Sea buckthorn hair oil will provide shine.

Every woman, girl wants to look attractive, but without beautiful hair this cannot be achieved. In the modern market there are a lot of cosmetics for hair treatment, but in order to get the desired result, you need to use them constantly and spend a lot of money, but even this does not guarantee a dazzling result.

But there is a way to save money and get incredibly healthy braids. You can use folk remedies that have a therapeutic effect, and do not give temporary shine to the hair. One of them is sea buckthorn oil for hair. It has been used since ancient times and contains many vitamins and many trace elements. Since ancient times, only noble people could use such an effective remedy, thanks to which they had excellent hair, which when using oil becomes brighter, stronger, silky and grow quickly.

Where to buy sea buckthorn oil?

Now sea buckthorn hair oil is available to everyone. It can be purchased at the pharmacy or prepared at home. There are several ways to get oil.

1. Press the collected berries to get the juice and put it in a cool place. After some time, the oil pops up, and it just needs to be removed. This oil is of high quality and natural.

2. Cake, remaining after the juice is squeezed, grind and pour with ordinary vegetable oil. Then we insist for some time and by pressing we get sea buckthorn oil. But, the oil extracted by this method is lighter and, unfortunately, less natural.

How to use sea buckthorn oil?

Application for hair is advisable in the following cases:

  • against hair loss - an infusion of sea buckthorn: 2 tablespoons of berries pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist for three hours, filter. We apply both inside (drink 1 glass a day 2 times on an empty stomach), and outside - we rub it into the roots.
  • You can also make a mask: rub hot sea buckthorn oil with a drop of any shampoo into the hair roots a couple of hours before washing, wrap it with cellophane, a warm handkerchief, then rinse with shampoo. To do daily.
  • You can apply sea buckthorn oil for hair growth - add a teaspoon of dimexide to the hot oil and rub this mask into the scalp. This mask is washed off with apple cider vinegar, in equal proportions diluted with water.
  • Firming mask - rub a mixture of sea buckthorn and burdock oil into the scalp. Next, wash my hair 2 times, and as a rinse, you can use the infusion of chamomile and nettle.
  • In case of excessive fragility - mix sea buckthorn oil for hair with juice of olives (2 tablespoons each) and one egg, add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and apply the resulting mask to the hair.
  • For dandruff - mix sea buckthorn oil and 1/6 olive oil , apply and leave for 40 minutes, rinse. We do it twice a week.
  • For dry hair - pour 3 tablespoons of burdock root with 1.5 cups of water, cook for 15 minutes, then filter the broth, add 5 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil - apply this mixture to the scalp before each wash. Also, when dry, we intensively massage the scalp, then apply a mixture of castor and sea-buckthorn oils to the roots in equal proportions, after thirty minutes wash my head as usual and rinse with chamomile infusion.
  • For oily hair - in equal proportions, sea buckthorn and castor oil are combined with two yolks. We apply on the head and rinse off with an ordinary shampoo after thirty minutes.

Any product is prepared immediately before use. Sea buckthorn oil for hair as a result of constant use will provide your hair with the necessary nutrients, make them more docile, strong, smooth. They will be easier to fit and shine brighter, filling with delightful beauty your whole image.


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