Search site audit

Novice webmasters often encounter a situation where the Internet resource they promote is seemingly filled with high-quality, unique content, is clearly structured and provided with intuitive navigation, but the number of its visitors does not increase, and the place in the search engines is far from the top . It is quite difficult to independently determine the problem and find a suitable solution to this situation, therefore, to increase the profitability of the project and increase its rating, it is recommended site audit , which can be ordered at one of the famous web studios.

In the course of a comprehensive analysis of the Internet resource, CEOs provide a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics and potential of the site being promoted, as well as its competitive environment. In addition, the webmaster is provided with recommendations regarding increasing the attractiveness of the project not only for potential visitors, but also for search engines. As a result, the cost of website promotion is reduced, and profit, on the contrary, is increasing.

One of the key components of a comprehensive analysis of web resources is search audit, on the competent conduct of which depends effective website promotion in Voronezh and other cities, because it is the SEO analysis that directly affects the attraction of potential visitors from search engines and the correct positioning of the Internet project among thousands of its direct and indirect competitors.

Also, as a result of a search audit of a web page, the cost of attracting customers through high-frequency queries is reduced and the number of visitors brought to the promoted website by low-frequency traffic is significantly increased.

Such impressive results are achieved by the SEO specialists by selecting potential clients of the promoted project of requests (that is, at this stage the semantic core of the web page is determined), developing a structure understandable to visitors

An Internet resource or its improvement, identifying errors in the configuration files and in the site code, determining obstacles to the correct indexing and ranking of factors, analyzing existing project statistics and setting up additional, as well as conducting an audit of the reference mass of the untwisted resource. After the analysis, webmasters are not only provided with a list of detected errors, but also recommendations regarding their elimination.

Our gratitude to the SEO-specialists of the web studio for their help in preparing the material.


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