Object 292: Specifications, Manufacturer

One of the main combat missions of modern armored vehicles is the guaranteed elimination of not only existing models of tanks of the alleged enemy, but also modernized models, the appearance of which is expected in the near future. In order to maintain leadership in the field of military vehicles, in the eighties of the last century, the USSR government instructed to develop a project code-named "Object 292". The new tank was supposed to have increased protection and a powerful weapon.

object 292

Initial development stage

Specialists of Spetsmash OJSC (Kirov) and VNIITransmash designers began work on the project in the late eighties. The main goal of the developers was the creation of a combat vehicle with a high-powered gun. This is not to say that work on the project was very active. Much depended on timely financing, which was not there.

The first firing prototype performed in 1990 at a training ground near St. Petersburg. It was a T-80 tank, equipped with a 152.4 mm gun. According to calculations, firepower was supposed to increase one and a half times.

Among the specialists who worked on the development of new equipment, one can note the General Designer A.K. Dzyavgo (laureate of the State Prize), the head of the armament department Khlopov A.I., the designer Shpagin, Konokotin and Gaininov. In addition to them, many employees from these design bureaus, as well as a number of specialized machine-building enterprises, took part in the work.

New ideas

The basis of the experimental equipment Object 292 took the serial model T-80 BB. A decent tower was designed to become a powerful tool in the design bureau. The history of its creation is worth talking separately. Initially, this element was to be manufactured by the Izhora plant. But he refused an urgent order, explaining this by a substantial load of equipment with serial kits.

object 292 tank

The contract for the supply of an armored vehicle with an improved gun was on the verge of collapse. Designers have found a way out. The new welded type tower of the original design was designed by engineer N. N. Soloviev. The Zhdanovsky Machine-Building Plant (Mariupol) was assigned to produce the part. Despite the fact that an agreement was concluded, the work was also delayed.

Innovative solutions

To speed up the process, it was decided to modify Object 292 by design bureau forces. The development of the tower was entrusted to Novikov. The element itself subsequently underwent a number of changes, namely:

  • The tower received a new ebb in the embrasure area, designed for the dimensions of the gun with a caliber of 152.4 mm.
  • The geometry of the stern has changed.
  • The weight of the tower was increased through the installation of special loads.
  • Special niches have appeared.

Modernization of the updated top was entrusted to one of the shops of the Kirov plant. In another department of the same plant, prototype running tracks were produced.

As a result, the now-famous Object-292 was created - a tank that received not just an updated turret with a powerful cannon, but a whole range of improvements. Also worth noting are the innovative implementations in the form of square bushings made of phenolone and terroristic treadmills.

object 292 in the kubinka

Benefits of the New Sample

In the new modification, the car was characterized by a whole set of updates, especially in the technical part. Advanced β€œrunners” did not need to be processed with high-frequency currents and further complex mandrels.


  • significantly increased firing strength;
  • the backlashes that took place in previous series with a ball-bearing mechanism are gone;
  • stabilizer performance has improved;
  • the accuracy of the shot became more stable with lateral and horizontal roll;
  • the need to use standard lubricant in large quantities disappeared (the bisulfite mixture replaced).

It is worth noting that "Object-292" was also tested at the test site of the Malyshev plant (Kharkov). All of these benefits have been noted. If we compare the developed scheme with similar modifications of the USA and Germany, then the Soviet machine showed the best result by rollback and run.


To solve the main problems associated with the use of a new tool, various innovative ideas have allowed. The designers provided for the use of a piston-type shutter instead of the wedge version. This avoided dropping the main support during the shot. In addition, the design was equipped with an air purge system, which replaced the ejector. The machine builders from Mariupol nevertheless made the long-awaited tower, indicating on the pioneer model that they can complete as many of these samples as you wish - just order.

object 292 caliber 152 4 mm

If we turn to the tests of the combat vehicle under consideration, it can be noted that the improved T-80 tank (project 292) showed quite good results. Among the positive aspects, experts noted the following:

  • aiming and stability were at the proper level, despite the large caliber of the gun;
  • ballistic characteristics exceeded almost one and a half times that of a standard gun type 2A-46M-1 (125 mm);
  • all nodes showed their reliability;
  • shock resistance and standards for acceleration and loads are observed commensurate with the calculated parameters.

After testing, it became clear that installing an enhanced gun on Object 292 is a reality that can be brought to life. The design bureau continued to develop even more actively, but not everything turned out to be so simple.


After installing the reinforced gun, it was possible to increase the power of the domestic tank by an order of magnitude, to prove in practice and in theory that there are prospects and possibilities for translating the plan into action. Object 292 (caliber 152.4 mm) could become one of the most formidable tanks in the world.

As leading experts noted, after successful tests, the customer did not show much interest in the mass production of the modifications in question. This is largely due to the collapse of the USSR, negotiations with Western countries on the reduction of armaments and financial incapacity. In the future, the development of this armored vehicle was suspended, and subsequently completely frozen. Nevertheless, the search continues for optimal options that can combine the achievements of Soviet designers and the latest technology.

jsc special machine


Below are the main technical parameters of the model in question:

  1. Chassis - modernized with the calculation of mounting the tower under the gun caliber 152 mm.
  2. The main base and chassis are the prototype of the T-80 tank.
  3. Modified charging mechanism.
  4. Armor type - complex steel combined and protivosnaryadny variation
  5. Width / height / ground clearance - 3.65 / 2.19 / 0.45 meters.
  6. The power of the power unit is 1250 horsepower.
  7. Suspension - individual with torsion bar.

The tank in question belongs to the prototypes, the crew is designed for three people, the prototype and the only full-fledged prototype was released in nineteen ninety-one.


A smooth-bore gun with a caliber of 152.4 mm was installed on the sample in question. Its dimensions practically did not exceed the dimensions of a standard gun, but in terms of ballistic performance and power it was an order of magnitude more efficient. The tower was adjusted for strength and stability according to the performance of the combat system. In the future, it was planned to install machine guns and other equipment. However, this did not come to this. An option was designed with the possibility of mounting a new design on the chassis of the T-80 combat vehicle without alterations.

type of armor

Interesting Facts

One of the leading designers who participated in the design of the tank in question brought several interesting facts about this machine. He noted that the work of the equipment was checked at the Rzhev landfill. The factors of the power of the shot, accuracy and recoil towards the crew were taken into account. All aspects received a positive assessment. Nevertheless: perestroika, mutually beneficial cooperation in the international format and the political situation have done their job. The project was frozen, and the strengthening of the army still remained in question.

Despite the fact that the BMPT (combat support of tanks) format is considered to be prevailing in the armament of the Russian ground forces, the development of military equipment itself in accordance with time gives much more opportunities and potential in terms of increasing attack and defense ability.

Modern history

Negative financial and controversial political moments played a cruel joke with one of the most promising developments in the domestic tank building. In autumn 2007, employees of Spetsmash OJSC shipped a failed novelty to one of the Moscow Region districts. Object 292 in Kubinka serves as a museum exhibit. Everyone can see it in the Military History Museum of Armored Equipment and Armaments.

smoothbore gun

I want to believe that the development of bright goals will not be in vain. Much has improved, changed, undergone modernization. Undoubtedly, there is something to learn from the projects of the great Soviet designers, who at one time were always one step ahead of the competition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C34726/

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