Mobile power station: description, principle of operation, types and reviews

Continuous supply of electricity is a classic task in the implementation of energy infrastructure. Cable lines distributing transformers and current converters are essential components of such projects. But far from always consuming objects need regular energy supply. Partly due to the specifics of its own exploitation, and partly due to its inconsistent location. In such cases, a mobile power station can be used, which replenishes the objects of energy consumption at certain intervals of time or enters into their service infrastructure, moving at times of need.

mobile power station

General information on mobile power plants

Electricity demand can arise in a wide variety of conditions. For example, at a construction site remote from the main power lines. Or in places of repair work on communication networks, which are also at a great distance from civilization. In these cases, a mobile power station is used, due to which the supply of remote consumers is ensured. There are low-power stations of the order of 10 kW, as well as production units up to 100 kW and above. Depending on the needs of the consuming object, an appropriate power station is selected.

A feature of this type of mobile power equipment is precisely the possibility of convenient transportation. As a rule, the driver of a mobile power plant is responsible not only for connecting and further maintaining the health of the unit, but also for moving it. Usually, a car is used for such needs, which is hooked to the carrier platform of the station and carries out its movement.

mobile power station operator

Station principle

The workflow is implemented on the basis of energy generation. In this segment diesel electric units are most common, since they allow achieving a high degree of autonomy. From the same driver is only required to supply equipment with liquid fuel for heat generation.

A special chamber is provided for burning fuel, and the engine converts thermal energy into electricity during operation . Most often, a mobile power plant has a piston group and a crank mechanism, which activates the crankshaft, as part of the power plant. As a result, the torque rotates the rotor of the generator, which leads to the development of the desired resource.

The electric machine itself can be represented by an alternating or direct current generator. In general, we can talk about three working stages of electricity generation - burning fuel, activating a mechanical group and generating current from the physical effort of the engine.


mobile power plants Price

Equipment differs in the type of fuel used and the method of movement. As for the initial energy source, it can be liquid or gaseous. Commonly used liquid fuels are the mentioned diesel or gasoline. Gas is used where it is possible to connect to the trunk line.

In general, the use of gas is a cheap way to generate electricity, but not always affordable, since moving gas cylinders requires maintaining a high degree of safety. As for diesel and gasoline, the choice of fuel depends on the type of power plant used in the station.

A typical mobile diesel power station benefits from power, but costs more in maintenance. Also, mobile power generators are divided according to the method of movement. There are self-propelled stations, trailed, block-transportable and portable.

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile power plants

mobile diesel power station

The main advantage of this equipment is the ability to provide autonomous power supply. This is not only the power supply of facilities remote from the central power supply lines, but also the backup supply function. For example, such an installation would be appropriate in the country if there is unstable power supply in the area. The very operation of mobile power plants can cause many problems. First of all, such units spend most of their time in inactivity, therefore, periodic implementation of technical conservation measures is required. In addition, mobile power plants require constant maintenance of functional and sensitive elements - it is enough to note the details of the power plant.

Reviews on the operation of mobile power plants

electric power of mobile power plants

Basically, users of such units talk about the positive experience of their use. In some cases, mobile stations become the only solution to energy supply problems. Owners indicate ease of handling such equipment and a high return on energy potential. That is, small-sized portable generators cannot compete with such stations because of the low power reserve. The generated electricity of mobile power plants can ensure the operation of not only construction tools, but also individual production lines. The main thing is to choose the right model.

How to choose a mobile power station?

The selection should be based on several parameters. The main thing is the power potential and voltage. So, 7-10 kW will be enough to power a small house, and 30-50 kW may be required to operate the installation in the industrial sphere. It is important to consider stress. For domestic purposes, a 220 V unit is suitable, and 380-volt mobile power plants are usually used in production. The price in the first case is about 150-200 thousand rubles, and industrial power plants are estimated at 300-400 thousand.


operation of mobile power plants

The concept of redundant power supplies is often criticized for its modest ability to operate in continuous operation. In other words, the working period is reduced to a minimum, which is only enough to support operating facilities in emergency condition. In turn, a mobile power plant can work for weeks and months without interruption, provided that there is the possibility of its regular supply of fuel at the working site. Moreover, modern electric generators are actively complemented by automatic controls. This allows not only to use the resources of such units for a long time, but also to leave them working without constant operator control.


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