Kalistenika - what is it? Training program

A beautiful body in the modern world is actually the key to success. A healthy lifestyle has become the same unchanging attribute of a self-confident person like an expensive watch or a trendy phone. Every year, new fitness clubs are opened in major cities, and coaching sometimes brings multimillion-dollar profits. However, the townspeople do not always have time to do their own physical form in the gym of a club equipped with the latest technology. Moreover, there are a lot of such people, and they also want to have an elastic and toned body with a pronounced muscular relief. Perhaps in connection with this, the beautiful term "calisthenics" has recently come into use. This word is not always clear to ordinary people and seems like a modern invention. However, in fact, this technique was known in ancient Greece. Today we will tell you in detail what the calisthenics are and who they are suitable for.

calistenica is

Kalistenika - what is it?

Modern man does not even imagine that you can improve your physical fitness without serious stress and iron, which is the main component of training in any gym. It seems that only under the guidance of an experienced trainer can you find the perfect body. But in fact, each person has the opportunity to build muscle and lose excess fat with the help of his own body weight. It is on this principle that the calisthenics training program is based.

Exercises in such programs are performed without additional equipment, but experienced athletes can use special weights, the effect of which will be many times higher than that of the barbell.

If you believe historians, then the famous warriors of Sparta based training of their warriors on the calisthenics. This allowed them in the shortest possible time to acquire simply incredible physical form. At the same time, athletes received not only a visible relief, but also real strength.

Many believe that using your own body weight in training is one of the most ancient methods known to mankind.

Twentieth Century - The heyday of the fitness industry

To some extent, Kalistenika was used in different periods of history. And she always showed herself very effectively, but in the twentieth century this training program was safely forgotten, giving priority to sports halls.

First of all, this is due to the fact that various simulators for sports have been actively invented. New equipment was constantly upgraded, which was very beneficial to all representatives of the fitness industry. Over time, this industry has become a real way of enrichment through the sale of equipment, rental of gyms and individual work of trainers. Everyone who wanted to get in good shape had to give impressive amounts of money for the development of training.

However, in recent years, the emphasis has shifted to the Internet. Many instructors began to lead their own channels, give advice and develop programs through the network. It quickly became clear that for sports it is not necessary to go to the fitness room and pay a lot of money. Such an understanding served as an occasion to recall the once undeservedly forgotten Calisthenics.

Training programs for this technique began to be posted on the Internet in large numbers and gained an incredible number of fans. In recent years, special competitions have even begun to be held in this industry, which have attracted serious public attention. Now almost every amateur understands that kalistenika is fashionable. And therefore, we could not ignore this urgent topic.

calisthenics program

Advantages of the technique

Training calisthenics are so popular not only because they allow you to significantly save on visiting gyms, but also because of their versatility. The technique has a lot of advantages over the classical training schemes with iron. We will try to list those that are most often mentioned by athletes:

  • Calisthenics programs perfectly match human physiology. During training, the load is evenly distributed on the muscles, joints and tendons. Therefore, there are no distortions and the well-being of a person improves.
  • Minimized risk of injury. Since the athlete does not overload himself with heavy weights, he cannot injure himself. Stretching is also practically excluded, however, do not forget that it is nevertheless necessary to observe the correct technique for performing the exercises.
  • Improving the condition of the spine. Kalistenika can help get rid of some problems with the spine by strengthening the back muscles.
  • Gaining new qualities. When training with your own weight, you can increase endurance, flexibility and develop a sense of balance as soon as possible. The athlete begins to feel better about his body. Many note that the calistenica made them more prominent, despite the fact that they did not dry.

In addition, to engage in this technique, you do not need special equipment and space. You just need a regular tracksuit and comfortable shoes. Experienced athletes prefer to practice outdoors in the yard, and beginners can even equip a regular cupboard or stool for training.

Training Classification

The universality of the calisthenics is that it can give absolutely any result, depending on the goals of the athlete. For example, you can achieve good fat burning with proper nutrition and a large number of repetitions. And in another case, the complex will help you gain the necessary muscle mass.

Therefore, when starting training, be sure to consider what exactly you want to get as a result.

calisthenics training

General characteristics of training

Kalistenika for beginners is not much different from classes for experienced athletes. And in that, and in another set of classes includes simple exercises that have been known to many since school times. The difference is only in the number of repetitions and technique.

A typical set of exercises consists of classic visas, push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and so on. Even a person who has never played sports before can master the program. In kalisteniki training for beginners are developed in several versions. We have selected for our readers the most optimal option that will suit both men and women.

