Balzac and Napoleon: Relations and Dualization

Balzac and Napoleon, Hugo and Robespierre, Yesenin and Zhukov are not only historical celebrities. These are the names of personality types in socionics. The relationship between people, according to the adherents of this direction, are built according to strict laws that accompany the individual from birth. Given the principles of socionics, you can live in peace and harmony with your soulmate.

What is socionics

The socionic trend is a science that studies the general laws of relationships between people and the characteristics of the interaction of a person with surrounding reality.

Carl Gustav Jung

Today, the doctrine acquired the status of an independent doctrine, but for a long time socionics was formed from various fields of scientific concepts. Currently, many scientists consider socionics as one of the areas of psychology, but this is an absolutely independent teaching. Thanks to socionics, one can better understand the intrinsic motivation of a person, his life views and values, and the characteristics of his mental development. This direction is safely used in various sectors of human life. The most accurate socionics is in the case of selection of married couples.

Who invented socionics

The basis of socionic teaching was the work of Carl Jung "Psychological types." After reading the concept of a psychoanalyst once and combining it with the theory of “informational metabolism” by Anton Kempinsky, the Lithuanian scientist Ausra Augustinavichyute, together with like-minded people, developed a direction that they called socionics.

Ausra augustinavichute

An economist and sociologist in the past, Aushra in the early 1970s set forth her views in the work “On the dual nature of man.” Subsequently, socionics spread throughout Russia and Ukraine. Resident L. Zilite, a native of Latvia, identified three main schools of direction:

  • Kievskaya (scientists A.V. Bukalov, V.V. Gulenko, V.D. Ermak, G.A. Shulman and others belonged to it);
  • Novosibirsk (with A.S. Filatova and N.R. Yakushina at the head);
  • Petersburg (representatives of the school were V. Mironov, G. Reinin and other adherents).

At present, socionics is also popular in the countries of Eastern and Western Europe, the USA.

Basic concepts of direction

Like every science, socionics has its own specific terms. The basic concepts of teaching are:

  • The socionic type (sociotype) is an element of the personality’s mental development that is innate and not amenable to changes in the process of further life. Such a structure determines the ways of human interaction with the surrounding reality.
  • Quadra - a group of four sociotypes that have similar communication priorities and life values.
  • First Quadra (alpha). The main purpose of this group is the formation and transfer of new knowledge.
  • The second quadra (beta). The main function of these individuals is to ensure the implementation of new projects.
  • The third quadra (gamma) is called upon to engage in criticism and reorganization of the system at the very beginning.
  • The purpose of the fourth quadra (delta) is to bring a reformed society to an optimal state and stability, as well as filling the system with moral and ethical values.
  • Logic is an intellectual feature of a person, which makes it possible to approach all issues objectively and impartially. In socionics, logic is divided into business (P) - entrepreneurship, labor costs, action, and structural L - organization and creation of schemes and plans.
  • Ethics is the essence of subjective judgment and assessment, based on an understanding of the inner spiritual world of others. The concept is divided into the ethics of emotions (E) - feelings and experiences, and the ethics of relationships (R) - habit, gravity, attachment.
  • Sensory means the perception of the surrounding reality through the senses. There are two types of sensory - power (F) - submission to one's own will, and sensations (S) - internal comfort, well-being, bodily comfort.
  • Intuition is the ability to abstractly perceive the surrounding reality in holistic images and representations. In socionics, there are two types of intuition - opportunities (I) - all sorts of conjectures, discoveries, insights and time (T) - fantasies on the topic of mysticism, contradictoryness, variability, etc.
  • Also extremely important in socionics are the concepts of “extraversion” (the ability to actively interact with others) and “intraversion” (passive attitudes of interaction, accompanied by internal experiences).
  • All sociotypes are either rationals or irrationals. The terms came to socionics from Jung's theory and mean the ability of a person to interact with others on the basis of clear, planned programs (ratios), or based on the characteristics of this spontaneous case (irration).

