Men's haircut - interesting ideas, features and reviews

It's pretty silly to believe that men need to pay much less attention to their appearance than women. Rather, if a representative of a strong half of humanity wants to look stylish, have success at work and be near a beautiful woman, you should work on yourself. However, clothes, shoes, watches and other expensive accessories will not look so impressive if the hair on the head is puffed and look careless.

Therefore, at the stage of thinking through and building your image, you should pay considerable attention to the most winning haircut. The male nape, whiskey, sides - fashionable options for these areas can not be counted. And in this article we explore those that give men the most enchanting appeal.

How to make a brutal haircut

A huge number of people - representatives of both sexes - are convinced that fashion trends do not concern men at all. To charm women, it is enough to possess charisma. At the same time, something unimaginable can happen on the head and body: shaggy hair, terrible thickets in the armpits, and so on. However, stylists and designers have been convincing us for years that representatives of the stronger half can be stylish, while maintaining their masculinity. And then we will consider the option of cutting the male neck, which will help to make sure of this.

men's haircut

As you can see, this image is quite impressive and at the same time simple. And what is most important for many, it is not difficult to make it at home. It is only necessary:

  1. Moisten your hair thoroughly with a spray bottle.
  2. Then comb and highlight the parietal zone. You should start from the temples and stretch a straight line to the top of the head. After bringing partings together, gently rounding them.
  3. Next, you need to fasten the hair on the selected area with an elastic or clip. And cut the rest as you like more. You can shave them completely or create a smooth transition. Now there are different options, and they all look quite impressive.

How to cut the parietal area

When the haircut of the male neck, temples and sides is completed, we move on to the more difficult part of the styling. It can also be done in different ways. It can be pulled up, rolled into a bundle and cut to the desired length. Or make a ladder. Then on the top of the head we select a strand and cut off the excess. Align the subsequent ones along it, moving to the forehead. A guy can be made to the crown or forehead - at your own discretion. Then the forelock should be laid with a gel.

According to numerous reviews, the haircut is universal. Because it suits representatives of the strong half of absolutely any age. And if you complement this image with a thick beard, you will be able to completely achieve similarity with the forester. It will be simply impossible to look away from such a man!

Option "a la Elvis"

For guys who are not afraid of plentiful attention, experts recommend choosing the next option for a male haircut with shaved sides and a nape.

men's ideas haircut

However, she will have to grow her hair. After all, the length of the strands at the forehead should reach at least fifteen centimeters in order to obtain the necessary effect. Making it at home is also easy. The principle is similar to the previous one. And then you can verify this:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to separate the zone from the forehead to the middle of the nape. A reference point for a desired point can be a mentally drawn line from the upper edge of the left ear to the same level, but to the right. Moreover, it is important to pay attention that to the top of the head parting moves in a straight line, and then narrows, forms an acute angle.
  2. We fix the separated part of the hair with an elastic band or a clip. We simply shave off the remaining hair or cut it short. If desired, a carved edge similar to that shown in the photo can be made at the base of the skull. Then the image will be even more vivid and extraordinary.
  3. At the end, you need to cut the selected strand. To do this, you need to pull it up, and then cut it parallel to the skull. That is, with a slight rounding to the crown.

The only nuance of this haircut of the male neck, which is mentioned in the reviews by the stronger sex, is that it requires a long styling. And this will not be convenient for everyone.

Option with a "hat"

men's haircut

More classical, and therefore acceptable for many, a haircut is performed similarly to the previous ones. But it looks much more restrained, but also original and bright.

To do it, you need to separate the parietal zone by any method described previously. And after cutting off the smooth transition from the temples to the lower part of the back of the head. The selected strand of hair in some cases remains unchanged. Although, if desired, it can be cut with a guy to the crown. Then you get a man’s short haircut with a bang and a long nape.

Haircut with a pattern on the head

Men who have supplemented one of the options for previous haircuts with carved lines look very impressive, stylish and fashionable. Of course, implementing this idea at home will not be easy. But if you carefully plan everything in advance, you will even be able to independently build a real masterpiece on your head.

men's technology haircut

So, further we will take a look at step-by-step instructions on how to cut a man’s neck with shaved temples and original patterns:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that the most suitable hair length for this option is at least to the earlobe.
  2. If the initial length of the hair corresponds to the specified parameters, you can safely proceed to the haircut. To do this, separate the hair zone from the forehead to the middle of the nape.
  3. Secure it with an elastic band or a clip.
  4. We cut the rest of the hair with a machine to a length of about half a centimeter.
  5. Then we change the nozzle and carefully display the ornate pattern. And it is best to develop it in advance on a piece of paper. Also, according to the reviews of amateurs who also risked to execute a similar image on their own, the desired drawing can be drawn directly on the head. To do this, many use pencils for eyes, lips or eyebrows. Their guys borrow from their girlfriends. This method is noteworthy in that the pattern is perfectly washed off and helps to achieve the accuracy of the pattern.
  6. The last stage of the men's haircut with a short nape is that the separated area of ​​the hair is combed up - evenly or with a guy to the side - and cut off with a straight line.
  7. Then the head should be washed thoroughly, especially if a pencil was used, and laid down, imitating a slight negligence.

