How to cook rum at home: recipe, tips, tricks

Rum, a traditional drink of representatives of the lower classes at the stage of development of the Caribbean and America, has gained considerable popularity among Russians and residents of the CIS. The question of how to cook rum at home is becoming more frequent due to the high cost of the original product, which is also quite difficult to get. It’s easy to make this drink at home. Of course, we are not talking about an authentic recipe and original taste, but about a worthy imitation for relatively little money.

What is rum like?

how to cook rum at home

Original rum is a drink obtained by distillation of cane sugar production waste, in particular molasses and syrup. In fact, such alcohol is distinguished from ordinary moonshine by the specificity of ingredients that give a special taste and color. How to cook rum at home from moonshine? For most varieties, cane sugar is not required. This is due to the fact that acquiring reeds in Europe, not to mention Russia, is quite difficult. Those who need a rum recipe with a national flavor will have to be content with a replacement.

Who are the rum lovers?

how to cook rum baba at home

Rum was intended for an extremely simple and unpretentious audience. Without sufficient distillation, this alcohol becomes extremely specific in taste. To reproduce the original at home, while observing the recipe and hoping to get decent alcohol, is incredibly difficult. It will require a high-tech formulation, original components and attention at all stages of production. However, you can reproduce the same taste in a different way. How to make rum at home from moonshine? Recipes will be presented below. You can end up with a pretty decent drink with the same flavor palette.

The basis and difference of the recipe

how to cook rum at home from moonshine

Authentic rum can be obtained by squeezing sugar from cane, picking it and further fermenting molasses with yeast and storing it in oak barrels. By analogy, there can be two answers to the question of how to make rum at home from moonshine quickly:

  • based on the above fermentation technology;
  • in the form of tincture.

The first variety requires a considerable share of patience in cooking. It is similar to the moonshine recipe, but requires other ingredients and, in particular, does not need additional distillation of alcohol, which can be used in a ready-made form.

how to make rum at home from alcohol recipes

In addition, some recipes differ depending on the use of regular or cane sugar. There is practically no difference in taste, however, when using brown sugar, the cost of the drink will increase significantly.

Moreover, the difference in analog production technology affects the shelf life of the product in the end and its ability to maintain taste over a long period of time. Of course, there are options for extremely quick cooking, which involve the use of essences or spices, but in this case, the taste may vary.

"Classic" rum recipe based on sugar moonshine

how to make rum at home from moonshine quickly

The most “classic” version of how to make rum at home from moonshine involves the use of ordinary dry yeast and molasses (white or brown sugar to choose from). A complete list of the required raw materials for a capacity of 30 liters is as follows:

  • molasses from sugar weighing 2.5 kilograms;
  • sugar itself in the same volume;
  • 20 liters of distilled water;
  • 45 grams of dry yeast.

Preparing molasses is quite simple: you need to boil water, add sugar and citric acid there, and then simmer from 45 minutes to an hour over low heat, stirring continuously. In the finished molasses should be added 15-20 grams of baking soda, hydrated water.

rum recipe

How to make rum at home from moonshine? Recipes involve the use of essences or, at least, an extract of pineapple, anise, spices. In this case, this is not required, since some varieties of real rum assumed exclusively the use of sugar and yeast for an “honest” taste. Although it is quite possible that the first connoisseurs of rum simply did not have funds for flavoring additions.

Cooking technology

how to make rum at home recipe and cooking technology

The production technology itself looks like this:

  • a container of water should be put on the stove, add sugar and molasses there, and then heated to 75-80 degrees;
  • after a mark of 30 degrees has been reached as a result of heating, you need to add an extract of dry yeast, previously soaked in 200 ml of warm boiled water;
  • after this, the composition is sent for fermentation to a warm, dry place in the same container, preferably enameled;
  • "sludge" mash takes about 1-2 weeks, depending on the chemical composition of the ingredients;
  • It is necessary to distill the composition at the stage when the hydrometer no longer shows changes in the liquid, the process occurs when equipment is used, by which it is possible to remove the sediment in the form of a siwuha;
  • the first 150-200 ml of distillate must be poured out, since this concentrate has little in common with a real drink;
  • the next 3 liters is a real rum, which, after the second distillation, will undergo further preservation in barrels or glass containers;
  • the rest is used either for a repeated production cycle, or for creating less strong tinctures;
  • the base of the rum should be mixed with 1 liter of distilled water and distilled again.

Rum is stored for 1-2 years in oak barrels or in glass containers with pegs from this tree species, soaked in water or alcohol.

The resulting drink will be a light yellow in color with a rich smell of cane molasses, if it was used. Before secondary distillation, you can add rum essence or extract of pineapple, vanilla. If sludge occurs in the glass, you can put 1 stick of cinnamon there for a little zest in the taste. If you are interested in how to cook rum baba at home, such a drink as one of the ingredients is best suited.

Option for the impatient

how to make rum at home from moonshine recipes

All “quick” rum recipes are versions of tinctures based on moonshine, diluted alcohol or a ready-made distillate with a strength of 45 degrees. Bringing them to life is quite simple. For example, the simplest example of how to make rum at home from alcohol (recipes may vary) looks like this:

  • any vodka with a strength of 40 degrees;
  • rum essence 5-10 ml;
  • caramel syrup 15 ml.

Both ingredients should be added to vodka, after which leave the tincture in a glass container with oak chips for a week. Store better in the cellar or in the refrigerator. Depending on the preferences of the connoisseur, you can also add:

  • dried and chopped prunes - 20 grams;
  • chicory - 1-3 grams;
  • spices: cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, vanilla.

If additional ingredients were used in the preparation, then the tincture should be filtered through gauze before settling. This will not affect the taste too much in the end, but the connoisseur may be annoyed by the presence of additional sediment in the glass.

Fast or classic?

How to make rum at home? The recipe and cooking technology are presented above. There are many supporters of both quick and more correct, from the point of view of the classical recipe, method of preparation. The alcohol obtained will vary in taste, but there is no significant difference in it, at least before the sediment of secondary distillate in oak containers.

Today, few people are engaged in the manufacture of classic rum according to a more correct recipe. The fact is that such a process pays off only if there is a ready-made moonshine still used earlier. If a lover of alcohol simply plans to assemble a laboratory for the sake of one batch of 3-4 liters of rum, then it will be much more expensive than buying a status drink in a store. The question of how to cook rum at home is more relevant for connoisseurs of alcohol and the drink itself.

Advantages and disadvantages of options

The advantages of a faster cooking option can be described as follows:

  • extremely accessible, does not require additional investment of time and money;
  • perfect for those who do not want to engage in the whole process and buy equipment;
  • almost a year of aging is not needed;
  • slightly different from the restrained distillate in taste.

The main drawback of this technology is one - poor taste. If you open a glass container with tincture, then after 1.5-2 weeks, even with proper storage, the original taste will be lost.

The advantages of a longer version are as follows:

  • authentic taste of the drink;
  • high status and value of each bottle;
  • purity and quality of alcohol.

However, you will have to spend money on a distillation cube with a co-holder, an enameled vat with a lid, and deal with the distillation of molasses. In addition, you will need to wait until the drink is ready, which not everyone agrees on.

Impressions of homemade rum

The aftertaste of homemade rum leaves twofold. On the one hand, the original taste is clean, full of woody and spicy notes. On the other - a little different from the original. The color is also very saturated, bright, no sediment. The drink itself is quite strong, but due to aging and additional raw materials it does not give off alcohol and does not cause rapid intoxication. It is well received in the company and causes enthusiastic views. However, the process itself is labor intensive and complex, which for many will be a significant drawback.


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