White coat syndrome - how to get rid of it?

Each person is individual and reacts differently to the circumstances. Some people find it particularly difficult, because the term "white coat syndrome" exists.

how to get rid of white coat syndrome

What is it and how is it manifested

A visit to the clinic is not a pleasant occupation, so everyone experiences negative emotions when visiting a doctor. But there is a certain category of people who are most exposed to circumstances. White coat syndrome is a term that refers to an increase in blood pressure during measurement. For many, it manifests itself in a sharp jump in indicators from only one type of person in white. Having crossed the hospital threshold, people cannot cope with the internal excitement, which develops into a painful state of hypertension. Science singled out this manifestation in a separate paragraph of medicine and underwent a thorough study. How to treat white coat syndrome if hypertension is caused by someone who should treat it? After all, as soon as the patient gets into the usual home environment, he feels great ... A paradoxical and specific phenomenon causes concern, since the manifestation of a painful condition is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance.

white coat syndrome

Course of the disease

Hypertension occurs in 15 percent of the population during a physical examination, namely in the process of measuring pressure. The patient can not relax and control his own body, as a result of which the pressure rises significantly and the white coat syndrome when measuring indicators manifests itself in all its glory. The effect of an inadequate reaction of the body to the consultation and the actions of a specialist can affect the treatment, as the patient may be prescribed unnecessary medications due to the symptoms of a serious illness. White coat syndrome when measuring pressure at home does not occur. When a person remains in a familiar environment, without the presence of a medical professional, he can calmly measure his pressure - and the indicators will be normal. An interesting fact is that a digital graph on a normal pressure scale shows that a person is healthy. However, at the doctor’s appointment there is a sharp jump with all the ensuing consequences in the form of worsening health conditions.

white coat syndrome pressure

Who is most affected by white coat syndrome?

The studies revealed a certain pattern: far from all are subject to an atypical phenomenon. The following categories of persons are most susceptible to people in white robes:

  • overly emotional people;
  • personality with an unstable psyche.

Before visiting a doctor’s office, morally weak people experience severe stress, against which a problem called "white coat syndrome" is formed. Most often, this is a common reaction to acute emotions, fears and assumptions about the diagnosis or fear of finding out bad results of the examination.

Adaptation phenomenon

Any living creature has conditioned reflexes. A person perceives the surrounding world thanks to natural data: smell, hearing, vision. Congenital unconditioned reflexes help in life and are designed to make it comfortable. Conditioned reflexes sometimes cause serious trouble, such as white coat syndrome. The phenomenon of adaptation is that a person at the first visit to the doctor’s office remembers the reaction of the body. Most often, these sensations convey fear of trembling knees, a state of stupor, confusion. The body gives the installation to all systems to remember this situation and, under repeated circumstances, produces the same reaction, which manifests itself in a rapid increase in blood pressure. But do not lose sight of the fact that some people always react equally to all stressful situations, which is not connected with a functioning conditioned reflex and visiting a medical institution. This factor is due to the individual characteristics of the body.

white coat syndrome when measuring pressure

Possible danger

Pressure with white coat syndrome shows incorrect values ​​that cannot be taken as a basis when awareness of the patient's condition. Usually, many mistakenly assume that such pressure drops at the sight of a doctor do not pose a health hazard. This is actually not the case. It is believed that the average pressure indicator freezes between relatively normal and high, so it does not cause concern. But with a thorough examination of the patient, a pathological picture is revealed, which can significantly affect the patient's lifestyle. First of all, many people have elevated levels of cholesterol in their blood, sugar is higher than normal, coronary heart disease and prerequisites for diabetes. If a white coat syndrome has overtaken a person at a young age, it can be safely assumed that at a more advanced age he will experience real hypertension, even if at the moment it manifests itself only in certain circumstances. Pathology can pose a serious threat to the health of older people who have undergone various operations. Also at risk are people who live in unfavorable psychological and environmental conditions, have little activity and suffer from bad habits.

white coat syndrome when measured

Hypertension and pregnancy

In the process of bearing a child, the woman’s body experiences severe overloads that affect their general well-being. White coat syndrome is unpleasant enough for the expectant mother and dangerous for the fetus. This problem is especially relevant for pregnant women, since they have to undergo examinations of numerous doctors repeatedly. It is possible overstretching of the left ventricle and exacerbation of kidney disease, since these complications are provoked by sudden surges in pressure. The most dangerous form of manifestation of hypertension is a stroke that occurs against the background of a severe emotional shock.

how to treat white coat syndrome

Diagnosis and treatment

How to get rid of white coat syndrome? First of all, it is necessary to carry out careful monitoring of pressure indicators. This procedure can be done independently at home, or you can use a special device that, outside the medical walls, marks the pressure rate automatically in time. A prerequisite is the passage of a number of tests. So, you need:

  • donate blood for cholesterol and check the lipid profile;
  • determine blood sugar;
  • give urine for laboratory tests;
  • undergo a full examination with the definition of general clinical indicators;
  • visit a cardiologist;
  • undergo an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and heart.

In the event of the discovery of concomitant pathologies, the patient is prescribed complex treatment and maintenance therapy. One of the forms of rehabilitation is a course of classes and conversations with a psychologist. Often, it is auto-training that helps patients cope with their condition.

how to deal with white coat syndrome

Preventative measures

Many are interested in the question of how to deal with white coat syndrome? The answer of experts is as follows: it is important to prevent the development of the disease. A standard set of measures for a healthy life is:

  • giving up all bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, etc.);
  • transition to proper nutrition: all food should have a balanced composition and not contain a large amount of fat;
  • training emotional stability under the supervision of a qualified psychologist; various self-control techniques help increase self-confidence and get rid of the fear of a hospital atmosphere;
  • restraining excessive emotionality;
  • normalization of motor activity;
  • taking sedatives as directed by a doctor.
  • pregnant women need to be constantly monitored by a psychologist.

These activities will help keep the vessels in good shape, and the heart is in order. Many patients use traditional medicine methods for recovery (decoctions of herbs, infusions). But all decisions must be agreed with a specialist in order to avoid possible problems in the future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34684/

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