Zelenodolsk shipyard named after Gorky: prospects for the enterprise

OJSC Gorky Zelenodolsk Shipyard is the pride of Tatarstan. For more than 120 years, the company has been producing civilian and military ships, repairing and servicing ships of various classes.

OJSC Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after Gorky


Zelenodolsk shipyard has been operating since the end of the 19th century. On 10.10.1895, by the decision of the Kazan Ministry of Railways, ship repair workshops were built in the Paratsky Zaton. After the October Revolution, part of the workshops of Izhora and Baltic factories was moved to Paratsk, where the Volga Mechanical Autonomous Shipbuilding Plant was formed, which was renamed the Red Metalworker in 1922.

The enterprise in 1932 was named after Maxim Gorky. In 1934, the plant received its first defense order: the construction of river armored boats under the projects 1124 and 1125 began. During the Second World War, 2800 workers from the five thousandth group went to the front.

In the 60s the production of the famous Meteors was mastered - motor ships equipped with hydrofoils. A total of 356 units were produced. Proven design solutions allow the plant to remain the leader in the development of domestic high-speed vessels today.

Today Zelenodolsk shipyard is a modern enterprise capable of translating the most advanced ideas of designers and engineers into metal. Since 2005 it is part of the Ak-Bars holding.

Zelenodolsk shipyard


The production and technical base at the Gorky Zelenodolsk Shipyard allows you to build medium and small types of ships . The total number of employees is about 5,000. At the enterprise, progressive principles of position-stream construction of ships have been introduced, starting from the launch of metal in production and ending with the delivery of the built craft.

Widely used programmable equipment, CNC machines. Computerization allows you to cut from metal and process parts of almost any configuration. At the stage of assembly and welding of cases, it uses the best welding equipment of the world class. Welding is used here:

  • automatic submerged arc;
  • semi-automatic in the environment of protective gases.

Zelenodolsk Shipyard

With a quality mark

The ship is a complex engineering structure. It is necessary that the constructed ships be on the move in any adverse conditions. The most serious requirements are imposed on the quality of components and components. All metal structures undergo ultrasonic testing, which guarantees the absence of defects, hidden cracks, heterogeneities of materials.

The final stage of shipbuilding is the assembly, installation of equipment and commissioning of the facility to the customer. At the Zelenodolsk shipyard, workers hold a touching ceremony, sending their "ward" in a great voyage.


The company has three large slipway and outfitting workshops, which simultaneously collect both civilian and military ships. Zelenodolsk shipyard A. Gorky is equipped with a unique complex "Volga".

The complex is equipped with a loading trigger dock with a system for defrosting the water area in winter. This allows you to build, launch boats with a high degree of readiness, as well as conduct mooring tests year-round.

Zelenodolsk shipyard A.M. Gorky

Military products

Zelenodolsk shipyard is a recognized center for the construction of patrol ships (corvettes) of the latest generation, including low visibility. In 2014, two Gepard-3.9 vessels were built on the basis of the Tatarstan lead missile system for the needs of the Russian Navy. A contract was also signed with the Government of Vietnam for several ships of this type.

Engineers claim that in the TFR of project 11661 all the experience gained over decades of construction is embodied. The tasks of a military ship include:

  • sentinel service;
  • escort operations;
  • water protection;
  • fight against submarines, air and sea targets.

In his arsenal:

  • 76-mm AK-176M artillery system and two large-caliber MTPU systems;
  • up to eight Caliber-NK extended-range cruise missiles;
  • anti-submarine and torpedo-mine weapons;
  • missile weapons ("Wasp", "Broadsword", "Hurricane", "Igla-M");
  • electronic warfare systems.

The project implemented a unique layout of power plants. They are located in several isolated compartments. Even with the flooding of two of them, the TFR remains able to carry out combat missions.

Zelenodolsk shipyard Gorky

Civilian products

Undoubtedly, Zelenodolsk shipbuilding is the No. 1 plant in Russia for the production of civil ships. Project A45-1 "Lena" is one of the latest developments of the enterprise. A speeding planing type boat is capable of delivering 100 passengers at distances up to 650 km (maximum 70 km / h).

The first ship A45 was built in 2006 for the Vienna River Shipping Company. Based on it, an improved model A45-1 was designed - four boats of this project are already cruising along the Yenisei.

Fishing seiners of the RS-600 and 11006 projects, trawlers of the HS65T and HS45T projects, research vessels of the projects 50010, 11002, 11005 and others left the stocks of the plant.

In addition to watercraft, the company mastered related products. They produce titanium products, components and assemblies for the machine-building complex, oil and gas equipment, fittings, large-sized bridge metal structures, hull and ship furniture. The hot anti-corrosion galvanizing of steel pipes and racks up to 5.3 m long was mastered.

Zelenodolsk shipyard named after Gorky


Now the Gorky Zelenodolsk shipyard together with the Agat design bureau are creating a high-speed civil vessel of the A145 project. It also applies the planing principle of movement. The appearance of the boat corresponds to world analogues: smooth streamlined lines create a resemblance to expensive yachts.

The lightweight aluminum hull is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable and reliable navigation of passengers and crew. In the center of the cabin with adjustable soft seats there is a bar, large video panels allow you to pass the time. The captain’s cabin reminds the cockpit of a fighter: perfect control ergonomics, good visibility, an abundance of LCD monitors. A spacious observation deck is provided at the top of the ship.

Due to the increased power of the twin undercarriage (2 × 1440 kW versus 2 × 1080 kW in the A45-1 model), the ship will allow carrying 150 passengers with luggage over a distance of 200 miles (over 300 km) with a maximum speed in open areas of up to 40 knots (74 km / h).

The design of the body provides stable movement with a wave of 4 points. The first two ships of the A145 project were launched in 2011 and 2012. They were used to serve the guests of the Olympics in Sochi.

At the same time, the improvement of the manufactured and the development of new warships continues.


The main partner of the Zelenodolsk plant is the Navy - a state customer that guarantees a large amount of work. The quality of the ships manufactured by the enterprise meets the strict requirements of the military. The second most important customer is Rosoboronexport. The ICP Cheetah project has interested many foreign partners.

Russian and foreign civil shipping companies are interested in high-speed vessels of projects A45-1 and A145. Great hopes are placed on fishing boats for various purposes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34722/

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