Tips for Beginners

Before training, it is necessary to conduct a warm-up. It will help warm the muscles and ligaments, which will prevent injuries and sprains. The warm-up complex should consist of rotations with the head, legs, bends and squats. It is noteworthy that all exercises are done at a very fast pace. After you need to stretch well. This will alert all muscle groups.

The training lasts from thirty to sixty minutes. Duration depends on the health of the athlete and the level of his training. In order to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to train a specific muscle group every day. The following exercise arrangement is ideal:

  • legs and buttocks are trained in parallel with the back and abs;
  • exercises for the pectoral muscles go well with the triceps complex;
  • upper back muscles are usually trained along with the forearms and biceps.

In the first days of training, you must try to complete each exercise at least fifteen times in two sets. Each time, the number of repetitions should increase.

kalistenika workout program

Kalistenika: beginner training program

Each newcomer must first learn the Australian pull-ups. This option is significantly different from pull-ups in the broad sense of the word. The athlete will need a crossbar located at chest level. For her, you need to take a back grip a little wider than the level of the shoulders. Pulling is done off the floor and extremely slow. It would be ideal to bring them up to fifteen times in six approaches. When you can easily get twenty pull-ups, you should change the grip and start again from the very beginning. Believe me, each time a different muscle group will work for you.

The program kalisteniki for beginners also includes the usual vis. It significantly strengthens the muscular belt of the forearms. This will allow you to prepare for more difficult exercises.

During push-ups, the athlete has chest muscles and triceps. With different positions of the hands, the load on the body also changes, which improves your physical shape. The main thing in push-ups is the correct exercise technique. It must be done very slowly and make sure that the body forms a straight line. If it’s hard for you to achieve such a technique, then begin to do push-ups on bent knees. As soon as you can do six sets of fifteen repetitions, change the setting of the hands.

Recently, they have been talking about the benefits of the bar almost everywhere and this is really a very effective exercise in which almost all muscle groups work. Performing it at the very beginning is necessary in three sets of thirty seconds. A good result, talking about your progress, is five minutes.

After the bar you need to work out the press. Perform classic curls from a prone position with bent legs. When lifting the torso, be careful not to strain the lumbar spine. The number of repetitions for beginners should not be less than thirty times.

Squats will load the muscles of the legs. Try to do them fifteen times in six sets. Rest between sets should not exceed one minute.

Complex for experienced athletes

As soon as you feel that you are already easily doing exercises for beginners, you can safely go to another level. The program for experienced can consist of the following blocks:

  • pulling up on the left and right hand separately;
  • exercises on the uneven bars (bending the arms, pulling up, and so on);
  • leg lifts on the horizontal bar and uneven bars (in these cases, different loads are applied to the muscles);
  • push-ups on one arm (it is extremely difficult to perform this exercise correctly the first time);
  • various variations of squats (with jumping, corset, weight, and so on).

This complex is an exemplary option that every athlete can remake for themselves. But in any case, it will be very effective, which will immediately affect the terrain.

calisthenics for beginners

Complex for homework

We think you have already noticed that for the above exercises you need a horizontal bar or bars. Not everyone can find such shells at home or in the yard, so we have selected a special complex for you, which requires only your time and desire.

They work out push-up muscles well. They can be performed in different variations depending on the level of physical fitness. You can start doing exercises from the knees and gradually switch to push-ups from the socks. Each approach should consist of fifteen times. The number of sets reaches six.

Squats can be performed in several ways and each involves a specific muscle group. You can squat down parallel to the floor, lower, and with your feet shoulder-width apart or with a narrower setting. In any case, you need to bring the exercises to six repetitions fifteen times.

Lunges will help you gain strong leg muscles and elastic buttocks. They can be performed according to the classical scheme or to the side. In the future, attacks with a jump and weighting will become available to you.

Twisting must be done many times until you feel completely exhausted. In this exercise, only this feeling is a measure of effectiveness.

The bar must be brought up to five minutes. You can start with thirty seconds and increase the duration gradually.

beginner training

Some tips for beginners

Be sure to do calisthenics regularly and do exercises for different muscle groups. In this case, after three months of training, the result will be noticeable to everyone around you, and you will receive a powerful impetus for further training.

Starting to practice, pay attention to your diet. Without this nuance, it will be difficult to achieve good results.

In the summer, carry part of your workouts outside. You can practice on the beach, in the courtyard or on the sports ground. Fresh air will help you exercise more efficiently.

kalisteniki program for beginners

Instead of a conclusion

Kalistenika is available to anyone who wants to change themselves and gain excellent physical shape. Now you do not need expensive equipment and special equipment, because classes can be started at any time.

Start working on yourself immediately and within a few months you will feel like a completely different person.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34633/

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