How to put money on Steam through the terminal, or purchase without problems!

"How to put money on Steam through the terminal?" - a question that sooner or later any user of this system asks, has already tried all the previous methods of buying and paying for the game. The fact is that it is much more convenient to purchase an application through the built-in wallet than by, say, paying with a bank card.

how to put money on Steam through the terminal

Is it everywhere?

The first pitfall that you can run into when wondering about how to put money into Steam is the difficulty of replenishing an account through the terminal. The thing is that not everyone has this opportunity.

If someone has already replenished the account of, say, their electronic wallet, then they are definitely familiar with the process of finding the necessary terminal. After all, not everyone supports, for example, competitors.

So, the first thing to do to answer how to transfer money to Steam is to find a suitable terminal in your city. For example, Qiwi, Xolla or Payelp. When the necessary "place" is found, go to the necessary point and proceed to the process.

What you need to know

In order for you to understand how to put money on Steam through the terminal, you need to know some things. More precisely, data. So, for example, a mandatory step is to enter your mobile phone number when replenishing your Steam account.

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So remember that your mobile phone must be tied to your account. Of course, this is necessary in order to confirm ownership and exclude you from the list of possible scammers. Also, to replenish the account, you must remember your account. More precisely, his login.

In order to start the replenishment process, you need, as already mentioned, the first thing to find the necessary terminal for replenishment. After that, the process will remind you of “throwing” money onto a mobile phone. In payments you need to find Steam. It’s best to use a “search” of available services for this.

When you select Steam, you will need to enter your account details. Do not confuse it with the id-player. The login that the system requires is the name that appears in the upper right corner of the Steam Client. When you enter it, click "Next."

Now you will be required to enter your mobile phone. After that, click "Next" again. Deposit the required amount and continue the process. Take the check and go home - in about an hour the money will go to your account. Now you know how to put money on Steam through the terminal.

Underwater rocks

Now, it's time to talk about what unpleasant moments can occur when replenishing the Steam account through a payment terminal. The most common mistake is replenishment of the "wrong" account. The fact is that you need to correctly "hammer" your username so that the amount of money will come to him. One erroneous letter - and everything was gone.

Also very often, users confuse their id with the name of their account. In this case, you will not be able to continue payment - you will be given an error. It’s best to write your nickname on a piece of paper and carry it with you.

how to transfer money to steam

If there is no connection to the phone, then you can also run into failure when paying. The system will not be able to verify the accuracy of the entered information, which will not allow to replenish the account.

Another problem that arises when asked: "How to put money on Steam through the terminal?" - this, of course, is the search for a suitable terminal. Unfortunately, so far only a few companies have such a feature. So try to preoccupy yourself with the search in order not to lose time.

It is also worth remembering that payment terminals often take a certain percentage of the transaction. Remember that you need to put an amount slightly higher than what is actually required.


Thus, today we learned what difficulties can await you if you plan to replenish your Steam wallet account using the terminal. If you are afraid that you will not succeed or try unsuccessfully more than once to do this, it is best to use other ways to replenish and purchase on Steam.


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