Botox or keratin straightening: which is better, what's the difference between them?

Botox or keratin straightening will help give your hair health, strength, shine, smoothness and beauty. Which is better and what is the difference between them, will tell you the comparison of these two procedures below.

Essence of Botox and Keratin Straightening

Botox hair treatment has nothing to do with botox injections for the face, except that the rejuvenation effect occurs in both cases. Botox affects the hair from the inside, at the molecular level. The active components of the botox complexes penetrate deep into the hair and fill its damaged area. Hair follicles and scalp after such procedures are saturated with nutrients that provoke the production of their own keratin, the growth of strong, strong and healthy hair.

Botox or keratin straightening which is better

Keratin straightening compensates for the loss of the corresponding substance by the hair. Unlike Botox, it has an external effect and is aimed directly at obtaining straight curls. During the procedure, the ingredients of keratin compounds get to the places of damage to the scales and restore the structure of the hair, making it smooth, dense, obedient to combing, less confused and electrified.

Composition difference

What is the difference between Botox and keratin straightening? The composition of the products used.

Botox complexes include the following basic drugs:

  • "Intra-Silan" - an active substance, a molecule that makes up for damage to hair.
  • Hyaluronic acid - supports, maintains the internal structure of the hair, providing deep hydration.
  • Keratin amino acids, cysteine ​​- analogues of natural keratin, which is located in our hair. It speeds up the process of restoring curls.
  • Collagen - retains moisture.
  • Elastin - gives smoothness, elasticity, flexibility, provides trouble-free and easy styling.
  • Protein - activates hair growth, prevents hair loss.
  • Vitamins A, B, C, E, D for the health and beauty of the strands.
  • A variety of oils for nutrition and softness.
  • Extracts from herbs, plant extracts, perfumes.
  • Silicone fillers and some chemical elements.

Botox hair or keratin straightening which is better

Keratin complexes consist of:

  • Keratin amino acids, liquid keratin.
  • Silicone fillers.
  • Preservatives.
  • Derivatives of aldehydes (formaldehydes or glyoxal) are carcinogens, toxic substances that are permissible in a minimal concentration in cosmetology. They straighten hair.
  • Moisturizing elements and conditioning agents.
  • Oils.

How do botox for hair?

What is the difference between Botox and keratin hair straightening? The method of performing the procedure. It takes a little over an hour and takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Wash your hair with a sulfate-free shampoo, slightly dry with a towel or cool air.
  2. Botox serum is distributed over the entire length of each strand for 30-40 minutes. It supplies nutrients to the hair.
  3. Then, for 5 minutes, a tool is applied, with which the active substances are not so quickly washed out of the curls.
  4. Rinse the strands and cover them with a restoring indelible mask, prolonging the effect of botox serum.

Keratin Straightening Procedure

Unlike botox hair treatment, keratin straightening lasts longer and takes 2-3 hours. During this time, such manipulations are performed:

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and dry your hair.
  2. Evenly each strand along the entire length and surface is covered with a keratin composition, leave it for half an hour for better absorption.
  3. Dry the hair with a hairdryer and “seal” keratin into the hair with a special iron, doing from two to eight stretches, depending on which curls - obedient or not, wavy or not.

Botox or keratin straightening which is better reviews

Botox effect

Botox or keratin straightening? What's better? It is worth answering this question based on the finished results. So, after Botox, the hair becomes softer, more voluminous, more elastic, more obedient, silky, and a glossy gloss appears. The condition of the strands improves not only from the outside: the botex procedure restores the protein inside the hairline. The result obtained lasts for one, three months and is cumulative in nature, i.e. the more manipulations with Botox are performed, the healthier your hair will become and the effect will last longer. He rejuvenates them, protects them from UV rays, makes them less fluffy, but does not straighten them like keratin, but only smooths them a little.

The result after keratin

Botox hair or keratin straightening? What is the best choice for naughty, curly hair? After straightening, even the strongest, curly, tight curls are instantly smoothed, flowing, shiny, lend themselves to any styling and combing. You can forget about brittle hairs and split ends: the strands look well-groomed, they are moisturized and absorb nutrients. The effect of keratin straightening with proper care can last about 3-5 months. Keratin straightening improves only the external beauty of the hair, while Botox heals them from the inside and cares for them outside.

Botox or keratin straightening reviews

What is the difference?

The list of differences between botex hair treatments and keratin straightening:

  • Blondes will like Botox because after it, unlike keratin straightening, the yellow shade of the hair will disappear, in addition, after it, you can lighten the hair, and keratin straightening will no longer allow this.
  • Straightening can not be done during pregnancy and lactation, because used products contain toxic substances - formaldehydes, which can adversely affect the health of the child. Botox is safer in this regard, because it contains a larger number of useful elements, and there are no poisonous ones at all. Nevertheless, it is better to be interested in the composition of what will be applied to your head, because you can’t find out how conscientious this or that manufacturer of hair cosmetics is. Nevertheless, the first three months of pregnancy and during feeding should not be done any chemical procedures with the hair - neither Botox, nor keratinization, or anything like that.

What is better to do Botox or keratin straightening

  • Botox or keratin straightening? What is better to apply if you want to have lush hair and accelerate hair growth? In this case, Botox. It heals the hair, preventing loss, promotes growth and gives volume to curls, while making them less porous and fluffy. With keratin straightening, the volume is reduced, keratin makes the hairs heavier, so if there is a problem with loss, it can be aggravated due to the severity of the strands.
  • Keratin straightening, unlike Botox, is not recommended for use on heavily damaged hair, because he does not treat them, but only straightens them.
  • A botox hair treatment is cheaper than keratin straightening.
  • After Botox, the hair will not become perfectly smooth and even, like after keratin. The strands will be more obedient, the “dandelion” effect will go away, but the natural undulation will remain.
  • Botox is good for all hair types, especially if it is long and heavily cut, and keratin straightening is best used for naughty, curly, thick curls.

Reviews on Botox and Keratin Straightening

Botox or keratin straightening: which is better? Reviews of those who did these procedures note: to maximize support and keep the result longer, you need to use special caring hair cosmetics (sulfate-free shampoos, masks, etc.).

What is the difference between Botox and keratin straightening?

After keratin straightening for three days, you can not wash your hair, pin hair with hairpins and do styling so that creases do not appear. Straightening is enough for several months, then you need to repeat it. After keratin, hair can be styled even without a hair dryer, and after curling it will again become perfectly smooth.

Botox or keratin straightening? Reviews say: if you do not follow the technology of these procedures, the effect will be the opposite, the hair will become brittle, lose a healthy look. It is better to do the procedure with trusted specialists and quality compounds.

What to give preference to?

What is better to do - Botox or keratin straightening? If the hair is blond, thin, grow poorly, fall out, are badly damaged, need to be restored, then Botox will do.

To get rid of curls, curly, stiff, like wire, strands and get perfectly smooth, elastic hair, keratinization is used.

What is the difference between Botox and keratin hair straightening?

When only brittleness and split ends are concerned, you can use both the first and second procedures.

Botox or keratin straightening, which is better? If there is pregnancy, lactation, cancer, a tendency to allergies, problems with the scalp and neuromuscular diseases, then both of these procedures are contraindicated. Before making a choice, it is better to consult with a hairdresser or trichologist about the condition of the hair and the need for a particular procedure.


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