How to disable startup programs for Windows 7 and where?

One of the reasons for the slow operation of the OS are programs that are present in autorun. As a rule, not all of them are necessary for the correct operation of Windows, so some can be removed, which will increase the performance of the computer, it will start loading faster and respond to your commands.

how to disable startup programs windows 7

On how to disable startup programs for Windows 7, you will learn further. At the same time, remember that there are utility applications whose deactivation can lead to malfunctions of the operating system. Having cleared the list of automatically included programs, you will notice that it takes much less time to load the OS.

Why remove programs from startup?

Many applications located in the "Startup" affect the download speed of the OS. You probably noticed that a computer that was purchased relatively recently, after a few months, starts not loading as fast, but also “slows down” during operation.

disable startup programs in windows 7

After installing various applications, without your permission, they are added to the "AutoPlay". That is why it is necessary to disable startup of programs in Windows 7, which you rarely use, or you don’t need them at all. In the process, all these applications use computer resources, for example, random access memory, which affects its speed.

Of course, not all programs in “AutoPlay” need to be deleted, since some of them are really needed, but there are some that must be loaded with the OS. Therefore, before cleaning the Startup list, make sure that you do not disconnect something important.

Why are applications added to “Startup”?

As mentioned above, many programs are added to the "AutoPlay" on their own. For example, you download an application, and you are offered another load, which, without your permission, is placed in “Autostart”. It’s one thing when it’s a really necessary program, for example, to control a video adapter. But if you do not need the application, then you need to know how to disable startup programs in Windows 7.

Often, in “Autostart”, users add the programs that they most often need. For example, if you constantly need to be on Skype, you can include it in the startup list. But there are also required applications, such as anti-virus or firewall (firewall).

If you are not satisfied with the startup speed of the operating system, regular “brakes”, and you cannot find where to disable the startup of programs in Windows 7, then read about it further.

How to disable autorun programs

So, you decided to get rid of some applications in the "AutoPlay", but do not know how to do it. In fact, everything is very simple. To see what programs you have there, go to the "Start" menu, open "All Programs" and find the corresponding section, which is called "Startup". By clicking on it, you will open a list of all applications located in the "AutoPlay".

If you want to remove the program from "Startup", then you can do this using the command line. Call it by pressing the "WIN + R" buttons, and then enter the command "msconfig" there. Click "Enter", "System Configuration" will open, where you will need to go to the "Startup" section.

disable startup of windows 7 programs

Now you can independently disable the startup of Windows 7 programs. Uncheck the boxes next to those applications that you do not use. By the way, if you do not need them, then delete them through the "Programs and Features".

How to disable startup of Windows 7 programs using Autoruns and CCleaner

You cannot remember which keys must be pressed to invoke the command line. Or perhaps you want to open the list of “AutoPlay” programs in just a few clicks. Then you can install on your computer one of the free applications to do this.

where to disable startup programs in windows 7

The first program is called Autoruns. It is recommended to download it from the official site. At the moment there is only the English version, but you should not be scared, because the interface is designed in such a way that even a novice user can figure it out.

how to disable startup programs in windows 7

Another popular application is CCleaner. You can also download it from the official site. In order to disable startup programs in Windows 7, you need to run CCleaner and go to the "Tools" section. Now select "Startup" and once click on the application that you want to remove from "Startup". There are corresponding buttons on the right.

Useful Tips

Before you delete something or, conversely, add it to "Startup", you need to familiarize yourself with a few tips from experienced users:

  • It is not recommended to remove the antivirus program from “AutoPlay”, because after loading the OS, you may forget to turn it on, which means that there will be a threat of virus penetration.
  • If you don’t know whether it is possible to disable a program, then look for information about it on the Internet, and then make a decision, because some applications are official.
  • In addition to clearing “Startup” of unnecessary programs, it is recommended to deactivate some services that can be found on the tab of the same name in the “System Configuration” window.
  • When you learn how to turn off the autoload of Windows 7 programs, do this with all unnecessary applications to ensure minimal load on the system at startup.


As you can see, it’s not difficult to open “Startup” and remove all the “garbage” from there. You only need to remember one shortcut and the msconfig command. After completing these steps, you will notice that the next time your computer will boot much faster, especially if there are a large number of applications in the “AutoPlay”.

disable autoloading windows 7

Often users, having downloaded a movie from a torrent, forget to close the client itself and remain on the distribution. As a result, web pages open much more slowly. However, if you remove this application from "AutoPlay", then the problem will be solved. That is, when you need to download something, then manually start the client, and also close it.

So, now you know how to disable startup of Windows 7 programs. It is recommended to regularly check what you have there. By the way, some applications themselves ask whether to add them to the "Startup" or not.


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