How to wake up in the morning awake if you slept a little?

The question regarding how to wake up in the morning, peppy and full of energy, excites almost every working person. Many go to bed late at night, which flies instantly, and now - it's morning. And few people feel fresh and full of energy at the time of awakening. However, everything is possible. And in this case, too. You just need to know about some secrets and follow some simple recommendations.

how to wake up in the morning peppy


This is probably the most difficult moment for everyone. But a must. So how to wake up in the morning peppy? It is important to follow the regimen. It can be for everyone their own, individual, but stable. And of course, sleep should be limited. You do not need to stay in bliss for half a day, but you should not limit yourself to a couple of hours of sleep. You can go to bed at midnight and get up at 7:00. Observing this particular regime, you will be able to accustom your body to regular climbs and falling asleep. In other words, a peculiar habit will develop. And a person will feel how easy it is for him to wake up, even without an alarm clock.

You also need to know that the minimum amount of sleep should be 6 hours. And it is better not to fall asleep after midnight during active daytime activities. Otherwise, there is a high probability of feeling broken in the morning.

Simple but effective methods

Talking about how to wake up in the morning peppy, one can not fail to note the attention of three more good recommendations, the implementation of which does not require much effort.

So, the first moment - you need to set the correct melody for the alarm clock. Dull, melodic motifs categorically do not fit. Many say that it’s supposedly more convenient to wake up under such conditions - slowly, gradually. But actually it is not. Firstly, such melodies can only cause a gloomy morning mood and remind that a person has yet to work all day. Secondly, under them you can easily oversleep everything. But an energetic melody or favorite speaker from an FM station, which will automatically “turn on” a radio alarm at the appointed time, can charge you with a good mood.

Having barely opened his eyes, it is worth drinking a glass of water. It can be placed next to the bed before bed, in advance. Everyone knows that water tones and aids digestion. And of course, a contrast shower will not be superfluous. The final awakening will come immediately after the completion of the procedure.

how to wake up in the morning peppy

Advance preparation

It is even surprising how pressing the question of how to wake up in the morning, peppy and in a good mood. This worries many. But in fact, everything is simple. It’s enough to prepare for tomorrow in advance.

We need to plan everything. Write each case on paper. And it’s better to have a separate notebook for such plans. And if any problem worries, it also needs to be introduced there, having described in detail. Maybe in the process of presentation, the thought of solving it will come to mind. But at least you can get rid of annoying thoughts. And to fall asleep it was even easier, you can open the window in airing mode. An oxygenated body is easier to wake up. And a man, having opened his eyes in the morning, will remember that everything has been planned, thought out. And he can only have breakfast and go to carry out the scheduled business.

how to wake up vigorously in the morning


So, in principle, it is clear what needs to be done after getting out of bed to improve your condition. But is it possible to take any action while still in bed? Definitely. How to wake up in the morning peppy? It is enough to make yourself easy self-massage of hands. Lying in bed, you need to stretch the joints. Such movements, which are more like trying to pull a narrow glove on your hand.

Then you need to pay attention to the back of the hands. Rubbing is the best way. By a similar method, you need to stretch the part from the wrist to the elbow. But do not directly affect the joint.

And the last stage is massaging each finger individually. They must be kneaded, from the very tip to the base. The fact is that a lot of reflex points are concentrated on the hands, which during their stimulation send signals to the brain. This process is hidden from the eyes of a person, but it affects the awakening mainly.

Psychological attitude

He will help to wake up early in the morning vigorous. How usually do most people go to bed? With the thought that tomorrow you need to go to work again, endure the boss, subordinates, make a report, fill in the paper. And this is wrong. Even if it really is.

It is very important to lie down with pleasant thoughts. And better - in anticipation of something good. And it could be anything. And it would be nice not to invent this moment, but to arrange it. For example, buy yourself a piece of your favorite cake for breakfast in the evening and wake up with the thought of a delicious meal. Or plan the evening of the next day, promising yourself to arrange a movie show with pizza and your loved one / friend / girlfriend. So the day will fly by faster. In general, you can come up with something. In this case, fantasy is limited only by the breadth of interests.

how to wake up in the morning peppy if you sleep little

Time calculation

Here is another point regarding how to wake up in the morning peppy, and it consists in planning precious minutes. Many people paint almost every second - for breakfast, coffee, washing, making the bed to fit into strictly designated frames. Just to sleep longer. But it's not right. How to wake up in the morning peppy? You need to avoid the hustle and feel free. It is better to get up 15-20 minutes earlier, but do not rush anywhere. Morning preparation for a new day should be measured. Without looking back at the clock, in order to be in time and not to be late. And then the rise will cease to be associated with stress.

And yet, opening his eyes, you can not give slack with a reservation, a la "another five minutes." In this case, the body will again fall into a deep sleep. And then awakening will be even more difficult. It’s better to lie in bed for five minutes and think about the future day, remember your plan, outlined in the notorious notebook, dream about a good future. And after that, stand up with ease in the body and a smile on your face.

wake up early in the morning peppy

If the dream was short

Most often, the question regarding how to wake up wakefully in the morning is asked by people who devote little time to night rest and recovery of the body. Well, many of the above methods are universal and are also suitable in this case. But here there are some peculiarities.

Firstly, you need to eat well. The car does not drive when there is no fuel in the fuel tank. The same goes for the human body. Fresh citruses activate brain activity, sweet coffee with cream invigorates, and the main high-calorie dish will give a feeling of fullness.

By the way, about the great tonic drink. Coffee not only awakens, but also has a positive effect on the brain due to the caffeine contained in it.

And before eating, light charging does not hurt. A few squats, active turns of the body, push-ups - and a person will feel a clear surge of strength. After all, the central nervous system has enough of these simple loads to activate. And to do all this is desirable with open windows and bright natural light.

how to wake up in the morning peppy and with good


There is another piece of advice on how to wake up in the morning awake if you sleep little. And it consists in the following: you need to motivate yourself. Self-hypnosis is a very effective way. You can try to convince yourself that only those people who have nothing to do sleep for a long time. Or, for example, to calculate how many hours you have to lose per year, if you devote too much time to night rest. For example, if you sleep not 8, but 7 hours a day, you can save as much as 372 h / year! And this is 15.5 days per year. This time can be allocated to something useful or interesting. Devote it to learning a language, for example, or to a lesson in the gym. In general, one can dream up, but the most important thing is to come to such an awareness. And after that, the question of how to get up in the morning alert, will no longer be relevant. In any case, he will worry less.

how to get up in the morning peppy

In the end

And a couple of points worth noting attention, talking about how to wake up in the morning peppy. There is one tricky way in which you can “trick” your brain. The fact is that caffeine begins to act after 30-40 minutes. This can be confirmed by every person who drinks this drink. Therefore, it is better to start the alarm earlier, for those same 30-40 minutes, open your eyes and drink a cup of espresso, brewed in advance, in the evening. Then again lower your head to the pillow and fall asleep safely. After half an hour, the caffeine will work, the newly set alarm will sound, and the person will stand up with amazing ease in the body and with a clear head. Here, in principle, how to wake up briskly in the morning. How an emergency measure might do. But you should not abuse it. Still, it is better to follow the regime and use the methods previously given as an example.


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