The dirtiest river in the world. The dirtiest rivers in Russia

If you look at our planet from space, then it is mostly blue. The prevalence of this color over others means the presence of a large water space, dominating all the others. Water is the source of life needed by every living creature on Earth. A person can do without food for quite a while, but without water - a very limited time. That is why nature has so generously taken care of all who inhabit our planet by creating such a large amount of fluid. However, as you know, people become enemies on their own, destroying the primeval surrounding them and causing irreparable harm to the natural resources of the Earth. This is especially true for reservoirs, rivers and lakes.

rivers of the world

Are there many polluted rivers?

Everyone, of course, knows that in Russia there are many rivers where it is forbidden to swim and where it is forbidden to use water for drinking and cooking. However, this situation is not only in our country, but around the world. Many rivers of the world, which make up an impressive percentage of the total number of water bodies, are in extremely catastrophic condition. It is difficult to even imagine this state, it is so depressing, and looking at the photographs, it is impossible not to shudder, just imagining swimming in such a reservoir. But in such rivers, not only swimming is impossible, and even a boat trip will not bring pleasure.

For example, the dirtiest river in the world, Tsitarum, causes only bitter regret about the once so beautiful and majestic river, which was the wealth and decoration of its land. Now it has become a shame for the entire Indonesian people. However, there are a lot of similar polluted rivers around the world, but the Tsitarum River is a topic for another discussion.

What causes river pollution

Sources of river pollution are natural and man-made. The first - irreversible, but also not causing serious damage to the reservoir. Natural sources of water pollution arise from the water cycle in nature. Water, passing from one state of aggregation to another, irreversibly carries with it impurities of minerals, chemical compounds, rocks, bacteria and various microorganisms. Ponds have the property of self-cleaning, which is successful in natural sources of pollution.

sources of pollution

As for man-made sources of pollution, the situation is that the situation is just getting out of hand. Settlements, various industrial enterprises “supply” to the water source the entire composition of the periodic table, which is characterized by toxic, difficult to decompose chemical compounds and radionuclides. Due to the water cycle in nature, all this spreads around the world, replenishing underground water supplies.

The dirtiest river in the world

Not far from the capital of Indonesia, Jakar, the Tsitarum River is located. Its length is about 300 km, and about 500 industrial enterprises were built on its shores. Wastes from all enterprises, including the nearly nine millionth megalopolis, still merge into this river. Today, the dirtiest river in the world is a gigantic waste dump, where for a long time any manifestation of flora and fauna has been missing. This river is not a sight for the faint of heart, so its appearance causes rejection and even a sense of disgust. But the water from this river is still used for agricultural purposes and many people continue to collect water from it for their needs!

Tsitarum River

The Tsitarum can no longer be called a river in the correct sense of the word. Every day, hundreds of people below the poverty line come here to choose from that mountain of garbage, which is a river, waste suitable for processing. The dirtiest river in the world is a silent reproach to humanity and proof that a person who does not care about the consequences of his actions can create. Even the efforts of the world community, which allocates large sums of money to the Indonesian authorities to clean up the river, are unable to reverse the situation, everything has gone too far.

The dirtiest rivers in Asia

In Asia, there are many countries with a low standard of living, and this is one of the main reasons for such a wild and neglected attitude to water bodies. As a rule, in these countries there is no money for waste processing, so they simply merge into the water body closest to the enterprise.

the dirtiest river in the world

So, which rivers in Asia are in distress?

First of all, it is the Ganges River, which is considered sacred in India. More than 500 million people, as well as various industrial enterprises, daily pour tons of waste and waste products into this river. Nevertheless, this does not stop religious Hindus; every year they perform in this river the ritual baths prescribed by religion. As a result of this rite, hundreds of people, especially children, die.

The next most polluted river is the Ganges branch - it is Buriganga, it is located near Bangladesh. Officially, this river has long been declared dead, but people continue to use the water from it for their needs.

The famous Yellow River in China also did not escape the fate of polluted rivers. Its water is also considered unsuitable for use, the reason for this is the daily waste emissions of chemical and oil refineries.

The dirtiest rivers in Russia

Unfortunately, in Russia there are also many water bodies in distress. The reason for this is similar to rivers in Asia - these are industrial enterprises. One of the most polluted rivers is the Volga, which from time immemorial has been the source of life for many Russian people. Now she is in critical condition and even the ability to cleanse herself no longer helps.

the dirtiest rivers in Russia

The Moskva River is also extremely polluted, although many reckless townspeople still continue to swim in it and fish. Despite the efforts of the government, which allocates large sums to clean the reservoir, the situation is not improving.


Polluting the rivers of the world, a man saws a branch, on which he sits. After all, he is also part of nature, which cannot exist separately from the rest, although he desperately hopes for it. Lack of respect for nature and a sense of responsibility for their actions sooner or later lead to an environmental disaster, for the consequences of which everyone will have to answer.


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