How to get rid of black hair?

How to get rid of black hair without harming it? Women tend to experiment with their appearance, especially when it comes to hair color. After all, it always seems to us that in case of failure, the native color can always be returned at the same moment. However, unfortunately, this is not always the case. After all, paint is chemistry, and without knowledge of chemical formulas and laws, we will not be able to predict the result.

So, how to get rid of black hair? There are several methods. The first of them is the most humane. But it is designed for those people whose transition from dark to light is not urgent. In time, this will last quite a while, but the hair will not suffer, but on the contrary, will strengthen. It is ideal for girls who are looking for a way to get rid of black hair at home. Stock up on dried rhubarb root and chamomile flowers. You will need to make a decoction and rinse your hair with this product after each shampoo. As a rule, in a few months you will become noticeably lighter.

If you immediately need to wash off black hair dye, then the only option is to buy a special cosmetic product. Many reputable companies producing hair dyes also produce this type of product, which is most often called a color wash. However, it cannot be argued that this option is completely harmless to your hair. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true.

Of course, cosmetologists prohibit radical transformations from a brunette into a blonde, and even at one time you will not be able to radically change the color. It’s better not to experiment - the result can be the most frightening - after all, a real chemical reaction will occur on your hair, that is, the black dye that you dyed will interact with light, which can lead to either a purple color or red, or to vague yellow. Here the risk is unlikely to be justified: you spoil your hair and mood.

A quick, effective and completely harmless way for your hair is a haircut. You can just cut your hair short, and then gradually cut off the overgrown ends. However, if you want to keep the length, you need to look for another method, how to get rid of the black hair color.

To use coloring is ruthless in relation to hair. Therefore, the ideal option in our opinion is a wash. Just don’t give up after you have applied the acid mixture to your hair once. As a rule, the result is noticeable only 5 times of use. So be patient and continue to apply. By the way, the color will turn out unpleasant - at best, pale brown, at worst - rusty red. Therefore, it is better to conduct such experiments with appearance when you are on vacation - so that you have time to put your hair color in order. You can not paint immediately after you have carried out the washing procedure. You can use the paint without causing irreparable harm to your hair only after a week - try not to neglect this condition.

There are a few proven tools to get rid of black hair. You can wash your hair with laundry soap. It is believed that this method is quite productive, but it dries the hair very much, so after the procedure it is better to make a moisturizing mask. The mask of lemon juice also works effectively. However, the juice must be diluted with water, otherwise acid will harm your hair. Good for removing black and kefir mask. Kefir must be mixed with yeast and hold the mixture on your hair for 2 hours. The longest mask is a honey mask that needs to be done for 10 hours. But this option brightens the hair by 2 tones. Just spread the whole length with honey, wrap your head in a plastic bag and leave it overnight. Of all types of honey, acacia collection is the most effective.


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