Potato compress: effectiveness, indications and contraindications

No wonder potatoes are considered the second bread because of their rich nutritional value. At the same time, this vegetable can be used not only for preparing various kinds of dishes, it also has another useful use - compresses. And again, thanks to its properties and components. This is the best alternative medicine in the fight against various diseases. In addition, potato compresses help eliminate coughing in adults and children. And it is not at all necessary to start taking medications when the first signs of a cold appear - it is worth resorting to the help of this soft and effective remedy.

Useful properties of potatoes

Boiled potatoes are able to retain heat for a long period of time, which is important for using this vegetable as a warming component for a compress.

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The tubers contain a variety of useful substances and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the processes of cellular metabolism. Accordingly, the regenerative processes in the tissues are improved.

The richness of potatoes is even hard to imagine:

  • iamine;
  • calciferol;
  • lactoflavin;
  • folacin;
  • pyridoxine;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • choline;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin C.

In this case, a warming compress is not recommended to be applied to the heart area. Otherwise, the cardiovascular system will experience a heavy load, which is undesirable.

In addition, raw potato or boiled compresses are valuable in that this vegetable is on the list of foods that have low allergenicity. In this regard, this vegetable can be used as a therapy for both adults and children with increased skin sensitivity. Potato compresses can be used to treat bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the ENT organs.

How do compresses work?

The effectiveness of physiotherapy is based on reflex and local exposure to heat. Due to this, blood circulation is stimulated, as well as metabolic processes of the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract. Due to the heat in the affected tissues, the infiltrates dissolve, an excess of extracellular fluid is drained, due to which the inner diameter of the bronchus increases.

Potato compress

Warming compresses from potatoes have a number of useful and necessary therapeutic properties:

  • relief of pain;
  • normalization of lymph outflow from tissues;
  • increased tissue reactivity;
  • normalization of trophism of ciliated epithelium;
  • neutralization of toxic substances in the body;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • restoration of the secretory function of the mucosa;
  • dry cough translates into productive.

In addition, due to local exposure to thermal energy, interferon is produced in the body. And this element plays a key role, as it can inhibit the development of pathogenic microflora in the area of ​​inflammation. An increase in the concentration of neutrophils of ENT organs helps to strengthen the immune system, which in turn accelerates recovery.

General rules for all compresses

Compresses are relevant for the treatment of many diseases. But despite the fact that there are many recipes using various kinds of raw materials (potatoes, butter, etc.), they have a single principle of proper location. How to make a compress of potatoes?

Before doing a compress

Important factors that should not be discounted when using a compress:

  • All ingredients of any warming compress should not be in direct contact with the patient’s skin. In any case, they are laid on the fabric, only after that they are used.
  • Each next layer should be wider than the previous one by 15 mm (no less).
  • The place on the skin where the compress will be located needs preliminary treatment with petroleum jelly or any vegetable oil. This is to avoid the risk of burns.
  • If the compress needs to be left overnight, it should be well fixed in order to exclude its displacement. In this case, the zone of the heart should remain open.
  • After removing the compress, wipe the skin dry with a towel. After that, it can be softened with any nourishing cream.
  • After the procedure, you can go out into the street no earlier than after 2 or 3 hours.

It should be understood that just a compress of potatoes with bronchitis or any other disease is not enough, since this can not be called a full-fledged therapy. In other words, such funds must be used in combination with taking medications and undergoing procedures prescribed by a doctor.

Regarding compresses from potatoes, it is worth considering another important point. Immediately impose it after the vegetable is boiled, it is clearly not worth it (as they say - from the heat, from the heat). The risk of burns is too great, and, in addition, along with the steam from potatoes, most of the useful substances will go away.

How to position a compress

In addition to knowing the general rules regarding any compress, you should also understand how to properly position it.

True wealth in the hands

It should be located on the chest of the patient (child or adult) in the place where the trunk of the bronchial tree branches. This is especially true in the case of tracheitis and bronchitis. The fight against the disease should be conducted in all directions! That is, you should not forget the interscapular space - a compress should also be applied to this place. Its layout is the projection of the main bronchi, upper and lower lungs.

At the same time, compresses from potatoes can be alternated:

  • breast warming session;
  • Session for the spinal warming compress.

However, in order to achieve maximum efficiency, it is better to combine both sessions in one. That is, to expose the chest to the therapeutic effect of both the chest and the back.

Effect enhancements

Wrapping the back and chest with woolen cloth, a scarf, a scarf will enhance the warming effect, as well as reliably fix the compress. Then the patient is covered with a blanket, and this is just the beginning of the procedure. At its end, the patient should change into dry clothes.

