Work at sea on fishing vessels: how to become a sailor, employment, working conditions.

The sea will not remain without people. The romance of long hikes, waves and splashes of salt water, sails clap, but in reality - heavy debilitating labor, iron discipline. But having lived a little on the shore, the shipbuilder again tears back.

Conquerors of the Ocean

The vital question is how to become a naval specialist, what is needed for this.

Work at sea on fishing vessels without special education is prohibited. There is no alternative but to the legal path. It will be about ordinary posts. First you need to understand what you like best. To do this, determine where it will be necessary to work: in the deck crew - a boatswain, sailors, cadet; in the engine room - minders and apprentice; in the galley - a cook and a steward. To become an officer, you need a higher or secondary specialized education. It will take three months to train as a motor-sailor, plus practice at sea; for the performance of duties in the service staff - up to 30 days. To start work, you need documentary evidence issued by the profile administration: a work diploma, a sailor's passport, a certificate of passage of the medical commission, SOLAS. Health validation will be carried out by special doctors who have access. And you also need to take a boat course, make the necessary vaccinations, pass the test in English. If everything is there, welcome. Work at sea on fishing vessels awaits those who wish.

How to get started

Finally, a package of necessary documents has been received. Who to start: sailor or minder? Check the character, to get on a fishing boat - this will be the beginning. The first experience with machinery and equipment. Try out strong-willed qualities. Learning to communicate with people: each has a personal life, religion, national identity, temperament and attitude. During employment, it is possible to get on the β€œleft” vessel, they are being punctured for wear. Additionally, give-bring work on the fishing line. This does not add health.

work at sea on fishing vessels

Becoming a robot, not a sailor, not everyone will like. Often, working at sea on fishing vessels forever discourages going back. Labor on the ship is hard labor, without jokes and exaggerations. Another minus is the shortage of reliable companies, recruiting teams for the seiner, and ships. Many more swindlers completing crews for rusty galoshes.


If you are interested in working at sea on fishing vessels, Murmansk opens its hospitable arms, but requires Russian citizenship. The tenant takes the fare for himself, book an electronic ticket. There is no need to pay for the employment procedure. Strada will be in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Barents Sea.

work at sea on fishing vessels Sakhalin

Earnings of 86 thousand rubles is a minimum. Registration according to the labor code. You can get settled only if there is documentary evidence of the profile profession. You need to study as a sailor in specialized training centers of port cities. Required: diploma, sailor's passport, nautical book.


Trawl fishing is a common way of fishing in the world. Setting up the network takes a little time, this is an advantage. Large catches, up to 120 tons per lift, make this method a priority. But the bottom flora also gets into the network, which is detrimental to ocean waters. The difficulty lies in the fact that it takes a long time to disassemble the catch, dexterity is required to process, sort and load fish for freezing in refrigerated chambers.

work at sea on fishing vessels Murmansk

The type of vessel affects performance: on some, only freezing is performed, on others, semi-finished products are made, fish oil and flour are made from waste; on the third - full-fledged floating industries - they make canned food. There are vessels in operation that process up to 150 tons of fish per day. Such plants go into autonomous navigation for up to six months or more. Fishing areas - the entire oceans; a list of companies with fishing vessels is easy to find.

Costs of a profession

Lack of manpower in regions with severe climatic conditions is not news. Including fishing vessels. So volunteers rode for a long ruble. Earnings are really big, but it was not easy. The work on fishing vessels in the stormy sea, heavy and dulling by the monotony, tunes for sad thoughts for several months. It is impossible to recover, or to be distracted. In addition, the conditions are far from comfortable. Constant pitching, vibration of the ship - not everyone can stand it. Together, this requires physical strength, health and mobilization of the spirit. Oppression builds up, thoughts are depressing - you need a discharge. Energy emission occurs after the trip and receiving a lot of money in the fishing office. Families beyond thousands of kilometers, no one to stop. The spree begins. First, from the restaurant, and ended in a brothel without a dime. I had to go on a flight again in order to earn and take money to my family. This was repeated several times, but it was not possible to save what was earned.

work on fishing vessels

At work, these echoes also affected due to the use of alcohol: deprivation of bonuses, demotion. As a result, the person was decommissioned, and work at sea on fishing vessels ended there, the decline of the human personality began.

Not every sailor rests in this way, but this cannot be called an exception to the rule.


Every year during salmon fishing, work at sea is resumed on fishing vessels. Sakhalin and Kamchatka are welcomed by thousands of people. The need for trained specialists is great. Most of those who came for the season have no work experience. The staff turnover is annoying: after plowing the season, part of the workers comes back. Maybe I didn’t like it, or addiction to alcohol played a role. When cutting, mainly manual labor is used, and the ability to work with a special knife is appreciated, the brigade's earnings depend on this directly.

list of companies with fishing vessels

Honored processors with experience and previously working at the floating bases: trained, equipped with the necessary documentary evidence. Such courses operate in the Primorsky Territory. Those who are educated are issued certificates. On Sakhalin this is not. Today, the processing sailor receives up to 120 thousand rubles.

On earth, a sailor feels like a stranger, yearns for an understandable and measured way of life, in which the crew became a family, where everyone has a place where he is needed and useful. Dreaming of water, deck underfoot, salty wind, new countries.


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