What is the basis of socionic typology

So, in socionics there are four dichotomies that determine all human reactions to external stimuli. These components of the human psyche are:

  • logic / ethics;
  • sensory / intuition;
  • rationality / irrationality;
  • extraversion / introversion.
8 characters of socionics

Given the data of the dichotomy, socionics distinguishes sixteen types of personality. The essence of sociotypes is to describe the perception, processing of the information received by the individual and its interaction with the surrounding reality.

Typology of personality

16 socionic types are as follows:

  1. Dostoevsky is intuitive and compassionate, tactful and polite people, well versed in all the intricacies of relationships.
  2. Yesenin - romantic, but able to well feel comfortable moments due to prognostic abilities.
  3. Don Quixote - irrationals who do not burden their mind with template decisions. The main characteristic of the type is the ability to simultaneously find several solutions to a problem situation.
  4. Jack London is a logician with business acumen. Everything in their space is perceived as resources to action, be it information, people or time.
  5. Stirlitz - extroverts that are able to act independently or organize others into actions.
  6. Hamlet is a type that, in most cases, is driven by emotions and feelings. Hamlets are excellent manipulators due to the understanding of the emotional mood of others.
  7. Robespierre is a sociotype who loves punctuality, clarity and impartiality. Conscientious and fair, Robespiers have a great responsibility for everything they do.
  8. Balzac is a character who has a good ability to see a variety of flaws in certain cases, so they are constructive critics.
  9. Gabin loves comfort and harmony in everything. They would prefer a peaceful while out on their favorite couch to a hike in the mountains.
  10. Huxley is distinguished by the ability to see the hidden possibilities of people or situations. Huxley are ethics and are great at fantasizing and dreaming.
  11. Maxim Gorky is a logician with clear representations of causal relationships. Spontaneity and disorder unsettle such people, and the regime and a clear schedule give confidence.
  12. Dreiser - critics because of the discrepancy between their internal moral principles and the external order of things.
  13. Dumas are introverts who perceive the world extremely subjectively. They love coziness and harmony around them.
  14. Napoleon is very philanthropic, stubborn and demonstrative. They love to be in the spotlight and show their advantages, both physical and intellectual.
  15. Zhukovs are somewhat selfish. All their whims must be fulfilled immediately and accurately. Beetles do not care about obstacles or price.
  16. Hugo is cheerful and energetic. They are able to ignite even the most boring company. Very charismatic and positive.
16 types in socionics

Types of relations between people: a socionic view

Socionics considers almost all types of human interaction and understanding. According to the teachings, relationships are:

  • Duals are the most harmonious and coveted, which are based on full psychological complementarity. In socionics, Balzac and Napoleon are an example of such a connection.
  • Semi-dual is an incomplete complement of each other. If in duals all interactions take place by mutual agreement, then half-duals stimulate and encourage each other to perform “feats”. The partner always needs instructions, a promise for active action. Communication in such a pair is like a swing: either complete harmony or conflict.
  • Activation is an easy and laid-back relationship, often superficial and short-lived. Over time, partners get tired of each other and need a break or even a break in communication.
Four typological quadra
  • A mirage relationship is a relaxed and laid back relationship. It is comfortable to relax with a mirage partner, but joint business cooperation is very unsteady. The interlocutors cool each other in matters of business, because they are critical of each other's abilities. However, without close moments, the relationship remains warm for a long time.
  • The exact opposite is the connection of an unstable distance. Communication between the two partners succeeds. But the appearance of a third person can destroy a flimsy harmony. Opposing partners often do not understand each other's motivation and intentions. Between them there is always some kind of competition in opinions, deeds and values.
  • A mirror link is a relationship in which the words of one of the partners are reflected in the actions of the other. However, this “harmony” is not wholly due to the fact that the “mirror” is able to adjust the opponent’s intentions. The fact is that the words of one partner are perceived by another through the prism of his mental perception, values, desires. As a result, the action takes place in accordance with perceptions, which may not coincide with the message of the “customer”.
  • Conflict relations do not appear immediately. At first, the conflict is attracted to each other. But a gradual misunderstanding can destroy a shaky connection.
  • An identical relationship is built on full understanding, but inability to help each other.
  • Family relationships are formal. Partners are polite and courteous to each other, but nothing more. There is no particular warmth in this connection.
  • A superego relationship is a deep respect for each other. A partner is a distant and mysterious standard. External coldness of the connection is compensated by internal mutual sympathy.
  • Business communication is the full equality of partners. Team mates feel safe and motivated to act. In such relationships, the role of the individual, which she wants to demonstrate to society, is more noticeable. In business relations, there is practically no disagreement, if this does not concern the emotional side.
  • Quasi-identity is a complete misunderstanding of partners. For logicians, this coexistence takes place peacefully, and for ethics - with a constant clarification of relations.
  • Social audit is a relationship of complete control of one partner to another. The examiner constantly wants to keep abreast of all the events that take place in the life of the woodwork. Over time, the monitored gets tired of the constant desire to prove his innocence and usefulness. The revolt of the scare causes the auditor an even greater desire to control and reeducate his “ward”. Often such a relationship ends in a breakup.
  • Social order is an unequal relationship. The first partner perceives the second as a creature, inferior to him in everything - intelligence, beauty, business acumen. Underestimation of the interlocutor first leads to fawning on the ward in front of the customer. As a rule, the social order is short-lived and the connection is broken.

