How to write an essay on the topic "Internet": structure, design, tips

Writing an essay or essay is one of the standard tasks in any exam in the English language, whether it is the exam, exam, TOEFL or IELTS. To correctly write an essay, you must know and consider all the evaluation criteria. For example, in the USE in English there are five of them - content, structure, vocabulary, grammar and spelling.

Three main types of essays are distinguished - “Pros and Cons”, “Problem and Solution”, “Minority Opinion”. An essay on the topic “Internet” can relate to all of these types, depending on the specific task.

essay on the Internet in English

The structure and proper design of the essay

To correctly write an essay on the theme of the Internet, you must adhere to a certain plan. This will help to express your thoughts in a consistent and structured way.

essay on the Internet

Any essay consists of three parts and a title.

  1. Introduction All that is needed in the introductory part is to identify the topic that will be discussed later, and to speak neutrally about it. For example, if this is an essay-discussion on the topic "Internet", then you can define this word and also briefly describe why the Internet has recently become an important part of many people's lives.
  2. Main body. In the main part, you need to expand the topic as required by the assignment. If this is an essay of the type “Pros and Cons”, then it is necessary to consider the positive and negative sides of the topic. If “Problem and Solution” - then describe two or three solutions. If the “Minority Opinion” is to analyze the topic and form an opinion about it, giving competent arguments.
  3. Conclusion In this part, you need to take stock and draw a conclusion. For example, in an essay on the topic “Internet”, as a conclusion, you can write that the Network can do both harm and benefit, depending on how you use it.
essay on internet

Proper design

The design of an essay depends on its type, as well as on the exam for which it is being written. It is very important to use the correct style of speech - in most cases, abbreviations such as don't, isn't, haven't, expressions to be honest, to tell the truth and other elements of an informal style are unacceptable.

However, if an essay on the topic "Internet" is written in the format of a "letter to a friend" (for example, such an assignment is available on the exam and exam), then in this case the use of an unofficial style of speech is allowed.

It is not recommended to use too short simple sentences, it is necessary to distribute and complicate them with the help of logical means of communication and secondary members.


Writing any essay, and even more so in a foreign language, is a rather difficult task, assuming that the examinee has a high level of knowledge of the language.

Do not write too much - you must follow the recommended number of words, depending on the exam. As a rule, if the maximum volume is exceeded, all the extra text is not taken into account, and it may turn out that the conclusion will be lost, which will entail the removal of points.

So that writing an essay, including an essay in English on the topic "Internet", does not take much time, in the process of preparing for the exam it is recommended to read a lot of other people's essays. Some teachers advise even to memorize whole passages in order to later apply them in their own essay. It is also worth learning standard phrases and introductory constructions.


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