Restaurant "Flowers" in Khabarovsk: address, description, menu

In Khabarovsk there is a restaurant "Flowers", which will be discussed in the article. You will get a lot of useful information about this place, learn how to get to it, get acquainted with the features of this wonderful place. Where this institution is located, what is offered in the menu, and also what reviews do visitors leave about it - all this will be presented later.

Restaurant "Flowers" (Khabarovsk)

The institution is located in the city center, on the ground floor of the hotel. Residents are attracted by the amazing atmosphere that prevails in this restaurant. Here it is always bright from the smiles that waiters and other staff give to visitors. Restaurant "Flowers" fully lives up to its surprisingly pleasant and beautiful name. You can come here at any time of the day to order a hearty breakfast or enjoy a business lunch. And it is possible to order a romantic or family dinner with a glass of light wine. Pleasant music and beautiful interiors will make visiting this place even more enjoyable.

Menu of the restaurant "Flowers" (Khabarovsk)

The institution will offer you the best dishes of European cuisine. Among them:

  • Fettuccine with squid and zucchini. An unusually delicious dish of Italian cuisine will be a real decoration of your romantic dinner.
  • Beef tartare.
  • Penne with roast beef and artichokes.
  • Tuna fillet in marinade.
  • Marbled beef medallions.
  • Stewed pork belly and much more. Visitor reviews

Visitors reviews

restaurant flowers menu

Restaurant "Flowers" in Khabarovsk has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it is always surprisingly pleasant to be here. The interiors of the institution are devoid of any pretentiousness. Comfortable multi-colored chairs and tables make you want to stay and spend several hours here. Secondly, the range of dishes is very impressive. Salads, various snacks, fish and meat dishes, soups, desserts and much more. Thirdly, the attendants are unusually helpful and attentive. You do not have to spend your precious time on the tedious waiting for an order. The advantages of this institution can be listed for a very long time. The most important thing that many visitors note in their reviews is always with great attention to all people.

Restaurant "Flowers" address

Address, opening hours

Restaurant "Flowers" in Khabarovsk is not difficult to find. After all, this place is familiar to many residents of the city, as well as visitors. There is a restaurant on Istomina street, house 64. Opening hours are very convenient for numerous visitors. After all, the institution opens at seven in the morning, and closes at one in the morning. There are no days off at the Tsvety restaurant in Khabarovsk.


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