What is dualization?

Consider the relationship of complete understanding in more detail on the example of Napoleon and Balzac. The dualization between partners is the most comfortable and favorable. There is no need to adapt to the interlocutor, everything is clear at a glance. With a dual, you can always remain yourself without pretending or embellishing. An example of a dual relationship is the relationship between Napoleon and Balzac.

It is difficult to recognize your soul mate right away. The interlocutor seems boring and boring, too simple and uninteresting. Rapprochement with a partner takes place calmly and smoothly, but when converging, the couple no longer breaks up for the rest of their lives.

Relations within the dual pair

Briefly, the relationship between these two sociotypes is manifested in the following:

  • The main value of the couple is welfare. Partners are pragmatic and entrepreneurial.
  • Since Napoleon is distinguished by extraversion, he should not be confused by some detachment in contacts with people. The closed and careful Balzac is a reliable support of a windy dual.
  • Balzac Napoleon is a good adviser and soothing. The patience of the dual forces the partner to act judiciously and conscientiously.

Features of the relationship of Balzac-man and Napoleon-woman

Socionics also considers the gender aspect of relationships within dual pairs. In the union, Balzac does not particularly show his courageous qualities. And, on the contrary, Napoleon the girl in every possible way emphasizes her femininity. The leading position in the house also belongs to her. Napoleon's economy exceeds all expectations. Generosity allows him to forgive those whom he truly loves. A couple of girl-Napoleon and a guy-Balzac are “doomed” to a long and happy life.

Sociotype napoleon

The hostess will not give offense to anyone - her husband and children. The only thing that can upset the girl-Napoleon is ignoring her virtues. If the hostess does not make compliments about her housekeeping, she can seriously be offended. And how can Balzac get Napoleon back in that case? Intuition and prudence will help the partner to be attentive to his dual and note his best qualities.

Perfect duality

In a married couple, a woman-Balzac - a man-Napoleon, the leading position belongs to the husband with a stronger sociotype. Napoleon is very energetic and generous. Being easily carried away, he wants to please all the women he meets on the way. But faithful, as a rule, remains his soul mate.

Sociotype balzac

Only Balzac is able to appreciate Napoleon's thrift and efficiency. High self-esteem is perceived by the dual as a feature that gives the partner charm. Balzac's pragmatic thriftiness fascinates Napoleon. Sexually, the couple is completely harmonious. The relationship initiative always belongs to Napoleon, but Balzac happily picks up an interesting game.

The conflict of Napoleon and Balzac: is it possible to prevent

Misunderstandings within the dual pair are a rare occurrence, but a possible one. In the case of duality Napoleon-Balzac, the reason for the disagreement may be the excessive activity of the first and the inertia of the second. The introvert Balzac is not always willing to make contacts, especially with strangers. Sometimes such alienation is incomprehensible to his dual. At the same time, Napoleon must constantly be praised, celebrate his merits. Immersed in his own thoughts, Balzac does not always pay attention to the needs of his dual. Such cases can lead to short-term clarifications of the relationship, but if you treat the partner with attention and love, conflict can be avoided.


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