Interesting and unusual statuses about grandmothers.

When there is a grandmother, she is sometimes closer than her parents, because with her you can afford almost everything. Grandchildren are very fond of visiting her on vacation or weekend. Interesting and fascinating statuses about grandmothers will help to fully express your mood and attitude towards this person.

Statuses about grandmothers

Statuses about grandmother with meaning and depth

Of course, on the Internet there are many interesting sayings about parents, moms and dads. Some of them are not only humorous, but also have a deep meaning. So, the statuses about grandmothers who have the truth of life:


Only grandmother can we complain about parents.


There is a belief that a good and attentive dad helps to be a better mom. And here it is, only a trouble-free grandmother can make my mother kind and responsive.


Grandmothers believe that her children and grandchildren are always hungry, therefore she sets a chic table and takes offense if they have not eaten everything.


It is very difficult to explain to grandmother what work at home at the computer is. No problem! After all, we also do not understand how they could work for thirty years in one place. To each his own.


Grandma really enjoyed talking with distant relatives on Skype. He says: "We talked, gossiped, but you don’t need to go somewhere or set the table. These are miracles."


The fact that parents do not allow, will definitely allow your beloved grandmother.


Oh, and it’s difficult with these grandmothers, especially when you explain to them how to use a mobile phone.


Only grandmothers are sure that they give money for a cake, even when we are already 20 years old.

Funny statuses about grandchildren and grandmothers

statuses about grandchildren and grandmothers

Of course, there are often funny situations with mom's or father's mothers. Especially when the grandchildren are still small. The following statuses about grandmothers can become useful and interesting.


A little girl, about five years old, recently told her parents: "My grandmother has some memory problems!" "Why?" - Mom asked. "Every time I come to her, she asks:" Who came to us? "


May be a bad son or daughter. But grandchildren are always perfect for grandmother, and parents do not behave correctly with them.


Grandmother, laying her grandson to bed, sang for three hours in a row, but he did not fall asleep. After the fourth hour went, the grandson asked: "Grandmother, can I already sleep? Or do you still want to sing?"


The old man and the old woman lived quietly and peacefully, but then ... a grandson came to visit.


At the end of the summer holidays, they shouted the loudest with joy that their parents and grandparents arrived.


The laptop was on the floor, my grandmother decided that it was a scale. Now she knows for sure that she weighs 50,000 rubles.


“Grandmother, did you come to us with your own feet?” Asked the 3-year-old granddaughter. "Yes ..." - the old woman was surprised. "And dad said the devils brought you to us!"

Statuses describing interesting behavior of grandmothers

statuses about grandmothers with meaning

Sometimes the older generation behaves in such a way that it surprises and amuses. Here are some statuses about grandmothers that fully describe them:


Police officers are not enough at all, so often grandmothers replace them.


Near saunas, restaurants and discos, grandmothers never make mistakes in their testimonies.


It is very simple to change your opinion of yourself at home. Once do not say hello to grandmothers at the entrance, and you will learn a lot about your person.


Grandmother added the white powder found in her grandson’s pocket in the dough. Oh, and had a fun vacation!

Despite the sarcastic and humorous sayings about grandmothers, they are the best. After all, only with them you can feel like children, regardless of how old we are.


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