Message at startup Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10): what to do?

Although Windows 10 is constantly being improved and considered one of the most advanced systems, alas, it is not immune from errors. As in all previous versions, crashes or incorrect shutdowns lead to a message like Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10) appearing on a screen when restarting. What to do in this situation, not all users know. That is why it is worth shedding light on this problem.

Post Preparing automatic (Windows 10): what to do?

In the most ideal variant, no matter how primitive it may sound, nothing needs to be done. Just translate the message into Russian, and it turns out that this means preparing for automatic system recovery.

But recovery is not so simple. If anyone does not know, the most basic problem is that the operating system itself reserves free space on the hard drive just for creating and storing copies. In the same "Explorer" of the tenth version of Windows, many can see an incomprehensible section of the system backup. Where it is located is not so important. The main thing is that it is, and its use, in fact, is simply impossible to disable (unless you refuse to create recovery points, which is fraught with unpredictable consequences in subsequent failures).

preparing automatic repair windows 10 what to do

On the other hand, sometimes the recovery procedure seems to work, but the system does not come back to normal, and again, when restarting, a warning Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10) is issued. What to do if such a situation arises? As it turns out, there are some simple solutions for this.

What does this warning mean?

But before proceeding with the immediate elimination of the problem, it is worth noting that this situation may occur due to damage to the system components responsible for restoration, or the usual lack of system reserved hard disk space, where, in fact, copies (images) of a functioning OS with minimal parameters.

In the simplest case, the problem of damage or lack of system components is solved quite simply. You can try to roll back if you boot from a removable media in the form of an optical disk with the installation distribution of the system or software environments located there like LiveCD. In this case, you just need to start the corresponding process from the menu. If this does not help, and the boot loop again and again displays the message Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10), what to do will be understood further. There are some nuances here.

Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10): how to fix?

Firstly, when booting from a disk (if automatic recovery does not work), you should immediately go to the command line startup section, in which you should write the command to restore the missing components of the sfc / scannow system, then run the disk scan as the line chkdsk c: / f / r, then apply the lines to restore the bootloader:

  • first Bootrec.exe and after a space / FixMbr;
  • Next - Bootrec.exe, and with a space / FixBoot.

This is followed by a reboot. If the message Preparing automatic repair (Windows 10) appears again, what to do will be clear when using the Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd command (it completely overwrites the boot sector).

In some cases, you have to go into the BIOS settings, find a line with an indication of XD-bit (maybe it will be Execute Memory Protect) and set the parameter to Enabled.

In the end, you can simply increase the reserved space, which is displayed even in the "Explorer", by creating bootable media with the subsequent use of combining the reserved space with an inseparable area. But, as practice shows, this is usually not necessary.

preparing automatic repair windows 10 how to fix

In addition, all kinds of optimizer utilities were not affected here. Here, the priority of using this or that program belongs exclusively to the user. Unfortunately, they do not always have exactly the impact on the system that is expected of them.

Moreover, some programs installed from some unofficial sources can block the operation of system services, disable some components related to the correct operation of Windows, or do anything. Therefore, when rolling back, you need to be especially careful. If any means of the system do not work, you will have to check the hard drive, and not only for errors, but also for physical damage.

In principle, there are enough software packages for checking the operation of hard drives. Of course, you can use the software of Windows-systems, but they do not always justify the hopes placed on them. Therefore, the use of special system programs may be the best and also simpler solution. For example, the unique HDD Regenerator program is believed to be able to not only restore the hard drive in terms of boot sectors with error correction, but also remagnetize drives by applying an increased voltage. Many, however, have legitimate doubts about this, but some users claim the opposite.


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