Millstone grinder: review, specifications, rating, choice

The aroma of freshly ground coffee and its rich taste - what could be better for a great start to the day? How to choose a coffee grinder for the house so that it is reliable, finely ground coffee and is inexpensive? Consider the features of millstone coffee grinders and popular models from leading manufacturers.

What is a coffee grinder and why is it needed?

The coffee grinder is an indispensable tool for a true coffee lover. Not a single type of instant coffee will give this drink a maximum of taste and aromatic qualities. Freshly brewed and brewed coffee is a great and invigorating start to the day.

To do this, you need an apparatus for grinding coffee, most often consumers choose a millstone grinder. Also, experts do not advise trying to grind something else in it, since it is made directly under this fragrant drink. There are also coffee grinders in which you can make flour from cereals or grind herbs, or spices. All this must be considered when choosing.

Varieties of coffee grinders

Professional machine

All coffee grinders can be classified into the following groups:

  • Hand aggregates. The name itself speaks for itself: everything is done manually at the same time for a long time (in about 1-5 minutes you can grind coffee for one cup), but such a millstone manual coffee grinder with an adjustment of the degree of grinding is inexpensive.
  • Knife-type rotary apparatuses, during the operation of which a special metal knife chopped grains, resulting in an inhomogeneous grinding, the degree of which is difficult to regulate, this device is inexpensive, the design itself is simple and reliable.
  • Millstone. Uniform grinding is ensured, as the millstones grind coffee beans into powder, the degree of grinding is easily adjustable.

Also, coffee grinders can be divided into professional and household appliances. Their difference lies in the amount of ground coffee and additional features. Naturally, in professional installations, these qualities and the number of functions are higher.

Professional coffee grinders can be with plane-parallel and canonical millstones. The difference between them is in the number of revolutions, productivity and volume of ground coffee for a certain period of time. But, most often, they are used in restaurants and cafes, where you need to prepare a large amount of coffee per day.

How to use a coffee grinder?

Before deciding on a model of a millstone grinder, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using the machine. It is not recommended to make powdered sugar or grind oily products (nuts). In the first case, the sugar melts and sticks to the knives, and in the second, a greasy trace remains in the bowl, which may subsequently affect the grinding quality of the coffee itself.

The best option is to grind the grains immediately before brewing so that the drink does not lose its flavor. The coffee grinder opens and switches off the power supply only after the grinding process is completed as a precaution.

Features of millstones

different models of coffee makers

Millstone coffee mill reviews (both consumers and professionals) are mostly positive. Moreover, all devices can be divided into two groups depending on the principle of operation: manual and electrical.

Conical millstones are built-in in manual devices, one of them rotates, the other is fixed. The advantages of this type are unburnt raw materials, adjustment of the degree of grinding, low cost and ease of use.

A coffee grinder with ceramic millstones, which has an electric drive, grinds and grinds coffee beans, depending on the selected grinding program (there can be up to 16). But such millstones are considered the most fragile, although within 10-30 seconds, ground coffee for several cups is ready. The advantages of such an apparatus include better and more uniform grinding, less time consuming, but higher cost than manual counterparts.

If you compare metal and ceramic millstones, then a significant advantage over the latter. Metal are washed after grinding from 250 to 500 kg of coffee, ceramic - over 1000 kg.

When choosing, you also need to pay attention to power. For home grinding, devices from 100 to 300 watts are suitable, professional installations - up to 600 watts. The noise level is least emitted by a coffee grinder with conical millstones, but it works more slowly. It is also important that the coffee grinder has the option of automatic shutdown when clogged, protection against overheating (in this case, a fan must be built in) and overloads.

Inexpensive millstone coffee grinders. Advantages and disadvantages

Automatic coffee grinder

Conducting a review of millstone coffee grinders from budget options, some features can be highlighted. All low-cost models are made from simple materials. Most often, plastic or stainless steel is used for their production, but this does not mean that they will not last long.

