Iron "Brown TexStyle 7": expert reviews

Irons of the Brown TexStyle 7 series with a steaming function are ironed very high quality. They allow you to smooth out hard-to-reach areas and various small parts. At the same time, working with such irons is easy and convenient. What characteristics help to achieve this effect?

Sole Saphir

In many ways, this result is achieved by the presence of a high-quality steam sole made of sapphire-coated stainless steel. It is resistant to various scratches. Its surface, according to the manufacturer, is much stronger than the soles of ordinary stainless steel.

iron brown texstyle 7 reviews

It is easy to clean. You can even use a metal washcloth. With the help of such a platform, the Brown TexStyle 7 iron is smoothly smoothed dense and delicate fabrics. User reviews suggest that it glides easily without tightening the fabric.

Not all Brown irons have this sole. Later are equipped with aluminum. An example is the Brown TexStyle 7 ts 715 iron. Reviews say that he also copes well with the tasks.

Steam nozzle

Mistresses know that most folds are smoothed out with a nose. But most irons are designed so that almost no steam enters the nose, focusing on the central part of the sole. The Brown TexStyle 7 irons are designed differently. Reviews say that steam passes through a large number of holes closer to the nozzle. This improves the quality of ironing.

You can work with an iron both in horizontal and in vertical position, which is convenient when ironing clothes on mannequins. This is one of the positive features that the Brown TexStyle 7 iron has. User reviews, however, suggest that with vertical smoothing, the steam boost is very strong, while with horizontal smoothing there is almost no steam, mostly water.


The power of the irons in this series is 2400 watts. They allow you to get high intensity steam. At the same time, it is evenly distributed throughout the sole. Such power makes it possible to process large areas at a time using the Brown TexStyle 7 iron. User reviews indicate that such power can be both a plus and a minus. Not in all apartments the wiring can withstand such a load.

User reviews suggest that the iron is well ironed only at full power.


TexStyle 7 irons are equipped with a water tank, where it fits almost half a liter. It is sprayed through three active zones of steam. There is a pre-humidification function. At the same time, the special system, which the Brown TexStyle 7 iron has, protects the iron from leakage. Reviews say that it does not always work. Users complain that the iron melts due to overheating, and water begins to flow out so that it becomes impossible to iron it. And without it, the iron does not iron.

brown texstyle 7 reviews

Water is consumed quickly. It turns out that the less it is left, the worse the result.

Conveniently, the water tank is closer to the handle. But the bad thing is that the color of the tank is gray and it is not visible how much water is poured into it.

For some, water leaks if the Brown TexStyle 7 iron is upright. Customer reviews say that instead of a stream of steam, water flows out of the holes, and even that in a thin stream. To get to the right place, you need to aim at it for a long time.

Many complain that for some reason the water sometimes runs dirty, rusty, dirty clothes.

It happens that the steam when steaming goes on the hands, burning them.

Possibly, problems with water leakage occur because the steam supply system needs to be cleaned. The iron instructions tell you how to do it.


The iron has an "anti-scale" system. It allows you to extend the time you use the device.

braun texstyle 7 reviews

The cord is attached to the iron body using a spherical mount. It does not spread from one side to the other, it needs to be β€œswitched”. This is unusual for users. They note that the cord seems weak to them. The length of 2.5 m is not enough for convenient operation.

The iron has a beautiful handle. But she joins the body only on one side. It is convenient to hold it during operation, but cannot be fixed on the ironing board. You can only place vertically. But this can lead to the fall of the iron when moving the laundry.

The iron is equipped with a number of nozzles. So, red replaces ordinary gauze and makes it possible to iron delicate fabrics with a Braun TexStyle 7 iron. Customer reviews say that it is comfortable, but not durable. Foam under the fabric quickly tears.

The second nozzle, white, is designed for denser fabrics. Some customers complain that she is pinching the fabric. But many use it successfully.

No nozzles are available on all models of irons in this series. So, "Brown TexStyle 7 ts 715" does without them. But users say that even without it they manage to iron any item with high quality.


TexStyle 7 irons have dual overheating and tanning protection. The iron automatically turns off after half a minute in a horizontal position and after 8 minutes if it is in a vertical position.

irons brown texstyle 7 reviews

Users indicate that the iron is slowly cooling. Therefore, it must be hidden from children.


Most users like the Brown TexStyle 7 Series irons. They even steam dry laundry well. Easy to glide on fabric. With their help it is convenient to iron any things, including trousers, using a nozzle.

Buyers note that the iron is convenient, easy to operate. But additional nozzles on some models are loosely fixed, so they often fly off.

When choosing an iron, great attention is paid to its weight. It does not have to be very light, because it will need to be pressed hard on the ironed clothes. But working too hard is difficult. Irons "Brown TexStyle 7" have an optimal weight in order to smooth clothes without much effort. And when the water tank is fully loaded, they become even heavy.

iron brown texstyle 7 ts 715 reviews

Some users complain that when they handle large things horizontally, the iron is completely turned off. Steam comes out first, then water starts to flow. It turns on only after a "reboot".

From user reviews, we can conclude that when buying an iron from "Brown" as anyone is lucky. It can work for many years without any complaints. Or it may gradually lose its functions. But mostly consumers are happy with their work.


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