What paint can lighten hair without yellowness? The best brightening hair color without yellowness (reviews)

A hair color change for a woman is more than just a change in image. This is a change in mood, in life. Since we often lack light and brightness, we sometimes want to add brightness to our reflection in the mirror. Blonde staining is one of the most popular ways to cheer up and make a difference.

However, sometimes the situation is overshadowed by the fact that the color is not the same as intended. Repainting in a blond is a rather complicated procedure, regardless of the type and color of hair. Depending on the original color, the blond may acquire a yellow or red tint. This completely undesirable and unattractive result can seriously overshadow the joy of change.

Fortunately, there are many fair hair care products on the cosmetics market now. Shampoo, foam or brightening hair dye without yellowness will help not only to get rid of the yellow shade, but also to preserve the color for a long time.

Difficulty in coloring

yellowness brightening hair color
Yellowness appears due to the presence of certain color pigments in the hair, which form a natural color. The use of paint shade blond does not allow to completely paint over these pigments. Especially on dark hair, they appear in different shades of yellow. As the paint is washed out, yellowness appears more.

In this regard, before dyeing, it is necessary to discolor the hair and destroy the pigment, which gives yellowness.

What determines the appearance of yellowness

Of course, it is easier to avoid the appearance of yellowness than to get rid of it on already dyed hair.

The appearance of yellow shades on the hair is primarily due to the quality of the paint. What paint lighten dark hair without yellowness, it is difficult to say, you must also use other means. However, in addition to color, there are other important factors affecting the final hair color, for example:

  • Natural hair color, as well as their structure and the number of pigments.
  • General health of curls, lack of dry tips.
  • Hair coloring in the past.
  • Compliance with the rules when painting.

Means for clarification

what paint to lighten hair without yellowness
To lighten hair, there are many different products that can be used at home. Many hair care brands have separate lines where products are presented that help to achieve a beautiful blond color without yellowness, as well as maintain color. The most common means are:

  • Brightening paints.
  • Brightening sprays and gels.
  • Tinting foams.
  • Hue shampoos.

However, the choice of product is determined not only by desire, but also by the initial data of the hair. Before buying a product, you need to carefully study the composition, as well as the features of the application of a product.

What tool to choose

Dyes give the hair the desired color and last a long time. But you need to carefully choose a shade, wondering which paint to lighten hair without yellowness. The reviews of women and the advice of professionals agree that it is best to choose cold shades of ashen colors for a color without yellowness . The advantage of the dye is that it can be used on natural hair of any color. However, paint brighteners such as ammonia can damage hair.

For naturally blond hair, it is better to use less traumatic means, for example, tinted shampoos. They do not contain hydrogen peroxide and ammonia hazardous to hair. They lighten the hair slightly and eliminate the yellow tint. Painted curls also help, which eventually turned yellow. On the other hand, any effect of the shampoo is not lasting, it will be washed off after a couple of weeks, depending on the frequency of washing the hair.

Foams, gels and sprays also act superficially. They can brighten just one or two tones. However, for fair hair, they are perfectly suited. They do not harm the structure of curls, but rather help for their shine and smoothness. Tinted gels are convenient to use to give the effect of burnt hair. The effect lasts longer than when using the foam. Sprays act on the principle of gradual clarification. When applied to the hair, the spray begins to act from interaction with sunlight. As a result, the hair gets a beautiful shine.

What paint to lighten hair without yellowness

what paint to lighten hair without yellowness
There are many quality paints that give good results. However, the final color depends largely on the hair. There are a number of products that have proven themselves on the good side. So, which brightening hair dye without yellowness is better?

Professional and semi-professional paints

yellowness brightening hair color

  • BBCOS White Meches Bleaching.

A hair bleach for full lightening works well even on very dark curls. However, it does not injure them due to the mild action of the components during discoloration. The product line of this brand is also supplemented with a special clarifier for the roots.

  • Goldwell Silklift.

