Alaverdi: meaning of the word

Leafing through another glossy magazine, I came across an article entitled ā€œAlaverdi, Georgia!ā€. HM interesting. It was not the article that interested me, because, most likely, these were the next ā€œtravel notesā€ about unforgettable-warm Georgian hospitality and unique nature. Beautiful photographs and bright epithets still will not describe the feelings and emotions that you experience when your eyes see endless mountains, narrow streets and houses hanging in the sky that seem to hold on due to some unknown force ... You can describe a table, a chair, a picture, but it is impossible to depict air ... But now is not about that. The word ā€œAlaverdiā€ attracted attention. I heard him more than once, but ā€œI donā€™t know, I donā€™t knowā€ what it means. Well, if there is a question - the answer is somewhere nearby ... So, ā€œAlaverdiā€, meaning ... I decided to get to the bottom of the truth. Alaverdi: meaning of the word

If you do not know the meaning of a word, the first thing to do is to turn to the explanatory dictionary for help. This is an axiom. I appeal, I am knocking on closed doors. The first opened the ā€œExplanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Languageā€ by Dal V. I., then the ā€œGreat Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Languageā€ edited by S. A. Kuznetsov, and even later, the ā€œExplanatory Dictionary of the Russian Languageā€ S. I. Ozhegova and many others . In answer to the question - ā€œAlaverdi, meaningā€ - they were unanimous: the word was not found. How so? The word exists, but no one has heard of it. I decided not to give up and ask for help in the spelling dictionary of the Russian language. He welcomed me warmly, and informed me that there was the same word ā€œAlaverdiā€. In his opinion, this is a noun of the middle gender, unshakable and unchanging, with an emphasis on the last syllable. He suggested a small study on the topic: "Alaverdi, translation." It turns out that it came to the Russian language from Georgian, but at the core - Arab-Turkic roots: allah verdi, which literally translates as "God gave." In the old days, it meant the wish "the Lord is with you" or "God give you."

alaverdi meaning of the word
Currently, the first meaning of the word, its foundation is directly related to the centuries-old traditions of the Georgian feast. As you know, holding a dinner party in Georgia is completely and completely entrusted to the host. He is king and god. He proclaims a toast, and only he decides who, when, and for what makes the next word. As a rule, he becomes a person who is close to the assembled company, who is touched by the proclaimed speech, or a person for whom warm words are pronounced, which means he has something to say. However, we will not go into the intricacies of this art. Let us just say one thing: the host says the magic word ā€œAlaverdi,ā€ and the next speaker picks up the baton. In addition to the direct meaning, many words in the process of language development have figurative meanings that, to one degree or another, have something in common with the main one. So, recently the lexical unit ā€œAlaverdiā€ has expanded its borders, and is used in other meanings: support someoneā€™s initiative, counter-word, response gesture, response action. Of course, until this question has been thoroughly and deeply studied by linguists, and until the article ā€œAlaverdi, Meaningā€ has appeared in serious explanatory dictionaries, you should not risk it and use the word in its secondary meanings, or at least quotation marks should be used. Otherwise, put yourself in danger of being ridiculed. Although, if there is no rule, then ā€œwho is the judgeā€ ... And finally ...

It can be said that as part of an unprofessional study, we addressed the issue of ā€œAlaverdi, meaning.ā€ However, I want to step aside a little and listen to how beautiful this word sounds. Fascinating. I donā€™t know, but, in my opinion, in this one small word, this unique Georgian air is heard and breathed in and out.


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