The word is a palindrome. Changeling words

From ancient times people were attracted by everything magical, inexplicable. The reflection of objects in the mirror was mesmerizing, attracted by the symmetry, which often manifests itself in nature. With the advent of writing, a new path for large and small discoveries appeared - the bewitching symmetry of numbers, letters and signs. Initially, this phenomenon was given sacred meaning. Some people tried to give their children names that were read the same on both sides: Alla, Anna, Lol, Nathan - it was believed that this brings happiness. The ancient Slavic runes were written in a circle or in the form of a five-pointed star, they could be read with any letter and this gave them a special, magical meaning. Letters, numbers, signs, words that could be read in several directions, people agreed to call palindromes.

the word palindrome

Verbal palindromes

A palindrome (from the Greek. - "running back") - these are words, texts or some verbal constructions that are the same (or with some permissible deviations) are spelled on both sides. Words-shifters are quite common in Russian. Most often these are nouns that carry a serious semantic load: pop, Cossack, radar, lump, stomp, nagan, etc. The same picture is observed in other languages ​​- Chinese, Udmurt, Tatar, Spanish, German, French. Literary works are created from palindromes: poems, poems, even novels.

Ram and rokhod

The direct text of a palindrome is called one that is read in accordance with the normal reading order for a given writing. In all types of Latin and Cyrillic scripts, the direction from left to right is referred to as a straight-forward, and the reverse, from right to left - referred to as a reverse, or crustacean. In the XVII-XVIII centuries in Russia, phrases and words-shifters were called "rattle poems" and most often had a comic character. Later, in Russian linguistic practice, the palindrome began to be called a werewolf (according to V. Khlebnikov), however, with strict consideration, these verbal constructions still differ. Synonyms for the term "palindrome" are also the concepts of "amphirithm" (V. Rybinsky) and "self-rhyme" (S. Kirsanov). Everyone knows the palindrome-aphorism of Valery Bryusov: "I am the arch of the land."

Monopalindrom and multiline palindrome

Palindromes are written in prose or in the form of a verse, that is, they are broken down into lines. Phrases-flip-flops are neither verse nor prose, they can be attributed to the aphorisms: "The muse, wounded by the awl of experience, you will pray to the mind."

palindromes phrases

Sometimes the word palindrome is used in the title of a literary work. For example, the book of poems by A. Voznesensky is called the Axiom of Self-Search, and the story of V. Nabirkova is Hell as Yes and Hell as Yes. If the palindrome is broken into lines, then such a poem can take the form of a monopalindrome, that is, a structure that is read back and forth not line by line, but from the end to the very beginning.

  • Noah and Faith - Zion's Chance
    But Jesus on the ball is Villon. (Dmitry Avaliani.)

There are multi-line palindromes in which each line is a flip:

  • Hell is thirst!
    Hell is heat, enmity!
    Hell drives sometimes. (Vladimir Gershuni.)

Such a poem is a flipside in the strictest sense of the term.

Palindrome axis

Some researchers classify palindromes by degree of difficulty. For this, the concept of “palindromic axis” or “werewolf axis” was introduced into the practice of studying. This is an imaginary line that runs through the letters or between them and divides the palindrome text into two parts so that the letters of one part are a kind of reverse of the other part. For example, the word-palindrome "Atakazakata", coined by V. Bryusov, has an axial letter "z". In Velimir Khlebnikov’s line “Setuy, the cliff”, the axis of the werewolf passes through the letter “y”. Researchers believe that the introduction of the visual concept of “axis” in everyday life proves that palindromes are special works of verbal and visual art.

palindrome offers

Accurate and inaccurate palindromes

The exact palindrome is read in both directions in exactly the same way. These include, for example, the word-palindrome "Cossack" or the phrase of Nikolai Ladygin, "Mat here and there." The highest degree of accuracy assumes that in reverse reading, not only full alphabetic identity is preserved, but also the spaces between the words. The strict style of the palindromic construction allows some liberties. So, mismatches of spaces, uppercase and lowercase letters and non-discrimination on the letter "e" and "e" are possible.

In palindromes written in freestyle, inaccuracies of the shellfish, word wraps and single-letter strings are allowed. The signs of softness and hardness (b, b) may be omitted, the letters "Y", "U" replaced by "I", "W". Doubling letters are possible. There are sound palindromes in which only pronunciation is taken into account. They do not distinguish between "O" and "E" after hissing, "O" and "A" under stress and without. Such is the aphorism of Grigoryev Viktor Petrovich: "He himself came and brought the horse of the masses." There are alphanumeric palindromes in which the number "0" matches the letter "O", "3" = "Z", and "4" = "H".

words shifters

Lexical coefficient (LC)

The term "lexical coefficient" as applied to palindromes was introduced by A. D. Erlich. It is an indicator of the innovation and uniqueness of palindromic education. The Ehrlich coefficient is the ratio of the total number of letters in a word structure to the number of words in it. When calculating, one-letter words are not taken into account: the prepositions "c" and "c", conjunctions "and", "a" and so on. Thus, according to its aesthetic qualities, the palindrome of V. Rybinsky (LK-5,6) "The revenue stream is unknown to fashion veins" is higher than the couplets of Pavel Nagorsky (LK-3,4) "Lit mind and face and trouble mutilated // Mat, their wear and sleep hits ... "

Nonverbal Palindromes

In a broad sense, a palindrome can also have a non-verbal form. For example, there are palindromes, numbers, which from the end are read the same way as at first. In mathematics, there is the “flip and fold” operation, the essence of which is that adding the original decimal number with its inverted copy you can get a palindrome: 56 + 65 = 121; 521 + 125 = 646. Number palindromes have a special magic, which some mathematicians are trying to solve.

