Useful and practical purchase - a box for storing vegetables on the balcony

Although today all the necessary vegetables can be easily bought at the supermarket at any time of the year, people still try to stock up on products in the season, as they say, from their own garden. These vegetables are much healthier than those sold in stores. And if you think so, then you are absolutely right. There is at least one very good reason for this: you yourself grew the same potatoes with carrots and you know that no chemistry contributed to their growth and did not kill valuable vitamins. But it is one thing to grow vegetables, it is another to create storage conditions for them so that they do not disappear until the next harvest. We suggest discussing how best to do this. There is one very interesting idea for organizing the storage of crops from the beds.

Box for storing vegetables on the balcony

Where do we store vegetables?

If you have a country house or a garage with a basement equipped with places and shelves for storing crops, then you are very lucky. After all, vegetables retain their beneficial properties and appearance longer if stored in a dark and cool room. But what if there is no basement? In this case, we store them in the pantries, on the balconies. It’s dark in the closets, but it’s not so cool. Another thing is to put a box for storing vegetables on the balcony, cover it with something warm and not letting in the sun. Thus, you can solve the problem in the absence of a pantry or basement.

We select boxes for storing vegetables

Boxes for storage of vegetables the price

What vegetables do we usually harvest from autumn? These are potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, white cabbage. Store in bags is unacceptable (this does not apply to potatoes). Carrots, beets and onions dry quickly and deteriorate if there is no constant air circulation. It is very convenient to use a box for storing vegetables on the balcony. Usually they are made of wooden boards or plastic. Today, you can easily buy any boxes for storing vegetables in a specialized store . The price for them is available to every buyer and depends on the volume, size, material of the container. For example, a plastic box for storing fruits (pears, apples, plums) or vegetables (onions, carrots, peppers) costs from 30 rubles. Wooden boxes are a little more expensive - from 60 rubles. The most expensive are plastic containers (about 160-250 rubles). You can also buy a ready-made cabinet with built-in drawers for storing vegetables on the balcony. But this will cost you from 1200 rubles and above.

DIY box making

If you do not want to buy a box for storing vegetables on the balcony in the store, you can make it yourself. For example, from boards, chipboard or plywood. First you need to make a frame for the future box, after which it needs to be upholstered with boards or sheets of chipboard. Be sure to provide for the presence of holes that will ensure the flow of air and its circulation inside. We also advise you to build a multi-level box for storing vegetables on the balcony. Make regular shelves or boxes to store the same onions or carrots separately. Considering the fact that the temperature on the balcony (especially if it is not insulated and not glazed) can drop below 0, care must be taken to make an insulated vegetable box.

The warmed box for vegetables
Be sure to insulate the bottom of the container. It is important to make sure that the outside of the box for storing vegetables on the balcony looked aesthetically pleasing. Equip it with opening doors. It is very convenient, practical and beautiful. Doors can be ordered from any company specializing in the manufacture of cabinet furniture. It is important to choose a moisture resistant material. And the last: be sure to install an automatic device in the vegetable storage box on the balcony that will help maintain a constant temperature inside the container. Such a device can be bought at any electrical goods store.

Alternative option

If for some reason you can’t independently make a box or a container for storing vegetables on the balcony, you should contact the professionals. Today, many companies make such designs to order. All that will be necessary is to pay money for the service provided. Believe me, a box or a large rack on the balcony, designed to store vegetables, is simply irreplaceable.


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