The advantages of budget models are that they are all electric, so grinding is fast. Almost all modifications come with a sufficiently large bean bowl, so you can grind a large amount of coffee at once. Management of such devices is simple, which is suitable even for a beginner.

Among the budget and high-quality models, one can note the Vitek and Delonghi coffee grinder. Despite the low cost, they will serve for a long time. Among the shortcomings, one can note the noise during operation, the degree of grinding depends on the quality of the millstones in the apparatus. In addition, such coffee grinders are prone to accidental malfunctions, so you must be extremely careful when using the machine.

What to look for when choosing?

Variety of modifications

When choosing a coffee grinder, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  1. Before choosing a millstone coffee grinder, make sure that a special measuring cup or other measuring device goes to it (this will allow not to overload the device, which in turn will positively affect the quality and duration of its operation).
  2. Millstone. Better, better and more durable are ceramic millstones or options with a titanium coating. Additionally, it is worth noting the diameter of the millstones (the larger they are, the higher the productivity of the apparatus).
  3. The degree of grinding - it varies depending on the model, there can be from 6 to 14 various options.
  4. Turnovers - the speed of rotation of millstones per minute (the higher the speed, the faster the grinding process, but if the speed exceeds 1000 per minute, then the ground coffee will turn out burnt and as a result the drink will be bitter).
  5. Additional options. Automatic dosing of coffee and switching off after completion of the grinding process, timer, dispenser and protection against overheating).
  6. Power. For home use, devices with power up to 150 W are suitable).
  7. Price category. Electric devices with a variety of options can not be cheap, but also the price of the best manual millstone grinder from leading manufacturers is not a budget option.

In addition, you should pay attention when choosing a safety system of the device and the absence of unpleasant odors (especially plastic) in the process.

How to choose a coffee grinder

Manual coffee grinder

The millstone coffee grinders for the house differ in smaller functionality and dimensions, than professional devices.

To choose a car for home use, it is worth starting from the following factors:

  • the size of the bowl for beans (maximum it should be designed for 100 grams of product, no more, it is unlikely that you need to grind a kilogram of coffee at home immediately);
  • power (give preference to an average of 100-150 W, at higher power you can burn grains and get a bitter taste of the drink);
  • case material (plastic heats up less, but metal is more durable and reliable).

Among the devices for grinding coffee at home, the following models are distinguished:


  • budget model
  • the bowl is designed for 50 -70 gr. grains (grinding occurs in 3-4 minutes),
  • power - 150 W
  • compact model, has a nice design,
  • no adjustment of the degree of grinding;


  • a budget option,
  • does not make noise during the work,
  • power - 130 W
  • the bowl is designed for 70 gr. (grinding occurs within 4 minutes),
  • production material - steel and plastic,
  • users note the not-so-convenient on / off button;


  • the bowl is designed for 50 gr. coffee (grinding takes 2 minutes),
  • power - 170 W,
  • low noise
  • you can grind both coffee and sugar,
  • it is inconvenient to fill up coffee, and, accordingly, to clean the bowl if a different product is used for grinding;


  • budget version of a millstone grinder,
  • power - 75 W
  • adjustable grinding system (2 degrees),
  • weight - 3.5 kg
  • low noise
  • removable bowl where ground coffee is poured;


  • compact (weight only 730 g),
  • 30 g bowl
  • power - 115 W
  • no additional options.

Overview of famous coffee grinder manufacturers

Coffee grinder

Coffee grinders differ significantly in price. It depends not only on the functionality of such a machine and its design, but also on the manufacturer's company.