This full-fledged clarifying system contains three components, namely: clarifying ionic powders, intensive serum and conditioner. They effectively cope with yellowness, while not injuring the hair, because they do not contain ammonia. However, its use is expected only in professional salons. The technology of using paint and the selection of shades and other components is very important to observe correctly. For this reason, it is not recommended to try it yourself. In this case, the effect is not guaranteed.

  • Igora Royal 10-4.

Professional brightening hair color without yellowness, which can be purchased only in specialized salons or online stores. It is quite easy to use and accessible to lay people. The reviews confirm that the result of staining with this paint is always predictable, and corresponds to the shade in the palette. The main thing is to choose the right shade in a large palette of colors that are presented in the brand line. This paint is also saturated, and therefore resistant.

Paints for home use

yellowness brightening hair color

  • Casting Creme Gloss L'Oreal.

Rather suitable for naturally light curls as a brightening hair dye without yellowness. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the product and the naturalness of the color. The palette of colors is very large, and you can choose the right tone. The paint is resistant, and the hair after it is bright and shiny.

  • Color & Shine Garnier.

Paint for gentle clarification of hair does not contain ammonia. She does a good job of giving them a beautiful intense blond color. Due to the lack of ammonia, there is no danger of damaging the hair. Moreover, the composition of the paint has various natural ingredients that help strengthen and improve hair.

  • Deluxe estel.

Recently gained popularity as a good brightening hair color without yellowness. In the line of the brand there are various means for dyeing, lightening and tinting hair to give a persistent and intense color to blond. The curls become shiny, and the color remains for a long time.

  • MATRIX Color Sync.

This paint is one of the most careful. Due to the lack of ammonia in the composition, however, it can lighten hair by only a few tones. Therefore, it is suitable, rather, to the owners of natural light curls. However, it is guaranteed not to leave yellow on dyed hair. For those who want to have a gentle, non-traumatic hairstyle, but at the same time good coloring, Matrix is ​​the best brightening hair color without yellowness.

  • Blonde Ultime Schwarzkopf.

The brand’s range includes many products that will help to acquire a beautiful blond color and get rid of yellowness, for example, sprays and conditioners. They are especially effective on not very dark hair. The paint also quite effectively copes with yellowness, but there are only 8 shades in the palette, from which it is not easy to choose your color. You should also be careful when dyeing permed hair. The result may be unpredictable.

Hair Lightening Procedure

what paint to lighten hair without yellowness
For different hair recommendations may be different and it is best to consult with a specialist. Which paint brightens hair well without yellowness depends on the color, structure, presence of cut ends and another. However, there are general rules that are the same for most.

  • For those who have natural red or dyed curls in this color, it is necessary to bleach the hair before dyeing. Otherwise, it will not work to get color without yellowness. Especially for those who have used natural dyes such as henna.
  • It’s even harder for brunettes to get the right blond color. Lightening and bleaching is guaranteed to be traumatic for the hair, because you need to wash off several layers of pigment. The best option is to gradually dye your hair a few tones lighter. So they will be damaged less, and the color will be more intense and without yellowness.
  • Naturally blond hair can be dyed blond, almost without damaging them. However, in order to avoid yellowness, it is better to choose platinum and ashy shades.

Recommendations before staining

It is contraindicated to dye hair in any color if it is damaged. Light color, firstly, emphasizes the dryness and soreness of curls, and secondly, the result of staining can be unpredictable. So, permed hair can unexpectedly react to bleaching. Also on curls, dried out by the sun, you need to start staining with caution.

yellowness brightening hair color

During painting with ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, any metal objects are prohibited. Their interaction with the dye can give an undesirable effect on the hair.

Another important recommendation is to use only clean water when flushing paint. The presence of rust can ruin even the best result.

If you follow the rules, and also using a good brightening hair color without yellowness, which is correctly selected to the characteristics of the hair, you can achieve a good result when dyeing at home.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34685/

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