pleasant taste and beautiful design. Particularly popular are:

  • fried sturgeon;
  • fried dorado and sea bass;
  • home-made chicken;
  • drunk chicken;
  • quail tobacco;
  • Kiev cutlet;
  • pork medallions with vegetables;
  • rack of lamb;
  • adjab sandalwood (veal with vegetables and pomegranate);
  • jizz byz (fried lamb liver, kidneys and hearts with vegetables);
  • ottoman hovurma with sturgeon, etc.

In preparing these dishes, a variety of spices and herbs are used. In Caucasian cuisine, cilantro, various types of pepper, parsley and other herbs are widely used.

Dairy products and desserts

A selection of sweet dishes also has a good assortment. Different positions are presented here: from fruit salads to gourmet pastries. Ice cream prepared directly by the chefs will be able to please the delicate taste of both young visitors and adults.

Supporters of natural nutrition very often order Lyab-Lyabi for dessert. This assortment of different types of nuts, raisins, dried apricots and dates will certainly become a delicious addition at the end of the dinner. Cheesecakes, tiramisu and other cakes are prepared using only fresh creams that are made directly by the chef. In the restaurant in the kitchen semi-finished products are almost never used.

Family hearth restaurant Leninsky Prospekt

The institution has a very good selection of dairy products. Guests of the establishment can treat themselves to:

  • winder (sheepโ€™s cheese);
  • assorted Caucasian cheeses;
  • dor blue;
  • Suluguni;
  • feta cheese
  • Ayran;
  • local butter;
  • assorted milkshakes.

All these products are made from natural milk and sour cream at small farm enterprises and in the institution itself. The menu of the restaurant "Family Hearth" on Leninsky Prospekt also has a good assortment of wines and other spirits.

Additional services

The institution operates a hookah. Here are installed modern devices. Guests can choose their own fillers to their liking. The room is equipped with a good split system, so all the smoke quickly leaves and does not fall into other halls of the restaurant.

restaurant Family hearth prices

The institution has two spacious halls for banquets. Experienced managers will help determine the menu of the holiday, as well as advise inexpensive, but proven firms for decorating the premises and conducting an entertainment show program.

Reviews about the restaurant "Family Hearth"

On various resources there are many comments about the work of the institution. A lot of them are positive. For example, guests are satisfied with the updated interior, and they also indicate that in the warm season it is pleasant to spend time in the shade on the summer terrace.

There are double opinions about the menu. Some visitors are completely satisfied with the quality of the food. Others believe that a few years ago the restaurant served food much tastier than it is now. Some guests indicate that the meat is not very well fried, and the bones are poorly selected from the fish fillet.

In terms of prices, mostly positive reviews are heard. Visitors note that the cost of the dishes is quite acceptable. A tasty and nutritious dinner for one person costs an average of 1000-1500 rubles.

"Family Hearth" restaurant in St. Petersburg

Of the negative comments, several can be noted on the organization of banquets. Guests note that when ordering a celebration for a small number of people, workers are in no hurry to organize everything on time. There were times when coming to a restaurant, visitors forced waiters to shift tables and serve them.

After analyzing all the reviews, you can rate the institution "4-". If the administration takes into account all the comments, the restaurant will be able to quickly return to its previous level and "gain momentum."


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