How to order with "Aliexpress" in Crimea: instruction

The largest portal Aliexpress in mid-2015 imposed a ban on registering new accounts for residents of the Crimea, later the security service imposed restrictions on purchases for citizens living in “unfavorable” regions. This primarily affected the Crimean territory. All paid but not sent orders were immediately canceled and payment restrictions were set for users who specified Crimea and nearby cities such as Simferopol, Feodosiya, Sevastopol, Yevpatoriya, Kerch in the address delivery. According to rumors, this was due to the sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia due to the annexation of Crimea. Despite the fact that China does not support any sanctions against Russia and the Crimea, 55% of Aliexpress belongs to investors supporting them.

how to order with aliexpress in crimea

Many are tormented by the question of whether it is possible to order with "Aliexpress" in the Crimea now. Most users of the already beloved Aliexpress online store are afraid to place orders, but still continue to look for ways to solve the delivery problem. The difficulties are primarily due to the fact that the system does not recognize the new location and offers to enter a different address.

What problems may arise when ordering

When placing orders on Aliexpress, users may encounter the following problems:

  • Registration and payment of the order takes place, but later a message arrives from the security service about the blocking of funds with a request to provide identification documents.
  • Orders are not received by the seller, as a result of which they are canceled due to the expiration of the term.
  • Orders are made, but payment does not pass, an error is displayed.
  • Orders are not processed at all.
  • Account is blocked.

How to order with Aliexpress in Crimea

Crimean residents found several ways:

  1. Arrange with relatives or friends living in another part of the Russian Federation to pick up the package, and then forward it to you.
  2. Indicate the wrong delivery address.
  3. You have no idea how to order goods with "Aliexpress" in Crimea? You can try to negotiate with the merchant to send the goods to this address of residence.

how to order with aliexpress in crimea 2016

Delivery through friends

Are you tormented by the question of how to order a parcel from "Aliexpress" in the Crimea? It's simple: if you have loved ones living in another part of the Russian territory who have the opportunity to pick up the mail and forward it to you, you must do the following:

  • Arrange with relatives / friends and send them the necessary amount for sending the package to you.
  • Register a new user (the data of the person who will receive the parcel should be indicated, since you must show your passport upon receipt).
  • Pay for purchases on Aliexpress and arrange delivery to a friend's address.
  • Further, he needs to receive and forward the package to you.

Invalid address

Due to changes affecting the Crimea, parcels from Aliexpress began to arrive at other addresses or even get lost. In order to save money, the Chinese blocked payment for them, which confused customers: many still do not know how to order goods from Aliexpress in Crimea. So the buyers came up with another way to place and pay for orders.

how to order goods with aliexpress in crimea

This method is that the delivery address is not completely correct. Why not at all? The street, building number, apartment, building and, most importantly, the index must be written accurately. Postal services are all guided by an index that identifies belonging to a particular region.

The main secret lies in the column "region". Here it is necessary to indicate the Krasnodar Territory, as it is closest to the Crimea. Russian Post employees understand this trick, therefore all parcels and parcels will be sent to the correct address. For example, write the index and country correctly: Krasnodar Territory, street name, house and apartment number. As you can see, people do not sit idly by and find answers to the question: "How to order the necessary package through Crimea Express?"

How to contact the seller

In order for the account not to be blocked during the registration or payment process, the user needs to re-register. The questionnaire must contain the correct personal data, but when filling out the line with the delivery address, cheat a little and write any address located in another part of Russia, this is the answer to the question: "How to order goods from Aliexpress in Crimea?"

Next, put the goods in the basket so that the seller sees that you are interested in purchasing. The Chinese are very scrupulous in the matter of making a profit and will be happy to help you. After the product is in the basket, you need to contact the seller by clicking on the yellow envelope that says "send message / contact the seller" located on the page with the goods.

Can I order with aliexpress in Crimea

Do not know how to order with Aliexpress in Crimea? Just describe in detail the situation to him, indicating that you are actually in the Crimea, and the address you entered is incorrect, so that you are not blocked. In most cases, sellers try to help customers. After the seller agrees, send him the real address and make sure that the index is spelled correctly.

What to do if a profile is blocked

When you try to place and pay for the order, the profiles of residents of the Crimea, Sevastopol and Simferopol are automatically blocked. Account recovery is not possible. Everything is not so scary if previously issued orders came safe and sound, and if not? If the buyer needs to issue a refund or open a dispute, what should I do in such a situation?

In this case, you should contact the administration of the online store for help, this is done as follows:

  • On the main page of the site, select the "Help" section.
  • Next is the "Support" tab.
  • In the window that appears on the right, there are service assistants (the "girl in headphones" icon) that will help to understand this situation. You can communicate with a consultant in Russian. He will tell you in detail what actions need to be performed.

