Innovation Infrastructure: Concept and Characterization

The problems of innovative development often lie in the wrong principles of building infrastructure - the base on which the innovative activity of an enterprise, region or even country is located. What is such a base and what significance does it have for the development of the system?

The concept of innovation infrastructure

Any system of social or industrial relations over time should occupy a fundamentally new level. Thanks to gradual development, such a system evolves, improves, and its characteristics go to a new level. Thanks to such progressive development, the process of development of the scientific and technical potential of society takes place, which gives an impetus to the development of civilization as a whole.

innovative infrastructure

Basically, the development of innovative infrastructure concerns large-scale processes, such as the formation of a new approach to governance on a national scale. Therefore, the processes of formation are mainly applicable to the state scale and are based on the introduction of new projects within one country.

Innovative infrastructure is the main mechanism of a fundamentally new activity of the existing system. This concept can be used with different meanings, but its essence boils down to the following: it is a set of different structures that are closely interconnected, which serve and stimulate the sprouts of innovation in the country.

development of innovation infrastructure

Elements of Innovation Infrastructure

In our country, the subjects of the structure of innovative development are: innovation and technology centers, research laboratories of large universities, technology incubators, business centers, etc. This includes all organizations that stimulate innovative activity in various fields of science and economics.

Systems approach

Innovative infrastructure is developing and improving. Various approaches are used to monitor its development. The systematic method of researching processes is the most universal. He explores the formation of innovative infrastructure and consists in dividing the entire diversity of training centers and organizations into several blocks.

creation of innovative infrastructure

  1. The financial unit - is responsible for the development of financial infrastructure, for attracting investment in research centers, for the effective development of various types of financial assistance.
  2. Production and technological unit - is responsible for conducting experiments and experiments in the framework of ongoing research and projects.
  3. Information block - is responsible for covering the research activities in the media, prepares press releases, conferences, interviews, interviews.
  4. Personnel block - provides employees who are able to attract new methods and knowledge to the system.
  5. The consulting and expert unit includes organizations engaged in the provision of services on the issues of patenting, intellectual property protection, certification and standardization, as well as centers for the provision of consulting services.
  6. Sales unit - is responsible for the attractiveness of projects for investors, creates commercial attractiveness for an innovative product, lays a corridor from a research center to production enterprises, where serial production of innovative products is established.

elements of innovation infrastructure

Creation of innovative infrastructure

For the formation of an innovative product , close interaction between researchers and scientists at the junction of several scientific disciplines is necessary. This gives rise to the prerequisites for creating the final product, and the obstacles to this process.

innovation infrastructure

Factors that hinder the development of the “corridor of innovation” in certain regions of the country include:

  • lack of qualified personnel;
  • slow updating of production facilities;
  • weak state support for innovative undertakings and new research;
  • lack of information on possible markets for the final product, including abroad.

Innovation Infrastructure Analysis

As you can see, the main obstacles to the development of an innovative climate are, first of all, in the absence of a methodological approach to the popularization of scientific activity. Where the scientific potential is high, the innovation activity infrastructure is disclosed in the context of all system blocks. With a lack of certain resources, innovative activity in the region needs support from the state and private investors.

Location of innovation centers

In Russia, the innovative infrastructure is concentrated near the most important scientific and technological centers. First of all, it is Moscow and the Moscow region with its huge research potential. 652 organizations, 34 largest scientific enterprises operating under the auspices of the state, three leading nanocenters - the famous T-Nano, Zelenograd Nanotechnology Center, and Nanotechnology Composites Center successfully operate in the capital. The Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, one of the very first scientific institutions in Russia, also successfully operates in the capital. A lot of efforts to develop innovative activities are made by the Moscow government. So, thanks to his support, Technopolis was created - a leading industrial park designed for the development and development of high technologies. The facilities of this research site are used by about 20 companies operating in various fields of scientific activity.

formation of innovation infrastructure

Similar centers are located throughout the Russian Federation, near all major scientific and educational institutions with a good laboratory and research base. The innovation infrastructure connects such centers with common developments and interests, interacts with foreign partners, making it possible for investment to flow into our country.


Thus, the development of the infrastructure of innovative undertakings makes the work in the research institutes of our state more attractive for both domestic and foreign scientists. State support helps to continue the research. The final product can be sold immediately and bring commercial profit, or it may not bear immediate commercial return. Thanks to the developed set of measures, the innovative infrastructure continues to develop and raise the scientific reputation of our country throughout the world.


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