Manufacturers of coffee grinders that are most popular with consumers:

  • Bartscher (Germany) - the products of this company combines quality, diverse functionality, a wide selection of models, among which there are not only budget options, but also professional installations.
  • DeLonghi (China) - despite the fact that Chinese products are not very popular among consumers, the DeLonghi mill coffee grinder is of high quality, functionality, versatility, a long service life and stands in the middle price category, which can be an excellent option for the home.
  • Fiorenzato (Italy) - products of this brand are of high quality, original and beautiful design, reliability, many models of this company belong to a number of professional installations, therefore they are in a high price category.
  • Macap (Italy) - the company has been manufacturing coffee grinders for more than 90 years, its products are exported to more than 50 countries, which once again proves the reliability and high quality of coffee grinders.
  • Quamar (Italy) - specializes in the manufacture of professional machines that have high power, performance, reliability, but are easy to use.

Rating of millstone coffee grinders

Coffee grinder

Based on feedback from both consumers and experts, you can make a rating of coffee grinding machines. This will help potential buyers make the final choice and familiarize themselves with the features of each model:

  • 11th place - VITEK VT-1548 coffee grinder:

+ simple and convenient to use, it is possible to choose a specific dosage of servings, 4 degrees of grinding coffee beans, pulse grinding mode, which protects both the engine and millstones from overheating;

- it makes a lot of noise during work, sometimes coffee grains are simply ground into powder.

  • 10th place - Delonghi KG 79:

+ you can adjust the degree of grinding, the classic design of the device, does not make noise during operation, is compact, the case is plastic;

- a rectangular bowl in which it is difficult to pour coffee beans with a spoon and, accordingly, get ground coffee, the grinding is too coarse for the Turks, in this case it is better to choose a coffee mill grinder Delonghi of any modification, but not rotary.

  • 9th place - Rommelsbacher EKM 300:

+ an automatic coffee grinder with high power, a capacious container for grains, there is a dispenser, it consumes little electricity and has German high quality;

- it makes noise during operation, sometimes it overheats, it’s not very convenient to clean the millstones.

  • 8th place - BORK J800:

+ has high power, has various options, can grind not only coffee, but also spices (25 degrees of grinding), digital display and backlight, original design;

- high cost, when overheating, an unpleasant smell of oil appears, slightly roasted grains are milled poorly.

  • 7th place - Nivona NICG 130 CafeGrano:

+ small power, but a bulk container for grains, a measuring spoon is included, has small dimensions (weight - 3.4 kg), low energy consumption, easy to manage;

- the timer function sometimes does not work correctly, and the finest grinding does not always correspond to that.

  • 6th place - Tescoma Handy:

+ manual coffee grinder, but with different functions, made of plastic, ceramic, metal and silicone, the body is durable and shockproof;

- the complexity of grinding, as everything is done manually, high cost, and the model is presented only in white.

  • 5th place - Tima Manual Coffee Grinder:

+ budget option, interesting design, compactness, characterized by reliability and ease of use;

- a small container for grains, and a gilded edging on the case is easily scratched and erased

  • 4th place - Erisson CG-M12S:

+ affordable cost, two speeds, the ability to adjust the degree of grinding (9 options), the housing is made of durable material;

- inconvenience when cleaning the tray, it automatically turns off after a minute of work to cool, sometimes not all grains are ground.

  • 3rd place - First 5480:

+ low-cost apparatus for grinding coffee at home, a standard set of functions, there is a timer and adjustment of the grinding level, durable and shockproof housing;

- He overheats, the apparatus elements often fail.

  • 2nd place - Manual coffee grinder "Limeira":

+ domestic-made coffee grinder, inexpensive, excellent design and functionality, reliable, easy to use;

- there is a play of the handle, coffee grains are often clogged between the millstones and it is inconvenient to clean them.

  • 1st place - Bosch MKM 6000/6003 :

+ excellent price / quality ratio, wide functionality, high power, classic design, rugged case, low power consumption;

- noise during operation, if used for a long time without interruption, the device may overheat.


There are many variations on the market for coffee grinding machines, from manual models to automatic and professional options. When choosing a millstone grinder, it is important to consider many factors. In addition, more and more modified new products appear every year.


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