Fashionable hair coloring: colors and techniques, photos before and after

Modern coloring gives a great scope for creativity: high-quality dyes will preserve the health of the hair, and new technologies will make it possible to realize even the most unusual fantasy. What colors and hair coloring are now in trend? Highlighting, ombre, shatush, balayazh, pixel staining - what to choose? The article describes the color trends over the past and this year. By the way, if you are a little versed in color, then you can try it yourself, at home, to carry out hair coloring. Photos of flowers that are now at the peak of fashion, you will find below.

The most relevant hair dyeing methods

Coloring trends 2019-2020:

  1. Ombre is not the first year at the peak of fashion. This is dyeing hair in a color that can be anything - not only blond or blond (as was commonly believed before).
  2. Sombre staining is similar to ombre, the only difference is in an even smoother transition from one color to another, which goes not only horizontally, but also vertically. This coloring is quite complicated, it requires hairdressing skills. So at home, it’s definitely not possible to perform the sombra - it is better to contact the experienced master in the salon.
  3. Highlighting is still at the peak of fashion. Of course, it must be done correctly: if it is light stripes on dark hair (this effect is obtained if you dye large locks), then at a fashion party such a hairstyle will be laughed at. But highlighting from thin locks, randomly located on the surface of the hair and tinted in stylish shades (caramel, ash, sandre), today is at the peak of relevance.
  4. The technique of coloring balayazh is still included in the trends. Balayazh involves applying the coloring composition randomly, as a result of which the effect of hair naturally burnt in the sun is created.
  5. Shatush is a dyeing technique that can remind an inexperienced person in the hairdressing business of an ordinary ombre. But there is a difference: when performing a shuttle, the master separates the strands and puts on them a composition of several shades, starting from about the level of the ears. Then, the dye is gradually distributed over the remaining hair sheet. As a result, the shuttle looks like an ombre, except that the color transition begins directly from the selected strands.
fashionable shades for hair

The most relevant hair shades this year

What color to choose when dyeing hair? Photos of flowers that are relevant this year are presented in the article. These are soft, pastel colors. But do not think that the list is limited only to blond: after all, even a raspberry color can be pastel. Consider the most popular options for hair color after dyeing (photos give an idea of ​​how the result looks):

  1. Caramel blond at level 8-9. This is not completely bleached hair, but rather a very light blond tone with notes of gold and copper. Today, caramel blond is presented in the palettes of almost all professional dyes.
    caramel blond
  2. Bright colors in pastels: it is light sky blue, very light pink, pale purple. To achieve such a shade at home is quite difficult. Extremely bright colors are no longer in fashion. Unusual colors should not be feared, but they should be soft, muted.
    fashion ombre
  3. Dyeing hair in a dark color (see photo below) is also still in fashion. The main caveat - the hair should not be black! The color of the shade of the raven wing is irrelevant. Dark chocolate, dark cognac shades, noble chestnut are in fashion.
    fashionable dark shade of hair

Go to the salon or paint at home: what to choose?

This choice is faced by every girl who decided to change her image. Of course, if the means allow, then you should contact a qualified master. Such a person should not only be a hairdresser, but also understand color - without this knowledge, dyeing hair in a light color is not easy to perform. In addition, techniques such as a hammock or a shuttlecock require experience and a full hand of a master.

At home, you can qualitatively blond and tint your hair, but only if you yourself are pretty good at colorizing. It is necessary to correctly, based on the condition and length of the hair, select an oxidizing agent for mixing the coloring composition. If you violate the staining technology, the result may be unpredictable.

Simple staining at home

Almost every woman can successfully dye her hair dark at home. The technique is simple: we select the desired dye, an oxidant to it, mix them and apply along the entire length of the hair - from roots to ends. But if your choice fell on dyeing hair with two colors, then here you can’t do it yourself. Even if you decide to make an ombre at home, you will need a person who will help to evenly create a smooth line of color transition across the canvas.

The need for pre-bleaching hair

Dyeing hair in ash color or caramel blond, as well as in bright pastel colors, requires preliminary clarification. Of course, blonding and leaching of pigment is a very traumatic process for a hair cuticle. Therefore, brightening should be done by a competent colorist - otherwise there is a high risk of getting a "dry washcloth" instead of a noble blond.

After clarification, the hair must be tinted. It is after tinting that they will acquire the desired shade - caramel, ash or other. It is quite possible to independently lighten and tint at home, however, one must have at least minimal knowledge of color. Otherwise, there is a great risk of spoiling the hair - you will have to do a short haircut if the hair structure goes bad irreversibly.

ashen hair dyeing

How to make a coloring that suits you?

