How to choose a hair dryer: customer reviews

Almost every woman has a hairdryer in her arsenal. However, not everyone knows how to use it correctly. After all, having a conventional device, it is necessary to hold it in one hand, and in the other is a comb. To more quickly and easily create curls, you will need a hair dryer, reviews of which girls often leave on forums. To get the result, you must correctly select the product, decide on its main parameters and decide what goals you need to accomplish with a brush. To do this, you should study the selection tips and consider the features of the most popular models.

What is the device for?

The hair dryer is gaining more and more popularity today. Reviews show that in this case, the styling process is greatly simplified, because one hand remains free. Using a familiar hair dryer, you need to have the knack and grab locks with a separate comb. Not all users can master this process, and not all haircuts can be styled in this way.

On the other hand, if curling is required, it is better to use an electric curling iron. If necessary, straighten hair the best device recognized as a special iron. However, not all consumers are ready to have a whole arsenal of styling products at home, so they prefer to use a hair dryer. The reviews confirm that a well-chosen model can replace many other tools and at the same time helps to create the desired hairstyle.

Hair dryer

Used nozzles

When choosing a hair dryer, it is often recommended to look at the nozzles that are included in the kit. After all, the main tasks that the brush solves are the following:

  • drying;
  • straightening;
  • waving;
  • Hair Styling.

The functionality of the purchased device depends on the quantity and characteristics of the nozzles. Therefore, their size should be decided in advance. However, most often they use only an ode nozzle from those that are equipped with a hair dryer. Reviews show that girls prefer one look and rarely change them. Depending on the type of hair and the diameter of the desired curls, choose the width of the brush. They come in diameters from 18 to 50 mm.

If you plan to use a hairdryer to create a wide variety of hairstyles, you need a model with many tips. However, the main thing when choosing is to pay attention to the strength of their fastening.

Power Selection

Different levels of power can be a hair dryer. Testimonials about which is better help other users make the right choice. When buying, pay attention to the power of the device. After all, the speed and quality of installation depends on the flow of hot air.

There are the most powerful appliances, with a power of 800 watts and maximum air flow. Such models are suitable for owners of thick hair, but use them carefully.

For short, thin and weakened hair, a hair dryer with a power of about 400 watts is needed. If you need an option for traveling or just compact, then you can consider the most low-power instances - about 300 watts. Their handle resembles the handle of a conventional comb.

Reviews of the most popular models

Many manufacturers of household appliances have a hair dryer in their lineup. Reviews (which is better) will help you make the right choice. Of course, the cheapest models can last some time, but it’s better not to consider them, because, as practice shows, they often turn out to be fakes.

Popular Model - Babyliss 2736E

In the first place in popularity is the Babyliss hair dryer. Reviews show that the model fully justifies the money spent on it. The brush is made of natural bristles. This contributes to a gentle effect on the curls and prevents hair from tangling. Four nozzles made of ceramics are also included.

A feature of the device is the ability of the nozzle to rotate in different directions. To quickly create perfect curls and at the same time not to spend a lot of time and effort, you need a Babyliss hair dryer. Reviews about the model are left by many women. After all, the device has a lot of advantages:

  • ionization function - helps to eliminate the accumulation of static electricity;
  • the hair dryer not only dries, but also curls the hair;
  • you can quickly straighten curls;
  • ceramic nozzles make it possible to create a wide variety of hairstyles;
  • the hair dryer provides hot air to create an image, and a cold one to fix it;
  • The carrying case helps to store the device compactly.
Hair Dryer BaByliss 2736E

Philips hair dryer

The reviews indicate that the technology of this company works flawlessly and performs all the declared functions. The most popular is the Philips HP8664 model. Among the user reviews there are many positive points:

  • two nozzles of different sizes allow you to use the device on different types of hair;
  • to unravel accidentally tangled hair, the bristles of a small nozzle are retracted;
  • ionization contributes to a healthy shine of hair and get rid of the accumulation of static electricity;
  • nozzles can independently rotate in different directions.

However, please note that no storage case is provided. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a handbag separately. Otherwise, the Philips hair dryer brush has the most worthy reviews.

Philips HP8664 Hair Dryer

Stylish model from Bosch

Many girls trust the well-known brand, and Bosch hair dryer turns out to be in their use. Reviews are almost all positive. The package includes a convenient case where you can store the device itself and all the nozzles. Among the positive aspects, users note:

  • there is air ionization;
  • nozzles rotate;
  • hot and cold air mode;
  • the brush is made of artificial bristles.

Many users choose for home use this hair dryer with a rotating brush. Reviews show that the device completely copes with its functions, and brushes of different sizes allow you to create different hairstyles and use the model on different hairs. However, the Bosch hair dryer has negative reviews. Often women notice that with prolonged use, the product overheats and shuts itself off. After that, it takes time to restart.

Bosch - stylish hair dryer

Stylish Rowenta Hair Dryer

Reviews indicate the quality of the assembly and the availability of everything needed in the kit. Two brushes rotate independently, helping to create perfect curls. The ionization function and ceramic coating of the nozzles protect the hair. The Rowenta hair dryer reviews have been extremely positive. Artificial bristles are used. The diameter of the nozzles is the most optimal - 30 and 50 mm. For ease of use, a rotating cord is assumed.

Many girls are attracted by the stylish β€œRoventa” hair dryer. They leave reviews most often recommendatory. Among the advantages are:

  • high power;
  • interchangeable ceramic nozzles;
  • ionization function;
  • the presence of covers for nozzles.

However, there are negative reviews about the hair dryer. Users noticed that the claimed cold air function is warm. Also, many are not satisfied with the lack of automatic shutdown when overheating.

Rowenta Hair Dryer

Budget model from Vitek (VT-2378)

If you need a high-quality, but budget model, the Vitek hair dryer is recommended, reviews about which are quite worthy. The device has an elegant design in pink and gray. A compact Velcro pouch is provided for storage and transportation.

The brush is equipped with an ionization function, and ceramic contributes to an even redistribution of heat. Many users note that after using the hair dryer, the hair looks healthy, shiny and does not fluff.

The hair dryer with a rotating nozzle also has negative reviews. This mainly concerns the rotation mechanism. There are complaints about its breakdown and the need to use it very carefully. However, for its value, the Vitek hair dryer fully fulfills the functions assigned to it.

Vitek Model (VT-2378)

Powerful Brown Model

Often a very powerful hair dryer brush is required. Reviews about the model claim that the device copes even with thick and long hair. Power of 1000 watts, makes it possible to quickly dry curls and create the perfect hairstyle.

For user convenience, there are three modes and air flow rates. Two round brushes and nozzles for creating volume are included. Adds comfort two-meter rotating cord and eyelet for hanging.

User reviews are mostly recommendatory. Women are satisfied:

  • good equipment;
  • high-quality assembly;
  • high power.

However, it was not without drawbacks. The manufacturer did not take into account the power button and made his device too bulky. In addition, the steel coating does not suit everyone. There is an opinion that the cord quickly goes out of order.

Brown Hair Dryer


A hairdryer brush helps to quickly and efficiently create a hairstyle and dry hair. Reviews (which is better) help the user to navigate and make the right choice. A review of the best models shows their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the characteristics and personal preferences, you can make a successful purchase.


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