As for the duration of therapy, everything is largely due to the severity of the disease. Residual effects can be eliminated within 2-3 sessions. But in order to eliminate a strong cough, it will take at least 5-7 procedures. To accelerate the elimination of pathological exudate, every morning should begin with respiratory gymnastics.

Thermal potato procedure. List of indications

The advantage of cough compresses for potatoes is obvious - everything you need is at hand.

The benefits of this vegetable

You have already familiarized yourself with the useful properties of this vegetable, and thus, you can understand that the list of indications regarding the warming procedure will be quite impressive. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the most common situations:

  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis, including its mixed forms;
  • any form of pneumonia;
  • pleurisy - only with the approval of the attending physician;
  • tracheitis.

At the same time, for any disease, before using this or that treatment method, it is necessary to consult a specialist. Compress using potatoes is no exception, despite the invaluable help with coughing.

Contraindications should be considered.

Despite the wide scope of potatoes for medicinal purposes, this vegetable has certain contraindications. And they should never be discounted! Whatever significant benefits cough potato compresses are for children or adults, the following contraindications can be serious limitations:

  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • skin diseases, including a violation of its integrity;
  • fresh subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • malignant tumors.

It should be noted that in relation to pregnant women and children, the potato procedure does not have serious contraindications. All due to the fact that the vegetable itself has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. Accordingly, potatoes are not capable of causing irreparable damage to human health.

Complementary ingredient for potatoes

At the same time, this applies to those cases when the compress is done and laid correctly. Moreover, such procedures should not be carried out if the patient has an elevated temperature. And if the body is weakened, then after the next additional dosage of heat, complications may develop.

Recipe for children

Now we can proceed to consider how to make a compress of potatoes for young patients. And since it comes to children, then you should first get permission to conduct this procedure from a pediatrician. After examining the child, he will issue an appropriate conclusion and determine the duration of warming therapy and the number of sessions.

This measure is due to the fact that if the cause of the cough is an infection of a bacterial nature, then it is strictly forbidden to warm the ENT organs! The procedure can be performed only in the case of catarrhal processes of the upper respiratory tract. And then, in the absence of hyperemia and infectious complications. Moreover, it is worth considering that you can not do warming compresses for children under the age of 1-1.5 years.

For the correct procedure, the child must do the following:

  • Take a few potato tubers and boil.
  • Mash boiled vegetables with a fork.
  • In the resulting mass add 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil.
  • Make a cake from the pulp and be sure to place it in polyethylene.
  • Place the compress on the back or on the chest (or even on both sides) and fix the application well (for example, using a scarf).
  • Cover your baby with a warm blanket.
  • The compress can be removed after 3 or 4 hours.

To accelerate the discharge of sputum from the bronchi, a compress from potatoes should be given to the child at least 3 times a day. At the same time, it makes sense to take breast collections that have a mucolytic effect.

Potato compress for cough

This will lead to a cough in a productive form, which helps to cleanse the child’s bronchial tubes from mucus. Accordingly, recovery will come faster.

Useful compress for adults

Local therapy of diseases of ENT organs enhances tissue reactivity of the ciliated epithelium. This in turn allows accelerating the rate of regression of catarrhal processes. In addition, thanks to this treatment, the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the lower respiratory tract is eliminated. Due to this, spastic cough is eliminated.

The therapeutic effect of the warming compress can be enhanced by adding powdered mustard, medical alcohol, honey, lemon juice to potatoes. As a rule, among adult patients, the following recipe for a warming application is used:

  • Boil potatoes, onions, green apple in an amount of 1 pc.
  • Grind boiled raw materials with a blender.
  • In the resulting mass add 2 tbsp. l vodka and 2 times less than mustard (1 tbsp. l.).
  • After this, a cake should be formed, it is best to place it in a plastic bag.
  • Treat the surface of the skin with a nourishing cream or vegetable oil.
  • Put the application on the chest and cover it with a scarf to maintain heat.
  • After 2 hours, the compress from the potatoes can be removed.

If there are discomfort, then the medical dressing can be removed. In addition, when using local irritant ingredients (mustard, lemon, alcohol and other options), the duration of one session of the procedures should not exceed 2-3 hours.

In conclusion

The thermal procedure in the form of a warming compress using potatoes should not be considered as a panacea for the common cold or any other disease. It should be part of complex therapy. In addition, as we now know, even such a useful folk remedy has certain contraindications.

Potato compress for a child

Therefore, you should first consult with your doctor about the use of warming applications. In particular, caution must be exercised with children due to the still immature organism. With a specialist, in addition, it is imperative to discuss the likelihood of a conflict with the prescribed drugs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C3463/

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