"Changeling" is observed by biologists in the structures of nucleic acids: the total number of palindromes in the human genome reaches 1 million. In music there are works that can be played endlessly. Examples of such plays are Moshel's Way of Peace, Amadeus Mozart's Table Dinner for Two. First, the work is played in the usual manner, then the notes are turned over, but the music does not change from this, and where is the top and where is the bottom in the musical notation of this composition can not be determined. Palindromic paradoxes attract people of various fields of knowledge, and discoveries in this area are always surprising and unpredictable.

make up your palindromes

Palindromes in History

Palindromes appeared a very long time ago. The oldest surviving shifter is written in Latin and dated to the 4th century. n e. This is the sentence of Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas, which means: "Sower Arepo hardly holds wheels." Interestingly, this phrase was written in square form:

  • Sator
    ROTA S.

The ancient palindrome is read in four different ways: horizontally and vertically, left and right. The ancients endowed the square with magical properties. It was believed that magic words can protect against ailments and diseases, as well as from evil spirits. In ancient Rome, squares with this mysterious phrase were cut down on the walls of palaces and temples. In the Middle Ages, a palindrome was depicted on the walls of Christian churches.

In ancient China, there were also examples of palindromic versification. Many researchers note that palindrome sentences were endowed with conspiracy-prayer properties, and then used as spells. For example, the “wrapped” phrase “LEAD THE COW AND THE VIRGO FROM THE THIEF” was pronounced so that justice would triumph. Folk proverbs also sometimes had a palindromic construction "Aki lion and that mother is great." The most ancient Russian palindrome was used by buffoons to attract spectators during their performances: "On the forehead, idiot!"

Russian palindromes

palindromes examples for children

There is an opinion that it is difficult to create palindromes in Russian. Like, nothing interesting happens. However, if you search, then in your native language there are words-shifters, and sometimes whole sentences. Many people know palindromic surnames, names, words from texts or speech, for example: Anna, Tit, Nathan, Alla, Aza, Tot, Anikina, Anisina, Kutuk, Vodokhodov, Nilin, Nizin, Volov, Kuvuk, Volokolokolov, Anenea, Anina, Gog , Yuyu, Nitin, Nivin, Nikin, Anisin, Anililin, Anililin and so on. There are also many simple words and unions: here, or, income, cat (cat), stabbing, hut, stomp, clincher, flood, Cossack, tavern, cook, eye, barely, more and more like that. Thus, palindromes are also found in the Russian language. Examples of sentences and phrases:

  • Argentina attracts a black man.
  • Around Misha’s milk.
  • Died, and peace be upon him.
  • I climb to the bathroom.
  • I will have oak.
  • Cossack's face off screen.
  • "Let go!" - Flies the soup bowl to Maxim. - "Let the soup fly!"

Palindromes for children

Phrases and words read in both directions will surely interest the children. They will certainly appreciate the magic that palindromes conceal within themselves. Examples for children:

  • There is a suitcase on the house.
  • He is eating hay.
  • Lesha on a shelf of a bug found.
  • Kotu dragged ducks.
  • Eat unwashed you less!

You can play the game "Come up with your palindromes" with the guys. It is pretty simple. Try to take the simple word "Az" and add the letter "A" to it. You will get a simple palindrome "Aza." Then add the letters “for” again to get “Aza-za”. If you repeat "-for" countless times, then the palindrome will become endless "Aza-for, -for, -for ... -for." You can complicate the task. For example, you can pay attention to the word "boa constrictor". If you read the opposite, it will turn out "in Hell." So the palindrome was born: "Boa in Hell." Such exercises train the memory, stimulate the areas of the brain that are responsible for recognizing letters and composing words from them. The guys develop non-standard thinking, which is very useful to them in life. Changeling words for children is an introduction to the possibilities of their native language in a playful way.

Modern experiments

words shifters for children

Author's palindromes appeared in the XVII century, during the emergence of syllabic poetry. In Russian, until the twentieth century, the most famous are the palindromes-phrases of Derzhavin Gavriil Romanovich: "I am going with the sword of a judge," "I will think the dawn." In the twentieth century, various experiments in the field of versification led to the appearance of interesting palindromatic forms. Russian poets V. Bryusov and V. Khlebnikov tried to bring an aesthetic principle to the palindromes. In the middle of the last century, A. Voznesensky tried to combine palindromic technique with visuality.

Modern palindromists are D. Avaliani, V. Gershuni, B. Goldstein, A. Bubnov, G. Lukomnikov. In recent years, poets have been striving to combine elements of word fusion and zaumi in palindromes (rejection of elements of the natural language), which gives the texts a peculiar intonation (S. Biryukov, S. Sigei).

In different languages, palindromes are studied differently. Neologisms are created, experiments that are unusual in form and content are conducted. The longest word used in everyday speech is the saippuakauppias palindrome, which is translated from Finnish as “soap seller”. In our native speech, you can create original palindromic constructions - this lesson will be useful for both children and adults. Go ahead and you will succeed!


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