Viking style

Recently, Viking-style haircuts have become enormously popular. Many options are taken from the series filmed on the relevant subject. Moreover, not only men but also some women adorn themselves in this way. Which also strive to bring brightness and freshness to their image.

If our reader is interested in how to perform one of these options at home, we will be happy to offer the following step-by-step instructions. However, it is worth notifying the reader in advance that the length of the hair in this case should be at least to the shoulders.

men's haircut

So, in order to carry out a spectacular men's haircut with an elongated nape, you must:

  1. Using a comb-comb, separate the hair zone from the temples to the base of the skull. The width should be maintained uniform from start to finish.
  2. Then we collect this part of the hair and fix it with an elastic band or a clip.
  3. The next step is completely elementary: you just need to shave off the excess hair, as they say, to zero.

The separated strand remains unchanged. But to give a similarity of the image to what is proposed in the photo, you should correctly lay your hair. For this:

  1. Using the same comb comb, we separate a strand one and a half centimeters wide from the forehead to the base of the skull.
  2. Gently twist it into a tourniquet. It is important that it passes over the head.
  3. We also act with the next strand, continuing until all the hair is laid.
  4. Then we tie the tail and lightly coat the hair with varnish or gel-fixer.

Such styling of a man's haircut with a long nape lasts about three to four days.

How to make a smooth transition

In some haircuts, the line between the spectacular forelock and the rest of the hair is almost invisible. And many newcomers complain in reviews that they themselves can’t understand how to magically do this at home. Of course, stylists have studied skill for more than one year, and therefore they can even achieve the desired result even with the help of scissors. Naturally, this process will take a lot of time and energy for an amateur, but in the end it will not always be possible to get the desired transition.

However, we will tell the reader one simple secret that cannot be found in numerous reviews. This version of a man’s haircut was developed for a machine, so it will help to easily get the desired result without any nerves and stress.

men's haircut nape step by step

It consists in elementary actions:

  1. Comb the hair and separate the strand from the forehead to the crown in any way you like.
  2. Then we take a comb comb in our hands and pick up the hair with it, located directly under the dividing line from the temples.
  3. We attach the base of the comb to the head, and the teeth, on the contrary, are pulled to ourselves. It turns out that the ends of the hair caught on a comb. Now they just need to be shaved off with a typewriter.
  4. If the result is satisfactory, then the rest of the hair should be shortened to the desired length. And after you cut the previously separated hair zone. Or leave it unchanged.

Ponytail hairstyle

Many men believe that the chosen image does not allow them to change depending on their mood. However, this is a big mistake. And we will prove that if you want, you can style in a completely new way any of the men's haircuts proposed above.

A ponytail on the back of the head - with such styling, even the most lazy or overly busy representative of the stronger sex will not have problems. But the new version will look very impressive and original.

According to numerous reviews and photos, this type of styling is the most popular. Largely because it is simple, convenient and very stylish.

Hairstyle with a braid

men's haircut

Another simple and extraordinary styling is considered one where part of the hair, allocated from the forehead to the crown or middle of the head, is braided into a braid. For men who have no idea what lies behind such an unusual name, we present a step-by-step instruction that will help with our own hands to make the image even more vivid and memorable.

To transform one of the previously proposed men's haircuts with a shaved nape, you must:

  1. Comb the long part of the hair well.
  2. Then, near the forehead, grab a strand with your fingers and divide it into three parts.
  3. After twisting them together, as in an ordinary braid.
  4. But in each subsequent overlap, you should grab an extra strand from the sides.
  5. We move in this way until we weave all the hair into a “spikelet”. The tip is fixed with an elastic band.


men's haircut at home

A great alternative to the tail is the next styling option. According to reviews, it is also very convenient. In addition, men note such an important nuance: in order to do this hairstyle, special skills are not required. As, for example, for the previous installation.

So, if desired, in this way it will be possible to style a short men's haircut with a long nape - a variant in the Viking style. The steps will be identical:

  1. First comb your hair.
  2. Then we pull them in a tail on the top of the head, but we don’t fasten them with an elastic band, but we begin to twist them into a bundle in a direction that will be more convenient.
  3. Having twisted the strand to about half, we wrap it in a loop.
  4. We wind the tip of the hair over.
  5. And only then we fix the entire structure with an elastic band.

Two-spike hairstyle

men's hair cut reviews

According to reviews, many men, when they master the technology of weaving pigtails "spikelets", tend to even greater experiments. And then they perform not one, but two whole original braids. As a result, the hairstyle looks like the one shown in the photo above.

We supplement the haircut with highlighting

Recently, there have been quite a few men with haircuts similar to those described above. But it is natural that no one wants to be like everyone else. As a result, many guys complement the men's haircut with a nape longer than the rest of the hair with original and unusual contrast highlighting.

Iguana haircut

original men's haircut

A great idea for men who are not afraid of experiments is the haircut shown in the photo above. However, it is best done at the hairdresser. Or you should also draw a silhouette with a cosmetic pencil.


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