If you have no complaints about orders, and the profile is blocked, unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore it. In this case, you need to register a new account. How to place an order and how to order things with Aliexpress in the Crimea, you will learn below.

How to place an order in the Crimea on Aliexpress

Do not know how to order with Aliexpress in Crimea? 2016 and the current 2017 did not bring any special changes, only a few tricks appeared. The placing of the order itself should not cause any difficulties for the buyer, since this is a standard process of selecting the product and the corresponding parameters. But in filling out personal data should be disassembled in detail:

  • Do not know how to order goods in Crimea through "Aliexpress"? To place an order in Crimea, you must go to this portal in the Russian version.
  • Register or log in (for those who already have an account) and enter your personal account with your password and login.
  • In the drop-down menu on the left, select the "My Orders" section.
  • Next, go to the "Address / Delivery" tab.

We will dwell in more detail on the exact filling of the delivery address and zip code for users of the online store in Crimea. All information is filled with letters of the Latin alphabet.

how to order a package with aliexpress in crimea

So, let's begin:

  • Personal data - surname, name, patronymic of the user.
  • Country / Region - indicate the Russian Federation.
  • Address - enter the street name, house and apartment number.
  • City - here you must indicate the name of the city / village in which you live, in the same paragraph, the Republic of Crimea is written with a comma, for example, Simferopol, Respublika Krym.
  • Region / region / region - select Other in the list that appears.
  • Zip code is the number of the post office serving your home. All indices are preserved, only now they are six-digit and begin with the number 2. If earlier your index was 46580, now when filling out the delivery address you must specify 246580. This applies to the whole territory of Crimea.
  • Contact number - mobile or landline, must begin with the seven, and not as before, with the number 3.

After filling in all the lines, the information should be saved, after which you can proceed to payment. In the future, when placing orders, the specified address will pop up automatically.

How to order with Aliexpress in the DPR, LPR or Crimea

Do not know how to order with Aliexpress in Crimea? 2016 brought another way to get an order from Aliexpress in the Crimea. To deliver goods from the online store to residents of the DPR and LPR, a specialized service, Our Mail, was formed, which delivers mail from Aliexpress on the territory of the ATO and in the Crimea.

The ordering scheme is as follows:

  1. An order is placed in the online store, the Russian branch of the company "Our Mail" is indicated by the delivery address
  2. The next step is to register on the site "Our mail", specify the information about the parcel and your contact information.
  3. We receive an order in one of the branches of your city.

Delivery services are paid, they can be paid at the time of receipt. So, delivery from Rostov-on-Don will cost the buyer 150-300 rubles per kg of weight. The price depends on the region of delivery and the dimensions of the box.

How to order through aliexpress in Crimea

Step-by-step instructions for placing an order through the organization "Our mail"

The first step is to register the order at the address of the postal organization Our Mail. To do this, you need to register / authorize in the online store Aliexpress, then go to the "Delivery address" section and fill in the necessary lines:

  • The name of the recipient is Nasha Pochta and his initials (full name).
  • Delivery address - indicate the address of the desired postal branch.
  • Region / region - write the area of ​​the post office.
  • City - indicate the locality in which the Our Mail branch is located.
  • Index.
  • Phone - write your contact number.
  • Save information, place and pay for the order.

The next step is registration on the Our Mail portal. And the last stage is placing an order on the mail site. This can be done only after the seller sends the goods and sends you the track number. For registration you will need to fill out an order form indicating some information:

  • Personal data (full name).
  • Phone number.
  • City of receipt.
  • Link to the product.
  • Order price.
  • The name of the online store.
  • Track number for tracking.

How to pay for goods on Aliexpress from the Crimea

We examined in detail how to order delivery of "Aliexpress" in the Crimea, and now we will figure out how to pay for the goods. In Crimea, there are no international payment systems, such as Visa and MasterCard, while everyone is already used to paying for purchases via the Internet without leaving home. For residents of Crimea online payment is available through Yandex.Money. How to do it?

  1. Select the product and click "Pay." In the payment methods, press the "Cash" key
  2. Next, a message with a code is sent to the email and phone.
  3. Go to your personal account of your Crimean bank and replenish your Yandex.Money account, in the line "e-wallet number" enter the code from the message. Those who do not have Internet banking can replenish their Yandex.Money account through any payment terminal, but in this case it will be necessary to pay a fee for the transfer of money.

how to order things with aliexpress in crimea

How much is the postal item to the Crimean Republic

The average delivery time from Aliexpress to Crimea is 3-4 weeks. The deadline for receiving a mailing depends on how quickly the seller processes incoming applications and on the workload of the post office. In rare cases, buyers receive packages in two weeks.


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