Hair color after dyeing can upset. In order not to have to repaint again, you need to think through all aspects of life with a new color in advance. For example, if you are working on a serious job, then a mint or pink ombre may not be appropriate. But a hut or a shuttle in ash tones is what you need: you can always make a bunch for the duration of the work, and the nuances of the painting technique will not be evident.

Girls with a warm skin tone should also choose warm shades of hair - copper, golden, caramel. Girls of a cold color type with porcelain skin will face cold shades of hair - platinum, pearl, ashen. If you are in doubt whether the color chosen for hair coloring is suitable for you, consult your stylist. An experienced craftsman will give good advice on whether it is worthwhile to carry out the staining procedure, and if you change the selected shade, then which one.

Ombre at home: execution algorithm

An algorithm that will help to perform ombre at home:

  1. We purchase a clarifier, an oxidizing agent for it, a dye for subsequent tinting (an oxidizing agent is also needed), a comb with a thin tail and frequent teeth, gloves to protect the skin of the hands from the effects of an aggressive composition.
  2. First, we define the area that will be brighter. Will it be at ear, neck or do you want to color only the tips? The border where the color transition will occur should be combed. Bouffant make easy. To do this, we need a comb with frequent cloves.
  3. On the area of ​​hair that is below the combed transition, apply a brightening composition. It must be prepared in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. The composition should also fall on the combed area - in it the hairs are clarified in a chaotic manner - it is thanks to this that a smooth transition of color is achieved.
  4. After the hair has lightened, it is necessary to pull off the rest of the composition and apply tinting. The tinting dye is also mixed with the oxidizing agent in the proportion prescribed in the instructions. We withstand the right time, wash off the composition, apply care, do the styling - that's all, the fashionable ombre is ready!

Is it possible to make stylish highlighting at home?

Alas, it is practically impossible to make really stylish and high-quality highlighting at home. Yes, if you have caps for highlighting, you can experiment. But note that you will need several colors.

Highlighting, which is now in trend, provides for the presence of several shades on the strands. Moreover, these shades should be harmoniously combined with each other, for example, caramel, light copper and golden. Or highlighting in cold colors: platinum, pearl and sandre. To perform such a thorough hairdressing at home is very difficult.

Painting in the style of rooftop and balayazh: what is the difference?

People far from coloristic often confuse the techniques of painting staggered and balayazh. Meanwhile, the difference is great.

Shatush is a dyeing method in which a colorist uses 2-3 shades close in tone, as close as possible to the natural color of the hair. Due to the soft stretching of the paint along the strands, a transition effect similar to an ombre is achieved. That transition just begins on separate strands, about 5-10 cm from the roots. And the ombre does not start in strands and from any length - even from the level of the ears, even from the level of the neck.

Balayazh is a bit like a shuttle, as it allows you to achieve a natural effect. Colored areas on the hair sheet are randomly located, due to which they appear to be slightly burnt out in the sun. The differences between balayazh and shatusha consist in the technique of staining.

the difference between a hut and a rooftop

What dye to choose for use at home?

The variety of modern dyes can be classified into two large groups:

  1. Permanent resistant ammonia dyes. Deteriorate the structure of the hair, making it brittle. After the procedure of dyeing with such a dye, hair needs professional care. But it turns out a very persistent color. Short hair can be dyed with permanent dye, since every two or three months you still need to get a haircut. But long hair is worth saving and choosing a soft dye.
  2. Ammonia-free dyes have caring properties - after the procedure of dyeing with such a composition, the hair simply shines. They look like in an advertisement. Alas, the minus of such a dye is instability and a relatively high price.
unusual fashionable coloring

Ombre and sombre: what is the difference?

The main difference between ombre and conventional staining is a smooth transition from a darker color to a light one. Important rule: no contrasts! The color transition should be as smooth as possible so that it is impossible to say exactly where one ends and another begins.

The difference between sombre is a smooth transition not only horizontally, but also vertically. The transition from one color to another can be at the very tips, it can start from the ears or at about clavicle level - it does not matter. This is a fairly simple hair coloring. The color of the tips can be anything from ash blonde to bright crimson. Of course, the shade of the lower part of the ombre should differ from the shade in the upper part.

Aftercare for colored hair

Even if you have done the dyeing by an experienced master and now your hair looks luxurious, do not forget about leaving! Dyed hair is injured. They need professional care.

Find an acid shampoo specifically designed for colored hair. After washing your hair, use concentrates and masks, especially with keratin and other proteins in the composition. But you have to forget about homemade oil masks: oils instantly wash pigment from the hair cuticle, making it hollow and brittle. After you dye your hair, your choice is exclusively professional means.

If you use a hairdryer or nippers for styling, you should purchase a thermal protective agent. It should be applied every time before styling, this will prevent damage along the length, and also give the hair additional shine and density.


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